&rpm-firstname; &rpm-surname;
gbp-import-srpm &rpm-mansection; gbp-import-srpm Import source RPM packages into a Git repository &gbp-import-srpm; &man.common.options.synopsis; =VENDOR BRANCH-NAME TAG-FORMAT DIRECTORY PATTERN GPG-KEYID BRANCH-NAME TAG-FORMAT SRPM DIRECTORY target &gbp-import-srpm; URL target DESCRIPTION &gbp-import-srpm; imports an RPM source package into a &git; repository, notes the package version in the commit logs, and commits the change. All information, including package name, version and upstream source is automatically detected from the source package but you can override the location of the new repository by optionally specifying the target argument. The tool supports importing both archived (src.rpm files) or unpacked (directory) source RPMs. It also imports from http(s)-URLs. OPTIONS &man.common.options.description; =VENDOR Distribution vendor name. =BRANCH-NAME The branch in the &git; repository the upstream sources are put onto. Default is upstream. =BRANCH-NAME The branch in the &git; repository the packaging files are put onto. Default is master. GPG sign all created tags. GPG-KEYID Use this keyid for gpg signing tags. TAG-FORMAT Use this tag format when tagging released versions, default is %(vendor)s/%(version)s. TAG-FORMAT Use this tag format when tagging upstream versions, default is upstream/%(version)s. DIRECTORY Subdirectory where to put the RPM packaging files. PATTERN Filter out files glob-matching pattern. Can be given multiple times. Generate pristine-tar delta file. Allow one to re-import a package with an already existing version. This will not re-import the upstream sources - only packaging files will be re-imported. Use the author identity as the comitter when importing upstream sources and packaging files. Create missing upstream and/or packaging branch if missing. Import packaging files into an orphan branch that will not be based on the upstream branch. Useful if you want to maintain (non-native) package using the 'orphan-packaging' model. This option have no effect if is used. Treat the package as native package. No separate upstream branch or upstream tags will be created. When set to use the DEBUSER environment variable to set the user.name &git; configuration otherwise use &git;'s defaults. Only affects newly created repos. When set to use the DEBEMAIL environment variable to set the user.email &git; configuration otherwise use &git;'s defaults. Only affects newly created repos. &man.gbp.config-files; SEE ALSO , , , , &man.seealso.common; AUTHOR &rpm-username; &rpm-email;