#!/usr/bin/make MAN1S = \ gbp \ gbp-buildpackage \ gbp-clone \ gbp-config \ gbp-create-remote-repo \ gbp-dch \ gbp-export-orig \ gbp-import-dsc \ gbp-import-dscs \ gbp-import-orig \ gbp-import-ref \ gbp-pq \ gbp-pristine-tar \ gbp-pull \ gbp-push \ gbp-setup-gitattributes \ gbp-tag \ gbp-buildpackage-rpm \ gbp-import-srpm \ gbp-pq-rpm \ gbp-rpm-ch \ $(NULL) MAN5S = \ gbp.conf \ $(NULL) MANUAL=manual-html XML_MANPAGES=$(patsubst %,%.1,$(MAN1S)) $(patsubst %,%.5,$(MAN5S)) POD_MANPAGES=git-pbuilder.1 MANPAGES=$(XML_MANPAGES) $(POD_MANPAGES) VERSION_ENT=version.ent GBP_VERSION=../gbp/version.py DEB_VERSION=$(shell sed -ne 's/^gbp_version\s\+=\s\+"\([.a-z0-9~-]\+\)"/\1/p' $(GBP_VERSION)) CHANGELOG=../debian/changelog MAN_DATE=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -l ../debian/changelog -SDate | TZ=UTC LC_ALL=C date -f- +'%d %B %Y') IMAGES=$(wildcard images/*png) DEST_IMAGES=$(subst images/,$(MANUAL)/images/,$(IMAGES)) # Select python ifneq ($(strip $(shell which python3)),) PYTHON=python3 else PYTHON=python endif # Select docbook-to-man tool ifneq ($(strip $(shell which docbook2x-man)),) DOCBOOK_TO_MAN=docbook2x-man else ifneq ($(strip $(shell which docbook-to-man)),) DOCBOOK_TO_MAN=docbook-to-man else ifneq ($(strip $(shell which docbook2man)),) DOCBOOK_TO_MAN=docbook2man else $(error Unable to find usable docbook to man conversion tool) endif all: manual $(MANPAGES) manual: $(MANUAL)/index.html $(DEST_IMAGES) css $(MANUAL)/index.html: manual.xml chapters/*.xml manpages/*.xml common.ent $(VERSION_ENT) mkdir -p $(MANUAL) xsltproc -o $(MANUAL)/ /usr/share/gtk-doc/data/gtk-doc.xsl $< cp /usr/share/gtk-doc/data/*.png \ /usr/share/gtk-doc/data/*.css \ $(MANUAL) $(MANUAL)/gbp.pdf: manual.xml chapters/*.xml manpages/*.xml common.ent $(VERSION_ENT) xsltproc -o $(MANUAL)/ /usr/share/gtk-doc/data/gtk-doc.xsl $< css: $(MANUAL)/gbp.css $(MANUAL)/gbp.svg $(MANUAL)/gbp.css $(MANUAL)/gbp.svg: gbp.css gbp.svg cp gbp.css gbp.svg $(MANUAL)/ html_images: $(DEST_IMAGES) $(MANUAL)/images/%.png: images/%.png mkdir -p $(basename $@) install $< $@ %.1 %.5: man.gbp.xml manpages/%.xml $(DOCBOOK_TO_MAN) -o . $< git-pbuilder.1: ../bin/git-pbuilder pod2man $< $@ manual.xml: $(VERSION_ENT) $(GBP_VERSION): ../debian/changelog cd .. && $(PYTHON) setup.py build --help >/dev/null $(VERSION_ENT): $(GBP_VERSION) echo '' > $(VERSION_ENT) clean: -rm -r $(MANUAL) -rm *.1 *.5 $(VERSION_ENT) po4a: po4a -v -f po/po4a.cfg langs: po4a $(MAKE) -C _gen/de -f ../../Makefile.lang