# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2007,2009,2015,2017 Guido Günther # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, please see # """ Simple class wrappers for the various external commands needed by git-buildpackage and friends """ import subprocess import os import signal import sys from contextlib import contextmanager from tempfile import TemporaryFile import gbp.log as log class CommandExecFailed(Exception): """Exception raised by the Command class""" pass @contextmanager def proxy_stdf(): """ Circulate stdout/stderr via a proper file object. Designed to work around a problem where Python nose replaces sys.stdout/stderr with a custom 'Tee' object that is not a file object (compatible) and thus causes a crash with Popen. """ tmp_stdout = sys.stdout try: tmp_stdout.fileno() except Exception: tmp_stdout = TemporaryFile() tmp_stderr = sys.stderr try: tmp_stderr.fileno() except Exception: tmp_stderr = TemporaryFile() try: yield tmp_stdout, tmp_stderr finally: if tmp_stdout != sys.stdout: tmp_stdout.seek(0) sys.stdout.write(tmp_stdout.read().decode()) if tmp_stderr != sys.stderr: tmp_stderr.seek(0) sys.stderr.write(tmp_stderr.read().decode()) class Command(object): """ Wraps a shell command, so we don't have to store any kind of command line options in one of the git-buildpackage commands Note that it does not do any shell quoting even with shell=True so you have to quote arguments yourself if necessary. If cmd doesn't contain a path component it will be looked up in $PATH. """ def __init__(self, cmd, args=[], shell=False, extra_env=None, cwd=None, capture_stderr=False, capture_stdout=False): self.cmd = cmd self.args = args self.run_error = self._f("'%s' failed: {err_reason}", (" ".join([self.cmd] + self.args))) self.shell = shell self.capture_stdout = capture_stdout self.capture_stderr = capture_stderr self.cwd = cwd if extra_env is not None: self.env = os.environ.copy() self.env.update(extra_env) else: self.env = None self._reset_state() @staticmethod def _f(format, *args): """Build error string template '%' expansion is performed while curly braces in args are quoted so we don't accidentally try to expand them when printing an error message later that uses one of our predefined error variables stdout, stderr, stderr_or_reason and self.err_reason. >>> Command._f("foo %s", "bar") 'foo bar' >>> Command._f("{foo} %s %s", "bar", "baz") '{foo} bar baz' >>> Command._f("{foo} bar") '{foo} bar' """ def _q(arg): return arg.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}') return format % tuple([_q(arg) for arg in args]) def _reset_state(self): self.retcode = 1 self.stdout, self.stderr, self.err_reason = [''] * 3 def __call(self, args): """ Wraps subprocess.call so we can be verbose and fix Python's SIGPIPE handling """ def default_sigpipe(): "Restore default signal handler (http://bugs.python.org/issue1652)" signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) log.debug("%s %s %s" % (self.cmd, self.args, args)) self._reset_state() cmd = [self.cmd] + self.args + args if self.shell: # subprocess.call only cares about the first argument if shell=True cmd = " ".join(cmd) with proxy_stdf() as (stdout, stderr): stdout_arg = subprocess.PIPE if self.capture_stdout else stdout stderr_arg = subprocess.PIPE if self.capture_stderr else stderr try: popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=self.cwd, shell=self.shell, env=self.env, preexec_fn=default_sigpipe, stdout=stdout_arg, stderr=stderr_arg) (self.stdout, self.stderr) = popen.communicate() if self.stdout is not None: self.stdout = self.stdout.decode() if self.stderr is not None: self.stderr = self.stderr.decode() except OSError as err: self.err_reason = "execution failed: %s" % str(err) self.retcode = 1 raise self.retcode = popen.returncode if self.retcode < 0: self.err_reason = "it was terminated by signal %d" % -self.retcode elif self.retcode > 0: self.err_reason = "it exited with %d" % self.retcode return self.retcode def _log_err(self): "Log an error message" log.err(self._format_err()) def _format_err(self): """Log an error message This allows to replace stdout, stderr and err_reason in the self.run_error. """ stdout = self.stdout.rstrip() if self.stdout else self.stdout stderr = self.stderr.rstrip() if self.stderr else self.stderr stderr_or_reason = self.stderr.rstrip() if self.stderr else self.err_reason return self.run_error.format(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stderr_or_reason=stderr_or_reason, err_reason=self.err_reason) def __call__(self, args=[], quiet=False): """Run the command and raise exception on errors If run quietly it will not print an error message via the L{gbp.log} logging API. Whether the command prints anything to stdout/stderr depends on the I{capture_stderr}, I{capture_stdout} instance variables. All errors will be reported as subclass of the L{CommandExecFailed} exception including a non zero exit status of the run command. @param args: additional command line arguments @type args: C{list} of C{strings} @param quiet: don't log failed execution to stderr. Mostly useful during unit testing @type quiet: C{bool} >>> Command("/bin/true")(["foo", "bar"]) >>> Command("/foo/bar")(quiet=True) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... gbp.command_wrappers.CommandExecFailed """ try: ret = self.