diff options
13 files changed, 2 insertions, 562 deletions
diff --git a/debian/git-buildpackage.install b/debian/git-buildpackage.install
index ebc1d8e7..4ed4cc74 100644
--- a/debian/git-buildpackage.install
+++ b/debian/git-buildpackage.install
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/
usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/
usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/
-usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/
usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/
usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/
usr/lib/python3.?/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/ usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gbp/scripts/
diff --git a/debian/git-buildpackage.manpages b/debian/git-buildpackage.manpages
index 19b7b795..60f37624 100644
--- a/debian/git-buildpackage.manpages
+++ b/debian/git-buildpackage.manpages
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ docs/gbp-export-orig.1
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index d1567e5e..b7258a47 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ MAN1S = \
gbp-import-dsc \
gbp-import-dscs \
gbp-import-orig \
- gbp-import-ref \
gbp-pq \
gbp-pristine-tar \
gbp-pull \
diff --git a/docs/common.ent b/docs/common.ent
index d15440fd..7f180064 100644
--- a/docs/common.ent
+++ b/docs/common.ent
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
<!ENTITY gbp-import-dsc "<command>gbp&nbsp;import-dsc</command>">
<!ENTITY gbp-import-dscs "<command>gbp&nbsp;import-dscs</command>">
<!ENTITY gbp-import-orig "<command>gbp&nbsp;import-orig</command>">
- <!ENTITY gbp-import-ref "<command>gbp&nbsp;import-ref</command>">
<!ENTITY gbp-import-srpm "<command>gbp&nbsp;import-srpm</command>">
<!ENTITY gbp-pq "<command>gbp&nbsp;pq</command>">
<!ENTITY gbp-pq-export "<command>gbp&nbsp;pq&nbsp;<option>export</option></command>">
diff --git a/docs/man.gbp.xml b/docs/man.gbp.xml
index 8d044a81..f77a1333 100644
--- a/docs/man.gbp.xml
+++ b/docs/man.gbp.xml
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/manpages/gbp-import-ref.xml b/docs/manpages/gbp-import-ref.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 77f7447f..00000000
--- a/docs/manpages/gbp-import-ref.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-<refentry id="man.gbp.import.ref">
- <refentryinfo>
- <address>
- &dhemail;
- </address>
- <author>
- &dhfirstname;
- &dhsurname;
- </author>
- </refentryinfo>
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>gbp-import-ref</refentrytitle>
- &dhsection;
- </refmeta>
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>gbp-import-ref</refname>
- <refpurpose>Update upstream sources when using &git; only</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <cmdsynopsis>
- &gbp-import-ref;
- &man.common.options.synopsis;
- <arg><option>--upstream-version=</option><replaceable>version</replaceable></arg>
- <arg><option>--merge-mode=</option><replaceable>[auto|merge|replace]</replaceable></arg>
- <arg><option>--upstream-branch=</option><replaceable>branch_name</replaceable></arg>
- <arg><option>--upstream-tag=</option><replaceable>tag_format</replaceable></arg>
- <arg><option>--upstream-tree=</option><replaceable>[BRANCH|VERSION|commit-id]</replaceable></arg>
- <arg><option>--debian-branch=</option><replaceable>branch_name</replaceable></arg>
- <arg><option>--[no-]sign-tags</option></arg>
- <arg><option>--keyid=</option><replaceable>gpg-keyid</replaceable></arg>
- <arg><option>--postimport=cmd</option></arg>
- <arg><option>--[no-]rollback</option></arg>
- </cmdsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsect1>
- <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
- <para>
- &gbp-import-ref; merges upstream git commits onto your &debian-branch;
- You can either specifiy a branch to merge, give an upstream
- version or specify the commit id directly. If no tag exists for the imported
- commit it will be automatically created.
- </para>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>OPTIONS</title>
- <variablelist>
- &man.common.options.description;
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--upstream-version</option>=<replaceable>version</replaceable></term>
- <term><option>-u</option><replaceable>version</replaceable></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The upstream version to merge. The upstream tag to use will be determined via
- the <option>--upstream-tag</option>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--merge-mode=</option><replaceable>[auto|merge|replace]</replaceable></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- How to fold the upstream commits onto the
- &debian; packaging branch.
- </para>
- <para>
- <replaceable>merge</replaceable> does a
- &git; <command>merge</command> leaving you on your own in
- case of merge conflict resolution.
- </para>
- <para>
- <replaceable>replace</replaceable> mode on the
- other hand makes the head of the &debian; packaging branch
- identical to the newly imported tree but preserves the
- content of the <filename>debian/</filename> directory
- while keeping the current head as well as the newly
- imported tree as parents of the generated commit. This is
- similar to a <option>theirs</option> merge strategy while
- preserving <filename>debian/</filename>.
