(defvar deb_secure_testing_path "~/secure-tesing" "Path to your secure-testing-checkout") (defun xcpu-deb-open-bts () "Open the bug under the cursor in the debian bts" (interactive) (let* ( (bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)) (text (if bounds (buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds)) (read-string "Debian Bug Number: "))) (url (concat "http://bugs.debian.org/" text)) ) (browse-url url) )) (defun xcpu-deb-open-security-tracker () "Open the symbol under the cursor in the debian security tracker" (interactive) (let* ( (bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)) (text (if bounds (buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds)) (read-string "CVE Number: "))) (url (concat "http://security-tracker.debian.org/" text)) ) (browse-url url) )) (defun xcpu-deb-open-tracker () "Open the symbol under the cursor in the debian package tracker" (interactive) (let* ( (bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)) (text (if bounds (buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds)) (read-string "Package name: "))) (url (concat "http://tracker.debian.org/pkg/" text)) ) (browse-url url) )) (defun xcpu-deb-dla-insert-pkg-buffer (pkg) "Insert a package at the right position in the current buffer" (setq source_re "^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+-.]+") (setq more_lines t) (setq found nil) (goto-char 1) (search-forward "--\n") (while more_lines (setq found_pkg (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) (point))) (if (string< found_pkg pkg) (setq more_lines (re-search-forward source_re (point-max) t)) (progn (setq more_lines nil) (setq found t)) )) (unless found (goto-char (point-max))) (search-backward "--\n") (insert (concat "--\n" pkg "\n")) (backward-char 1) ) (defun xcpu-deb-dla-insert-pkg-file (filename) "Add a package to dla-needed.txt or dsa-needed.txt" (find-file (expand-file-name filename (concat deb_secure_testing_path "/data"))) (let ((pkg (read-string "Package: "))) (xcpu-deb-dla-insert-pkg-buffer pkg) ) ) (defun xcpu-deb-add-dla-needed () "Add a package to dla-needed.txt" (interactive) (xcpu-deb-dla-insert-pkg-file "dla-needed.txt")) (defun xcpu-deb-add-dsa-needed () "Add a package to dsa-needed.txt" (interactive) (xcpu-deb-dla-insert-pkg-file "dsa-needed.txt"))