path: root/src/coap_unparse.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/coap_unparse.erl')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/coap_unparse.erl b/src/coap_unparse.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaca450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coap_unparse.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ build_response/3,
+ build_text_response/4,
+ method_name/1]).
+coap_scheme_defaults() ->
+ [{coap, 5683},
+ {coaps, 5684},
+ {'coap+tcp', 5683},
+ {'coaps+tcp', 443}
+ ].
+% RFC7252, Section 3
+types() ->
+ [{confirmable, 0},
+ {nonconfirmable, 1},
+ {acknowledgement, 2},
+ {reset, 3}].
+type_code(Type) ->
+ proplists:get_value(Type, types()).
+% RFC7252, Section 3
+%% code() ->
+%% [{request, 0},
+%% {success, 2},
+%% {clienterror, 4},
+%% {servererror, 5}].
+% RFC7252, Section 12.1.1
+methods() ->
+ [{get, 1},
+ {post, 2},
+ {put, 3},
+ {delete, 4}
+ ].
+method_code(Method) ->
+ proplists:get_value(Method, methods()).
+method_name(Number) ->
+ {Method, Number} = lists:keyfind(Number, 2, methods()),
+ Method.
+-spec uri_to_options(string()) -> [{string(), integer(), list()}].
+% convert an URI to the corresponding COAP Options
+uri_to_options(Uri) ->
+ {ok, {_, _, Host, Port, Path, _}} = http_uri:parse(Uri,
+ [{scheme_defaults, coap_scheme_defaults()},
+ {ipv6_host_with_brackets, true}]),
+ % Remove brackets from addr if present
+ Host2 = case Host of
+ [$[|T] -> [X || X <- T, X =/= $]];
+ _ -> Host
+ end,
+ {Host2, Port, path_to_options(Path)}.
+% convert an URI path to the corresponding COAP Options
+path_to_options([$/|Path]) ->
+ lists:reverse(path_to_options(string:tokens(Path, "/"), [])).
+path_to_options([], Options) ->
+ Options;
+path_to_options([H|T], Options) ->
+ path_to_options(T, [{?COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH, H}|Options]).
+-spec content_format_to_options(string()) -> [{integer(), integer()}].
+% @doc: convert a content format into a number (12.3)
+content_format_to_options(ContentFormat) ->
+ FormatNum = corerl:content_format_number(ContentFormat),
+-spec num_bytes(integer()) -> integer().
+num_bytes(Val) when is_integer(Val), Val =< 16#ff ->
+ 1;
+num_bytes(Val) when is_integer(Val), Val =< 16#ffff ->
+ 2;
+num_bytes(Val) when is_integer(Val), Val =< 16#ffffff ->
+ 3.
+-spec option_length(integer() | binary() | list()) -> integer().
+option_length(Val) when is_integer(Val) ->
+ num_bytes(Val);
+option_length(Val) when is_binary(Val) ->
+ byte_size(Val);
+option_length(Val) when is_list(Val) ->
+ string:len(Val).
+-spec option_format_int(integer()) -> {integer(), integer(), integer()}.
+option_format_int(Val) ->
+ case Val of
+ X when X < 13 ->
+ {X, 0, 0};
+ X when 13 =< X, X < 269 ->
+ {13, X-13, 8};
+ X when X >= 14 ->
+ {14, X-269, 16}
+ end.
+-spec options_to_bin(list()) -> iolist().
+options_to_bin(Options) ->
+ % FIXME: sort options by number here
+ options_to_bin(Options, 0, []).
+options_to_bin([], _, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+options_to_bin([{Num, Val}|T], OldNum, Acc) when is_integer(Num)->
+ Diff = Num - OldNum,
+ if Diff < 0 -> erlang:error(badarith);
+ true -> true
+ end,
+ Len = option_length(Val),
+ {Delta, ExtDelta, ExtDeltaBits} = option_format_int(Diff),
+ {Length, ExtLength, ExtLengthBits} = option_format_int(Len),
+ NewBin = [[<<Delta:4, Length:4,
+ ExtDelta:ExtDeltaBits,
+ ExtLength:ExtLengthBits>>,
+ Val] | Acc],
+ options_to_bin(T, Num, NewBin).
+build_request([{url, Url}, {method, Method}], Msgid, Options) ->
+ {Host, Port, UriOptions} = uri_to_options(Url),
+ BinOptions = options_to_bin(UriOptions ++ Options),
+ MethodNumber = method_code(Method),
+ Type = type_code(confirmable),
+ {Host, Port, [<<1:2, Type:2, 0:4, 0:3, MethodNumber:5, Msgid:16>>, BinOptions]}.
+build_request(Url, Msgid) ->
+ build_request([{url, Url}, {method, get}], Msgid, []).
+build_response(Class, Detail, Msgid) ->
+ Type = type_code(confirmable),
+ [<<1:2, Type:2, 0:4, Class:3, Detail:5, Msgid:16>>].
+build_text_response(Class, Detail, Msgid, Payload) ->
+ Options = content_format_to_options("text/plain"),
+ BinOptions = options_to_bin(Options),
+ Type = type_code(confirmable),
+ [<<1:2, Type:2, 0:4, Class:3, Detail:5, Msgid:16>>, BinOptions, ?COAP_PAYLOAD_MARKER, Payload].
+option_delta_test() ->
+ % Check if we encode the option delta correctly
+ ?assertEqual(options_to_bin([{11, "foo"}]),
+ [[<<11:4, 3:4>>, "foo"]]),
+ ?assertEqual(options_to_bin([{15, "foo"}]),
+ [[<<13:4, 3:4, 2:8>>, "foo"]]),
+ ?assertEqual(options_to_bin([{275, "foo"}]),
+ [[<<14:4, 3:4, 6:16>>, "foo"]]).
+option_length_test() ->
+ % Check if we encode the option value length correctly
+ ?assertEqual(options_to_bin([{11, "12345678901234"}]),
+ [[<<11:4, 13:4, 1:8>>, "12345678901234"]]),
+ % integer represented in one byte
+ ?assertEqual(options_to_bin([{11, 24}]),
+ [[<<11:4, 1:4>>, 24]]),
+ % integer represented in two bytes
+ ?assertEqual(options_to_bin([{11, 324}]),
+ [[<<11:4, 2:4>>, 324]]),
+ % integer represented in three bytes
+ ?assertEqual(options_to_bin([{11, 70024}]),
+ [[<<11:4, 3:4>>, 70024]]).
+path_to_options_test() ->
+ Path = "/.well-known/core",
+ Ret = path_to_options(Path),
+ ?assertEqual(Ret, [{11,".well-known"},{11,"core"}]).
+uri_to_options_test() ->
+ Uri = "coap://[::1]/.well-known/core",
+ Ret = uri_to_options(Uri),
+ ?assertEqual(Ret, {"::1", 5683, [{11,".well-known"},{11,"core"}]}).