- </para>
- <para>
- The default is <replaceable>auto</replaceable> which
- uses <replaceable>replace</replaceable> for 3.0 (quilt) packages
- and <replaceable>merge</replaceable> otherwise.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--upstream-branch</option>=<replaceable>branch_name</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The branch in the &git; repository the upstream sources are
- on. Default is <replaceable>upstream</replaceable>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--upstream-tag=</option><replaceable>tag-format</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Use this tag format when looking up upstream tags,
- default is <replaceable>upstream/%(version)s</replaceable>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--upstream-tree=</option><replaceable>[BRANCH|VERSION|commit-id]</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- What to merge into the &debian-branch;.
- <replaceable>BRANCH</replaceable> (the default) merges from the upstream branch.
- <replaceable>VERSION</replaceable> looks for a tag determined from the given
- upstream version number via the <option>--upstream-version</option> option.
- </para>
- <para>
- Other values are interpreted as git commit id to merge from.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--debian-branch</option>=<replaceable>branch_name</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The branch in the &git; repository the &debian; package is being
- developed on, default is <replaceable>master</replaceable>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--[no-]sign-tags</option>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- GPG sign all created tags.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--keyid=</option><replaceable>gpg-keyid</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Use this <option><replaceable>keyid</replaceable></option>
- for gpg signing tags.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--import-msg=</option><replaceable>msg-format</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Use this format string for the commit message when importing upstream
- versions, default is
- <replaceable>New upstream version %(version)s</replaceable>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--postimport=<replaceable>cmd</replaceable></option></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Run <replaceable>cmd</replaceable> after the import. The
- hook gets the following environment variables passed:
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><envar>GBP_BRANCH</envar></term>
- <listitem><para>
- The name of the Debian packaging branch
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><envar>GBP_TAG</envar></term>
- <listitem><para>
- The name of the just created upstream tag
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><envar>GBP_UPSTREAM_VERSION</envar></term>
- <listitem><para>
- The just imported upstream version
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><envar>GBP_DEBIAN_VERSION</envar></term>
- <listitem><para>
- The Debian version of the package with a Debian
- revision of '-1'
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><option>--[no-]rollback</option></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Rollback changes in case of an error.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>EXAMPLES</title>
- <para>
- Merge commits from the &upstream-branch; into the &debian-branch;
- creating a tag for the version <replaceable>0.0~git20180524</replaceable>:
- </para>
- <screen>
- &gbp-import-ref; --upstream-tree=BRANCH -u0.0~git20180524</screen>
- <para>
- Merge commits from the the tag corresponding to version <replaceable>1.0</replaceable>:
- </para>
- <screen>
- &gbp-import-ref; --upstream-tree=VERSION -u1.0</screen>
- <para>
- Merge commits given by a SHA1 creating a tag for the version
- <replaceable>0.0~git20180524</replaceable>
- </para>
- <screen>
- &gbp-import-ref; --upstream-tree=c4398912c -u0.0~git20180524</screen>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- &man.gbp.config-files;
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>SEE ALSO</title>
- <para>
- <xref linkend="man.gbp.buildpackage"/>,
- <xref linkend="man.gbp.import.dsc"/>,
- <xref linkend="man.gbp.import.dscs"/>,
- <xref linkend="man.gbp.dch"/>,
- <xref linkend="man.gbp.conf"/>,
- <citerefentry>
- <refentrytitle>uscan</refentrytitle>
- <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
- </citerefentry>,
- &man.seealso.common;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>AUTHOR</title>
- <para>
- &dhusername; &dhemail;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
-<!-- LocalWords: xz lzma bzip gzip tarball
diff --git a/docs/manpages/manpages.ent b/docs/manpages/manpages.ent
index b53ff4e4..452f83a5 100644
--- a/docs/manpages/manpages.ent
+++ b/docs/manpages/manpages.ent
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
<!ENTITY man.gbp.importdsc SYSTEM "gbp-import-dsc.xml">
<!ENTITY man.gbp.importdscs SYSTEM "gbp-import-dscs.xml">
<!ENTITY man.gbp.importorig SYSTEM "gbp-import-orig.xml">
-<!ENTITY man.gbp.importref SYSTEM "gbp-import-ref.xml">
<!ENTITY man.gbp.pq SYSTEM "gbp-pq.xml">
<!ENTITY man.gbp.pq.rpm SYSTEM "gbp-pq-rpm.xml">
<!ENTITY man.gbp.pristine.tar SYSTEM "gbp-pristine-tar.xml">
diff --git a/docs/manual.xml b/docs/manual.xml
index 09a7a1fb..35a4e417 100644
--- a/docs/manual.xml
+++ b/docs/manual.xml
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
- &man.gbp.importref;
diff --git a/gbp/ b/gbp/
index 76a850de..95b02442 100644
--- a/gbp/
+++ b/gbp/
@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ class GbpOptionParser(OptionParser):
'full': 'False',
'git-author': 'False',
'git-log': '--no-merges',
- 'git-ref': 'upstream/latest',
'hooks': 'True',
'id-length': '0',
'ignore-branch': 'False',
diff --git a/gbp/scripts/ b/gbp/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1177a10..00000000
--- a/gbp/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
-# (C) 2018 Michael Stapelberg <>
-# 2018 Guido Günther <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, please see
-# <>
-"""Import a new upstream version from a git branch onto the Debian branch"""
-import os
-import sys
-import gbp.command_wrappers as gbpc
-from gbp.deb.git import GitRepositoryError
-from gbp.config import GbpOptionParserDebian, GbpOptionGroup
-from gbp.errors import GbpError
-import gbp.log
-from gbp.scripts.common import ExitCodes
-from gbp.deb.rollbackgit import RollbackDebianGitRepository
-from gbp.scripts.import_orig import (debian_branch_merge,
- postimport_hook,
- set_bare_repo_options,
- rollback)
-def get_commit_and_version_to_merge(repo, options):
- """
- Get the commit and version we want to merge based on the
- --upstream-tag setting
- """
- version = options.version
- if options.upstream_tree.upper() == 'VERSION':
- # Determine tag name from given version
- if not options.version:
- raise GbpError("No upstream version given, try -u<version>")
- commit = repo.version_to_tag(options.upstream_tag, options.version)
- elif options.upstream_tree.upper() == 'BRANCH':
- # Use head of upstrem branch
- if not repo.has_branch(options.upstream_branch):
- raise GbpError("%s is not a valid branch" % options.upstream_branch)
- commit = options.upstream_branch
- else:
- # Use whatever is passed in as commitish
- commit = "%s^{commit}" % options.upstream_tree
- return commit, version
-def build_parser(name):
- try:
- parser = GbpOptionParserDebian(command=os.path.basename(name), prefix='',
- usage='%prog [options] /path/to/upstream-version.tar.gz | --uscan')
- except GbpError as err:
- gbp.log.err(err)
- return None
- import_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "import options",
- "import related options")
- tag_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "tag options",
- "tag related options ")
- branch_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "version and branch naming options",
- "version number and branch layout options")
- cmd_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "external command options",
- "how and when to invoke external commands and hooks")
- for group in [import_group, branch_group, tag_group, cmd_group]:
- parser.add_option_group(group)
- branch_group.add_option("-u", "--upstream-version", dest="version",
- help="The version number to use for the new version, "
- "default is ''", default='')
- branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="debian-branch",
- dest="debian_branch")
- branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-branch",
- dest="upstream_branch")
- branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-tree",
- dest="upstream_tree",
- help="Where to merge the upstream changes from.",
- default="VERSION")
- branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="merge-mode", dest="merge_mode")
- tag_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="sign-tags",
- dest="sign_tags")
- tag_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="keyid",
- dest="keyid")
- tag_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-tag",
- dest="upstream_tag")
- import_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="import-msg",
- dest="import_msg")
- cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="postimport", dest="postimport")
- parser.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="rollback",
- dest="rollback")
- parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
- help="verbose command execution")
- parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color", dest="color", type='tristate')
- parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color-scheme",
- dest="color_scheme")
- return parser
-def parse_args(argv):
- """Parse the command line arguments
- @return: options and arguments
- """
- parser = build_parser(argv[0])
- if not parser:
- return None, None
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
- gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme)
- return options, args
-def main(argv):
- ret = 0
- repo = None
- (options, args) = parse_args(argv)
- if not options:
- return ExitCodes.parse_error
- # TODO: honor --filter option
- # TODO: add --filter-with-copyright which takes d/copyright into account
- # TODO: handle automatic versions based on timestamp + sha1
- # TODO: handle updating of upstream branch from remote
- try:
- try:
- repo = RollbackDebianGitRepository('.')
- except GitRepositoryError:
- raise GbpError("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.')))
- commit, version = get_commit_and_version_to_merge(repo, options)
- is_empty = repo.is_empty()
- (clean, out) = repo.is_clean()
- if not clean and not is_empty:
- gbp.log.err("Repository has uncommitted changes, commit these first: ")
- raise GbpError(out)
- if repo.bare:
- set_bare_repo_options(options)
- try:
- tag = repo.version_to_tag(options.upstream_tag, version)
- if not repo.has_tag(tag):
-"Upstream tag '%s' not found. Creating it for you." % tag)
- repo.create_tag(name=tag,
- msg="Upstream version %s" % version,
- commit="%s^0" % commit,
- sign=options.sign_tags,
- keyid=options.keyid)
- if is_empty:
- repo.create_branch(branch=options.debian_branch, rev=commit)
- repo.force_head(options.debian_branch, hard=True)
- # In an empty repo avoid master branch defaulted to by
- # git and check out debian branch instead.
- if not repo.bare:
- cur = repo.branch
- if cur != options.debian_branch:
- repo.set_branch(options.debian_branch)
- repo.delete_branch(cur)
- else:
- repo.rrr_branch(options.debian_branch)
- debian_branch_merge(repo, tag, version, options)
- # Update working copy and index if we've possibly updated the
- # checked out branch
- current_branch = repo.get_branch()
- if current_branch in [options.upstream_branch,
- repo.pristine_tar_branch]:
- repo.force_head(current_branch, hard=True)
- postimport_hook(repo, tag, version, options)
- except (gbpc.CommandExecFailed, GitRepositoryError) as err:
- msg = str(err) or 'Unknown error, please report a bug'
- raise GbpError("Import of %s failed: %s" % (commit, msg))
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise GbpError("Import of %s failed: aborted by user" % (options.git_ref))
- except GbpError as err:
- if str(err):
- gbp.log.err(err)
- ret = 1
- rollback(repo, options)
- if not ret:
-"Successfully imported version %s" % (version))
- return ret
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·:
diff --git a/packaging/git-buildpackage.spec b/packaging/git-buildpackage.spec
index 21378242..3d4d29de 100644
--- a/packaging/git-buildpackage.spec
+++ b/packaging/git-buildpackage.spec
@@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ cat > files.list << EOF
@@ -194,7 +193,6 @@ cat >> files.list << EOF
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 25c36fb0..de930137 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ class TestHelp(TestCaseWithData):
- 'import_ref',
- 'tag']
+ 'tag',
+ ]
rpm_cmds = ['buildpackage_rpm',
diff --git a/tests/component/deb/ b/tests/component/deb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 260a8be1..00000000
--- a/tests/component/deb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
-# (C) 2015,2017 Guido Günther <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, please see
-# <>
-import os
-from tests.component import ComponentTestBase
-from tests.component.deb import DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR
-from tests.component.deb.fixtures import RepoFixtures
-from gbp.scripts.import_ref import main as import_ref
-from import ok_, eq_
-def _dsc_file(pkg, version, dir='dsc-3.0'):
- return os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, dir, '%s_%s.dsc' % (pkg, version))
-DEFAULT_DSC = _dsc_file('hello-debhelper', '2.6-2')
-class TestImportRef(ComponentTestBase):
- """Test importing of new upstream versions"""
- pkg = "hello-debhelper"
- def_branches = ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar']
- def _orig(self, version, dir='dsc-3.0'):
- return os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR,
- dir,
- '%s_%s.orig.tar.gz' % (self.pkg, version))
- @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])
- def test_from_branch(self, repo):
- """
- Test that importing a upstream git from a branch works
- """
- eq_(len(repo.get_commits()), 2)
- ok_(import_ref(['arg0',
- '--upstream-tree=BRANCH',
- '--upstream-tag=theupstream/%(version)s',
- '-uaversion']) == 0)
- self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', self.def_branches,
- tags=['debian/2.6-2', 'theupstream/aversion', 'upstream/2.6'])
- eq_(len(repo.get_commits()), 3)
- @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])
- def test_from_version(self, repo):
- """
- Test that importing a upstream git from a given version works
- """
- eq_(len(repo.get_commits()), 2)
- ok_(import_ref(['arg0',
- '--upstream-tree=VERSION',
- '--upstream-tag=upstream/%(version)s',
- '-u2.6']) == 0)
- self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', self.def_branches,
- tags=['debian/2.6-2', 'upstream/2.6'])
- eq_(len(repo.get_commits()), 3)
- @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])
- def test_from_committish(self, repo):
- """
- Test that importing a upstream git from another commit works
- """
- eq_(len(repo.get_commits()), 2)
- ok_(import_ref(['arg0',
- '--upstream-tree=upstream',
- '--upstream-tag=upstream/%(version)s',
- '-u2.6']) == 0)
- self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', self.def_branches,
- tags=['debian/2.6-2', 'upstream/2.6'])
- eq_(len(repo.get_commits()), 3)