# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8: # # (C) 2006,2007,2010-2012,2015,2016 Guido Guenther # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, please see # """handles command line and config file option parsing for the gbp commands""" from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, Option, OptionValueError from six.moves import configparser from copy import copy import errno import os.path import sys from gbp.errors import GbpError try: from gbp.version import gbp_version except ImportError: gbp_version = "[Unknown version]" import gbp.tristate import gbp.log from gbp.git import GitRepositoryError, GitRepository no_upstream_branch_msg = """ Repository does not have branch '%s' for upstream sources. If there is none see file:///usr/share/doc/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.import.html#GBP.IMPORT.CONVERT on howto create it otherwise use --upstream-branch to specify it. """ def expand_path(option, opt, value): value = os.path.expandvars(value) return os.path.expanduser(value) def check_tristate(option, opt, value): try: val = gbp.tristate.Tristate(value) except TypeError: raise OptionValueError( "option %s: invalid value: %r" % (opt, value)) else: return val def save_option(f): """save options on the underlying parser""" def _decorator(self, *args, **kwargs): obj = self option_name = kwargs.get('option_name') if not option_name and len(args): option_name = args[0] # We're decorating GbpOption but store valid_options on # GbpOptionParser if not hasattr(obj, 'valid_options'): if not hasattr(obj, 'parser'): raise ValueError("Can only decorete GbpOptionParser and GbpOptionGroup not %s" % obj) else: obj = obj.parser if option_name and not option_name.startswith('no-'): obj.valid_options.append(option_name) return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return _decorator class GbpOption(Option): TYPES = Option.TYPES + ('path', 'tristate') TYPE_CHECKER = copy(Option.TYPE_CHECKER) TYPE_CHECKER['path'] = expand_path TYPE_CHECKER['tristate'] = check_tristate class GbpOptionParser(OptionParser): """ Handles commandline options and parsing of config files @ivar command: the gbp command we store the options for @type command: string @ivar prefix: prefix to prepend to all commandline options @type prefix: string @ivar config: current configuration parameters @type config: dict @cvar defaults: defaults value of an option if not in the config file or given on the command line @type defaults: dict @cvar help: help messages @type help: dict @cvar def_config_files: config files we parse @type def_config_files: dict (type, path) """ defaults = {'debian-branch': 'master', 'upstream-branch': 'upstream', 'upstream-tree': 'TAG', 'pq-from': 'DEBIAN', 'pristine-tar': 'False', 'pristine-tar-commit': 'False', 'filter-pristine-tar': 'False', 'sign-tags': 'False', 'force-create': 'False', 'no-create-orig': 'False', 'cleaner': '/bin/true', 'keyid': '', 'posttag': '', 'postbuild': '', 'prebuild': '', 'postclone': '', 'postexport': '', 'postimport': '', 'hooks': 'True', 'debian-tag': 'debian/%(version)s', 'debian-tag-msg': '%(pkg)s Debian release %(version)s', 'upstream-tag': 'upstream/%(version)s', 'import-msg': 'New upstream version %(version)s', 'commit-msg': 'Update changelog for %(version)s release', 'filter': [], 'snapshot-number': 'snapshot + 1', 'git-log': '--no-merges', 'export': 'HEAD', 'export-dir': '', 'overlay': 'False', 'tarball-dir': '', 'ignore-new': 'False', 'ignore-branch': 'False', 'meta': 'True', 'meta-closes': 'Closes|LP', 'meta-closes-bugnum': r'(?:bug|issue)?\#?\s?\d+', 'full': 'False', 'id-length': '0', 'git-author': 'False', 'ignore-regex': '', 'compression': 'auto', 'compression-level': '', 'remote-url-pattern': 'ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/%(pkg)s.git', 'multimaint': 'True', 'multimaint-merge': 'False', 'pbuilder': 'False', 'qemubuilder': 'False', 'dist': 'sid', 'arch': '', 'interactive': 'True', 'color': 'auto', 'color-scheme': '', 'customizations': '', 'spawn-editor': 'release', 'patch-numbers': 'True', 'patch-num-format': '%04d-', 'renumber': 'False', 'notify': 'auto', 'merge': 'True', 'merge-mode': 'merge', 'track': 'True', 'author-is-committer': 'False', 'author-date-is-committer-date': 'False', 'create-missing-branches': 'False', 'submodules': 'False', 'time-machine': 1, 'pbuilder-autoconf': 'True', 'pbuilder-options': '', 'template-dir': '', 'remote-config': '', 'allow-unauthenticated': 'False', 'symlink-orig': 'True', 'purge': 'True', 'drop': 'False', 'commit': 'False', 'upstream-vcs-tag': '', 'rollback': 'True', 'component': [], 'bare': 'True', 'urgency': 'medium', 'repo-user': 'DEBIAN', 'repo-email': 'DEBIAN', } help = { 'debian-branch': "Branch the Debian package is being developed on, " "default is '%(debian-branch)s'", 'upstream-branch': "Upstream branch, default is '%(upstream-branch)s'", 'upstream-tree': "Where to generate the upstream tarball from " "(tag or branch), default is '%(upstream-tree)s'", 'pq-from': "How to find the patch queue base. DEBIAN or TAG, " "the default is '%(pq-from)s'", 'debian-tag': "Format string for debian tags, " "default is '%(debian-tag)s'", 'debian-tag-msg': "Format string for signed debian-tag messages, " "default is '%(debian-tag-msg)s'", 'upstream-tag': "Format string for upstream tags, " "default is '%(upstream-tag)s'", 'sign-tags': "Whether to sign tags, default is '%(sign-tags)s'", 'keyid': "GPG keyid to sign tags with, default is '%(keyid)s'", 'import-msg': "Format string for commit message used to commit " "the upstream tarball, default is '%(import-msg)s'", 'commit-msg': "Format string for commit messag used to commit, " "the