path: root/docs/chapters
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/chapters')
3 files changed, 141 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/docs/chapters/building.sgml b/docs/chapters/building.sgml
index c7ac94b7..a028a4c4 100644
--- a/docs/chapters/building.sgml
+++ b/docs/chapters/building.sgml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<para>If you want to default to build in a separate build area, you can
specify the directory to use in the <filename>gbp.conf</filename> file.
# use a build area relative to the git repository
# to use the same build area for all packages use an absolute path:
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ echo "done."
by specifying the export directory:
# use a build area relative to the git repository
export-dir = ../build-area
# disable the since the sources are being exported first
diff --git a/docs/chapters/import.sgml b/docs/chapters/import.sgml
index ca2f927f..b86ca848 100644
--- a/docs/chapters/import.sgml
+++ b/docs/chapters/import.sgml
@@ -89,12 +89,41 @@ by version number.
<option>--pristine-tar</option> option. This is recommended.
<para>To customize the commit message used by &gbp-import-orig;, use
- the <option>--import-msg</option> option. This string is a standard
- Python format string, into which the
- <replaceable>version</replaceable> variable is interpolated. (i.e.,
- use <replaceable>%(version)s</replaceable> in your message to get
- the imported upstream version).
+ the <option>--import-msg</option> option. This string is a
+ &pyformat;, into which the
+ <replaceable>version</replaceable> variable is
+ interpolated. (i.e., use <replaceable>%(version)s</replaceable> in
+ your message to get the imported upstream version).
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Recovering from errors</title>
+ <para>In case of an error &gbp-import-orig; will by default
+ rollback (undo) all changes it has done to the repository so far:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting>
+ $ &gbp; import-orig --verbose --filter='CVS/*' --filter='.bzr/*' --filter='.hg/*' --filter='.svn/*' --upstream-version=1.9 ../gif2apng-1.9.tar.gz
+ gbp:info: Importing '../gif2apng-1.9.tar.gz' to branch 'upstream' (filtering out ["'CVS/*'", "'.bzr/*'", "'.hg/*'", "'.svn/*'"])...
+ gbp:info: Source package is gif2apng
+ gbp:info: Upstream version is 1.9
+ gbp:info: Merging to 'master'
+ gbp:error: Automatic merge failed.
+ gbp:error: Error detected, Will roll back changes.
+ gbp:info: Rolling back branch upstream by resetting it to a6733c1f1e190ac0ed4774abc3466e9986a6df5e
+ gbp:info: Rolling back branch pristine-tar by resetting it to 0ee24ac614c920e30af82d602882c2ee841c88e5
+ gbp:info: Rolling back tag upstream/1.9 by deleting it
+ gbp:info: Rolling back branch master by resetting it to ce99782336e83a56e8e579b3cdadf93b0c19e1a8
+ gbp:info: Rolling back failed merge of upstream/1.9
+ gbp:error: Rolled back changes after import error.
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>
+ In this case the import failed due to a merge conflict. Other
+ reasons are running out of disk space, problems when generating
+ the pristine-tar delta. If you don't want &gbp-import-orig; to
+ undo changes made to the repository use
+ the <option>--no-rollback</option>.
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
<sect1 id="gbp.import.convert">
@@ -197,40 +226,95 @@ EOF
<sect1 id="gbp.import.upstream-git">
<title>When upstream uses Git</title>
- If upstream already uses git for packaging, there are several ways to handle packaging. Two of them will
- be described in a bit detail here:
+ If upstream uses &git; for development (and you don't want to
+ ignore that fact entirely), there are at least three ways to
+ handle packaging. The first one uses &git; exclusively and
+ creates the upstream tarballs from the upstream tag while the
+ second one still uses upstream tarballs but links your packaging
+ &git; history with upstreams &git; history. The third one also
+ uses a tarballs but does not link to the upstream history.
<sect2 id="gbp.import.upstream.git.notarball">
<title>No upstream tarballs</title>
- <para>If upstream doesn't build upstream tarballs, or you don't care about them, the simplest
- way is to clone upstream's repository and create a separate packaging branch in there.
+ <para>If upstream doesn't build upstream tarballs, or you
+ don't care about them, the simplest way is to clone
+ upstream's repository and create a separate packaging branch
+ in there. You will not need &gbp-import-orig; at all with
+ this workflow. &gbp-buildpackage; will handle creating the
+ upstream tarballs needed the Debian source package for you.
- In order to help &gbp-buildpackage; to find upstream tags, you need to specify the format
- using the <option>--git-upstream-tag</option> command line option or the the <option>upstream-tag</option>
- configuration variable.
+ For that to work you need to tell &gbp; how the
+ upstream tag format looks. Therefore you either
+ use the <option>--git-upstream-tag</option> command line option
+ or the <option>upstream-tag</option> configuration file
+ variable to specify upstream's tag format.
- A common upstream format is to put a <replaceable>v</replaceable> in front of the version number.
- In this case, the configuration option would look like:
+ A common upstream format is to put
+ a <replaceable>v</replaceable> in front of the version
+ number. In this case, the configuration option would look
+ like:
upstream-tag = v%(version)s
- <replaceable>version</replaceable> will be replaced with the upstream version number as read from
- <filename>debian/changelog</filename>.
+ <replaceable>version</replaceable> will be replaced with the
+ upstream version number as determined from
+ <filename>debian/changelog</filename>. The <replaceable>%()s</replaceable>
+ might be familiar from &pyformat;s.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Some upstreams use other formats though and don't separate
+ numbers by dots but rather by
+ underscore(<replaceable>_</replaceable>),
+ hyphen(<replaceable>-</replaceable>) or anything else. In
+ order to cope with that you can use version mangling of these
+ characters via substitution. The substitution works as
+ follows:
+ </para>
+upstream-tag = v%(version%.%_)s
+ <para>
+ This means that each occurrence
+ of <replaceable>.</replaceable> will be replaced
+ by <replaceable>_</replaceable> in the upstream version
+ number. For example the upstream
+ version <replaceable>1.2.3</replaceable> as determined from
+ the <filename>debian/changelog</filename> will be looked up
+ as &git; tag <replaceable>v1_2_3</replaceable> by
+ &gbp-buildpackage;.
+ <para>
+ If you want the substitution to be the <replaceable>%</replaceable> character
+ you have to escape it. E.g. <replaceable>%(version%-%\%)s</replaceable> will replace <replaceable>-</replaceable> with
+ <replaceable>%</replaceable>, transforming <replaceable>1-A.B.C</replaceable> to <replaceable>1%A.B.C</replaceable>.
+ Only a single replacement is supported and it can only replace a single character.
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ Since some of the possible mangling characters
+ like <replaceable>_</replaceable> and <replaceable>%</replaceable> are also used to denote epochs and tilde revisions
+ these versions can't be reconstructed when mapping from &git; tags back to &debian; versions and will therefore break other tools
+ like &gbp-dch;. So use version mangling with care. It's better to come up with a Debian compatible tag format upstream,
+ see &dep14; for the currently used expansion rules for Debian versions.
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </para>
<para>If you're using &pristine-tar;, you can make &gbp-buildpackage; commit the generated tarball back to the
pristine-tar branch by using the <option>--git-pristine-tar-commit</option> option. This will make sure
- others building your package can regenerate the tarball you generated for building the &debian; package.
+ others building your package can exactly regenerate the
+ tarball you created when building the &debian; package.
- <sect3>
+ <sect3>
<title>Step by step</title>
<para>To not make any assumptions about &gbp;'s configuration, the following steps have all options given
in its long versions on the command line. You can add these
@@ -275,7 +359,7 @@ upstream-tag = v%(version)s
<sect2 id="gbp.import.upstream.git.tarball">
- <title>Upstream tarballs</title>
+ <title>Upstream tarballs and linked upstream history</title>
<para>If you want to track upstream's &git; but continue to import the upstream tarballs,
e.g. to make sure the tarball uploaded
to &debian; has the same checksum as upstream's, you can use the <option>--upstream-vcs-tag</option> option
@@ -289,6 +373,35 @@ upstream-tag = v%(version)s
+ <sect2 id="gbp.import.upstream.git.separate">
+ <title>Upstream tarballs and separate upstream history</title>
+ <para>
+ If you want to have upstream's &git; history available but
+ don't want to link it to your packaging history you can
+ simply keep it as a separate history. E.g. if you already have
+ a &git; repository with your packaging, change into that
+ repository and do:
+ &gitcmd; remote add upstream https://upstream.example.com/upstream.git
+ &gitcmd; fetch upstream
+ This will pull in upstream's &git; history into your repo but since
+ your packaging commits and upstreams commits have no common
+ parents the two histories will stay nicely separated.
+ Of course you can browse it and cherry-pick from it but
+ any remote repos you push to will not get upstream's history
+ by default unless you push any of upstream's refs.
+ <warning>
+ <para>
+ Since &git; has a single tag namespace pushing
+ changes with <command>git push --tags</command> will
+ push upstream's tags (and therefore it's history) too so
+ be shure to only push dedicated tag names.
+ </para>
+ </warning>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
<sect1 id="gbp.branch.naming">
<title>Branch layout</title>
@@ -298,7 +411,7 @@ upstream-tag = v%(version)s
This layout is simple to get started but falls short if one needs to maintain several versions of
- the package at the same time. Therefore the following layout is recommended:
+ the package at the same time. Therefore the following the &dep14; layout is recommended:
@@ -316,17 +429,17 @@ upstream-tag = v%(version)s
- upstream/&lt;release&gt;
+ upstream/latest
- the upstream sources for a release matching one of the above
+ the latest upstream sources.
- dfsg/&lt;release&gt;
+ dfsg/latest
diff --git a/docs/chapters/intro.sgml b/docs/chapters/intro.sgml
index 8a6ee39c..b8048f94 100644
--- a/docs/chapters/intro.sgml
+++ b/docs/chapters/intro.sgml
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
you have to use <command>git push</command> in order to publish your
changes to remote repositories like <ulink
url="http://git.debian.org/">git.debian.org</ulink>; this can also be
- automatized with &gbp-buildpackage;'s <option>post-tag</option>
+ automated with &gbp-buildpackage;'s <option>post-tag</option>