path: root/gbp/rpm/policy.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gbp/rpm/policy.py')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/gbp/rpm/policy.py b/gbp/rpm/policy.py
index 80e0abde..b1b13372 100644
--- a/gbp/rpm/policy.py
+++ b/gbp/rpm/policy.py
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
"""Default packaging policy for RPM"""
import re
from gbp.pkg import PkgPolicy, parse_archive_filename
+from gbp.scripts.common.pq import parse_gbp_commands
class RpmPkgPolicy(PkgPolicy):
"""Packaging policy for RPM"""
@@ -33,15 +36,15 @@ class RpmPkgPolicy(PkgPolicy):
# Regexp for checking the validity of package name
packagename_re = re.compile("^[%s][%s%s]+$" %
- (alnum, alnum, name_whitelist_chars))
+ (alnum, alnum, name_whitelist_chars))
packagename_msg = ("Package names must be at least two characters long, "
"start with an alphanumeric and can only contain "
"alphanumerics or characters in %s" %
- list(name_whitelist_chars))
+ list(name_whitelist_chars))
# Regexp for checking the validity of package (upstream) version
upstreamversion_re = re.compile("^[0-9][%s%s]*$" %
- (alnum, version_whitelist_chars))
+ (alnum, version_whitelist_chars))
upstreamversion_msg = ("Upstream version numbers must start with a digit "
"and can only containg alphanumerics or characters "
"in %s" % list(version_whitelist_chars))
@@ -70,3 +73,128 @@ class RpmPkgPolicy(PkgPolicy):
return True
return False
+ class Changelog(object):
+ """Container for changelog related policy settings"""
+ # Regexps for splitting/parsing the changelog section (of
+ # Tizen / Fedora style changelogs)
+ section_match_re = r'^\*'
+ section_split_re = r'^\*\s*(?P<ch_header>\S.*?)$\n(?P<ch_body>.*)'
+ header_split_re = r'(?P<ch_time>\S.*\s[0-9]{4})\s+(?P<ch_name>\S.*$)'
+ header_name_split_re = r'(?P<name>[^<]*)\s+<(?P<email>[^>]+)>((\s*-)?\s+(?P<revision>\S+))?$'
+ body_name_re = r'\[(?P<name>.*)\]'
+ # Changelog header format (when writing out changelog)
+ header_format = "* %(time)s %(name)s <%(email)s> %(revision)s"
+ header_time_format = "%a %b %d %Y"
+ header_rev_format = "%(version)s"
+ class ChangelogEntryFormatter(object):
+ """Helper class for generating changelog entries from git commits"""
+ # Maximum length for a changelog entry line
+ max_entry_line_length = 76
+ # Bug tracking system related meta tags recognized from git commit msg
+ bts_meta_tags = ("Close", "Closes", "Fixes", "Fix")
+ # Regexp for matching bug tracking system ids (e.g. "bgo#123")
+ bug_id_re = r'[A-Za-z0-9#_\-]+'
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_bts_tags(cls, lines, meta_tags):
+ """
+ Parse and filter out bug tracking system related meta tags from
+ commit message.
+ @param lines: commit message
+ @type lines: C{list} of C{str}
+ @param meta_tags: meta tags to look for
+ @type meta_tags: C{tuple} of C{str}
+ @return: bts-ids per meta tag and the non-mathced lines
+ @rtype: (C{dict}, C{list} of C{str})
+ """
+ tags = {}
+ other_lines = []
+ bts_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<tag>%s):\s*(?P<ids>.*)' %
+ ('|'.join(meta_tags)), re.I)
+ bug_id_re = re.compile(cls.bug_id_re)
+ for line in lines:
+ match = bts_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ tag = match.group('tag')
+ ids_str = match.group('ids')
+ bug_ids = [bug_id.strip() for bug_id in
+ bug_id_re.findall(ids_str)]
+ if tag in tags:
+ tags[tag] += bug_ids
+ else:
+ tags[tag] = bug_ids
+ else:
+ other_lines.append(line)
+ return (tags, other_lines)
+ @classmethod
+ def _extra_filter(cls, lines, ignore_re):
+ """
+ Filter out specific lines from the commit message.
+ @param lines: commit message
+ @type lines: C{list} of C{str}
+ @param ignore_re: regexp for matching ignored lines
+ @type ignore_re: C{str}
+ @return: filtered commit message
+ @rtype: C{list} of C{str}
+ """
+ if ignore_re:
+ match = re.compile(ignore_re)
+ return [line for line in lines if not match.match(line)]
+ else:
+ return lines
+ @classmethod
+ def compose(cls, commit_info, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Generate a changelog entry from a git commit.
+ @param commit_info: info about the commit
+ @type commit_info: C{commit_info} object from
+ L{gbp.git.repository.GitRepository.get_commit_info()}.
+ @param kwargs: additional arguments to the compose() method,
+ currently we recognize 'full', 'id_len' and 'ignore_re'
+ @type kwargs: C{dict}
+ @return: formatted changelog entry
+ @rtype: C{list} of C{str}
+ """
+ # Parse and filter out gbp command meta-tags
+ cmds, body = parse_gbp_commands(commit_info, 'gbp-rpm-ch',
+ ('ignore', 'short', 'full'), ())
+ body = body.splitlines()
+ if 'ignore' in cmds:
+ return None
+ # Parse and filter out bts-related meta-tags
+ bts_tags, body = cls._parse_bts_tags(body, cls.bts_meta_tags)
+ # Additional filtering
+ body = cls._extra_filter(body, kwargs['ignore_re'])
+ # Generate changelog entry
+ subject = commit_info['subject']
+ commitid = commit_info['id']
+ if kwargs['id_len']:
+ text = ["- [%s] %s" % (commitid[0:kwargs['id_len']], subject)]
+ else:
+ text = ["- %s" % subject]
+ # Add all non-filtered-out lines from commit message, unless 'short'
+ if (kwargs['full'] or 'full' in cmds) and 'short' not in cmds:
+ # Add all non-blank body lines.
+ text.extend([" " + line for line in body if line.strip()])
+ # Add bts tags and ids in the end
+ for tag, ids in bts_tags.iteritems():
+ bts_msg = " (%s: %s)" % (tag, ', '.join(ids))
+ if len(text[-1]) + len(bts_msg) >= cls.max_entry_line_length:
+ text.append(" ")
+ text[-1] += bts_msg
+ return text