__call(args) except OSError: ret = 1 if ret: if not quiet: self._log_err() raise CommandExecFailed(self._format_err()) def call(self, args, quiet=True): """Like L{__call__} but let the caller handle the return status. Only raise L{CommandExecFailed} if we failed to launch the command at all (i.e. if it does not exist) not if the command returned nonzero. Logs errors using L{gbp.log} by default. @param args: additional command line arguments @type args: C{list} of C{strings} @param quiet: don't log failed execution to stderr. Mostly useful during unit testing @type quiet: C{bool} @returns: the exit status of the run command @rtype: C{int} >>> Command("/bin/true").call(["foo", "bar"]) 0 >>> Command("/foo/bar").call(["foo", "bar"]) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... gbp.command_wrappers.CommandExecFailed: execution failed: ... >>> c = Command("/bin/true", capture_stdout=True, ... extra_env={'LC_ALL': 'C'}) >>> c.call(["--version"]) 0 >>> c.stdout.startswith('true') True >>> c = Command("/bin/false", capture_stdout=True, ... extra_env={'LC_ALL': 'C'}) >>> c.call(["--help"]) 1 >>> c.stdout.startswith('Usage:') True """ ret = 1 try: ret = self.__call(args) except OSError: raise CommandExecFailed(self.err_reason) finally: if ret and not quiet: self._log_err() return ret class RunAtCommand(Command): """Run a command in a specific directory""" def __call__(self, dir='.', *args): curdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) try: os.chdir(dir) Command.__call__(self, list(*args)) finally: os.chdir(curdir) class UnpackTarArchive(Command): """Wrap tar to unpack a compressed tar archive""" def __init__(self, archive, dir, filters=[], compression=None): self.archive = archive self.dir = dir exclude = [("--exclude=%s" % _filter) for _filter in filters] if not compression: compression = '-a' Command.__init__(self, 'tar', exclude + ['-C', dir, compression, '-xf', archive]) self.run_error = self._f("Couldn't unpack '%s': {err_reason}", self.archive) class PackTarArchive(Command): """Wrap tar to pack a compressed tar archive""" def __init__(self, archive, dir, dest, filters=[], compression=None): self.archive = archive self.dir = dir exclude = [("--exclude=%s" % _filter) for _filter in filters] if not compression: compression = '-a' Command.__init__(self, 'tar', exclude + ['-C', dir, compression, '-cf', archive, dest]) self.run_error = self._f("Couldn't repack '%s': {err_reason}", self.archive) class CatenateTarArchive(Command): """Wrap tar to catenate a tar file with the next""" def __init__(self, archive, **kwargs): self.archive = archive Command.__init__(self, 'tar', ['-A', '-f', archive], **kwargs) def __call__(self, target): Command.__call__(self, [target]) class RemoveTree(Command): "Wrap rm to remove a whole directory tree" def __init__(self, tree): self.tree = tree Command.__init__(self, 'rm', ['-rf', tree]) self.run_error = self._f("Couldn't remove '%s': {err_reason}", self.tree) class DpkgSourceExtract(Command): """ Wrap dpkg-source to extract a Debian source package into a certain directory """ def __init__(self): Command.__init__(self, 'dpkg-source', ['-x']) def __call__(self, dsc, output_dir): self.run_error = self._f("Couldn't extract '%s': {err_reason}", dsc) Command.__call__(self, [dsc, output_dir]) class UnpackZipArchive(Command): """Wrap zip to Unpack a zip file""" def __init__(self, archive, dir): self.archive = archive self.dir = dir Command.__init__(self, 'unzip', ["-q", archive, '-d', dir]) self.run_error = self._f("Couldn't unpack '%s': {err_reason}", self.archive) class CatenateZipArchive(Command): """Wrap zipmerge tool to catenate a zip file with the next""" def __init__(self, archive, **kwargs): self.archive = archive Command.__init__(self, 'zipmerge', [archive], **kwargs) def __call__(self, target): self.run_error = self._f("Couldn't append '%s' to '%s': {err_reason}", target, self.archive) Command.__call__(self, [target]) class GitCommand(Command): "Mother/Father of all git commands" def __init__(self, cmd, args=[], **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, 'git', [cmd] + args, **kwargs) self.run_error = self._f("Couldn't run git %s: {err_reason}", cmd) # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·: