require 'tmpdir' class ImageUploadController < ApplicationController before_filter :find_compute def index end def new # Needed for form @image_info = end def create uploaded = params[:image_info][:image] source = safe_copy uploaded # FIXME: allow to set volume name @image_info = => source, :pool_name => params[:image_info][:pool_name], :volume_name => File.basename(uploaded.original_filename)) begin @compute.upload_image(@image_info.source, @image_info.pool_name, @image_info.volume_name) process_success({:success_redirect => compute_resource_image_upload_index_path(@compute), :success_msg => "Successfully uploaded '#{@image_info.volume_name}' to '#{@image_info.pool_name}'"} ) rescue Foreman::Exception => e process_error({:error_redirect => compute_resource_image_upload_index_path(@compute), :error_msg => "#{e}"}) end rm_copy end def find_compute return not_found unless params[:compute_resource_id].present? @compute = ::ComputeResource.find(params[:compute_resource_id]) return not_found unless @compute.capabilities.include?(:image) end private def safe_copy(uploaded) # FIXME: need to fix fog to accep IO instead of filename to save # fthe extra copy image_dir = Rails.root.join 'uploaded_images' Dir.mkdir image_dir unless image_dir source = image_dir.join uploaded.original_filename, 'wb') do |f| f.write( end source end def rm_copy File.unlink @image_info.source if File.exists? @image_info.source @image_info.source = nil end end