changelog, default is '%(commit-msg)s'", 'pristine-tar': "Use pristine-tar to create orig tarball, " "default is '%(pristine-tar)s'", 'pristine-tar-commit': "When generating a tarball commit it to the pristine-tar branch '%(pristine-tar-commit)s' " "default is '%(pristine-tar-commit)s'", 'filter-pristine-tar': "Filter pristine-tar when filter option is used, default is '%(filter-pristine-tar)s'", 'filter': "Files to filter out during import (can be given multiple times), default is %(filter)s", 'git-author': "Use name and email from git-config for changelog trailer, default is '%(git-author)s'", 'full': "Include the full commit message instead of only the first line, default is '%(full)s'", 'meta': "Parse meta tags in commit messages, default is '%(meta)s'", 'meta-closes': "Meta tags for the bts close commands, default is '%(meta-closes)s'", 'meta-closes-bugnum': "Meta bug number format, default is '%(meta-closes-bugnum)s'", 'ignore-new': "Build with uncommitted changes in the source tree, default is '%(ignore-new)s'", 'ignore-branch': "Build although debian-branch != current branch, " "default is '%(ignore-branch)s'", 'overlay': "extract orig tarball when using export-dir option, " "default is '%(overlay)s'", 'remote-url-pattern': "Remote url pattern to create the repo at, " "default is '%(remote-url-pattern)s'", 'multimaint': "Note multiple maintainers, default is '%(multimaint)s'", 'multimaint-merge': "Merge commits by maintainer, " "default is '%(multimaint-merge)s'", 'pbuilder': "Invoke git-pbuilder for building, " "default is '%(pbuilder)s'", 'dist': "Build for this distribution when using git-pbuilder, " "default is '%(dist)s'", 'arch': "Build for this architecture when using git-pbuilder, " "default is '%(arch)s'", 'qemubuilder': "Invoke git-pbuilder with qemubuilder for building, " "default is '%(qemubuilder)s'", 'interactive': "Run command interactively, default is '%(interactive)s'", 'color': "Whether to use colored output, default is '%(color)s'", 'color-scheme': "Colors to use in output (when color is enabled), format " "is ':::', e.g. " "'cyan:34::'. Numerical values and color names are " "accepted, empty fields indicate using the default.", 'spawn-editor': "Whether to spawn an editor after adding the " "changelog entry, default is '%(spawn-editor)s'", 'patch-numbers': "Whether to number patch files, " "default is %(patch-numbers)s", 'patch-num-format': "The format specifier for patch number prefixes, " "default is %(patch-num-format)s", 'renumber': "Whether to renumber patches exported from patch queues, " "instead of preserving the number specified in " "'Gbp-Pq: Name' tags, default is %(renumber)s", 'notify': "Whether to send a desktop notification after the build, " "default is '%(notify)s'", 'merge': "After the import merge the result to the debian branch, " "default is '%(merge)s'", 'merge-mode': "Howto merge the new upstream sources onto the debian branch" "default is '%(merge-mode)s'", 'track': "Set up tracking for remote branches, " "default is '%(track)s'", 'author-is-committer': "Use the authors's name also as the committer's name, " "default is '%(author-is-committer)s'", 'author-date-is-committer-date': "Use the authors's date as the committer's date, " "default is '%(author-date-is-committer-date)s'", 'create-missing-branches': "Create missing branches automatically, " "default is '%(create-missing-branches)s'", 'submodules': "Transparently handle submodules in the upstream tree, " "default is '%(submodules)s'", 'postimport': "hook run after a successful import, " "default is '%(postimport)s'", 'hooks': "Enable running all hooks, default is %(hooks)s", 'time-machine': "don't try head commit only to apply the patch queue " "but look TIME_MACHINE commits back, " "default is '%(time-machine)d'", 'pbuilder-autoconf': "Whether to configure pbuilder automatically, " "default is '%(pbuilder-autoconf)s'", 'pbuilder-options': "Options to pass to pbuilder, " "default is '%(pbuilder-options)s'", 'template-dir': "Template directory used by git init, " "default is '%(template-dir)s'", 'remote-config': "Remote defintion in gbp.conf used to create the remote " "repository, default is '%(remote-config)s'", 'allow-unauthenticated': "Don't verify integrity of downloaded source, " "default is '%(allow-unauthenticated)s'", 'symlink-orig': "Whether to creat a symlink from the upstream tarball " "to the orig.tar.gz if needed, default is " "'%(symlink-orig)s'", 'purge': "Purge exported package build directory. Default is '%(purge)s'", 'drop': "In case of 'export' drop the patch-queue branch " "after export. Default is '%(drop)s'", 'commit': "commit changes after export, Default is '%(commit)s'", 'rollback': "Rollback repository changes when encountering an error", 'component': 'component name for additional tarballs', 'bare': "wether to create a bare repository on the remote side. " "'Default is '%(bare)s'.", 'urgency': "Set urgency level, default is '%(urgency)s'", 'repo-user': "Set repo username from the DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL " "environment variables ('DEBIAN') or fallback to the " "git configuration ('GIT'), default is '%(repo-user)s'", 'repo-email': "Set repo email from the DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL " "environment variables ('DEBIAN') or fallback to the " "git configuration ('GIT'), default is '%(repo-email)s'" } short_opts = { 'urgency': '-U', } def_config_files = [('/etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf', 'system'), ('~/.gbp.conf', 'global'), ('%(top_dir)s/.gbp.conf', None), ('%(top_dir)s/debian/gbp.conf', 'debian'), ('%(git_dir)s/gbp.conf', None)] list_opts = ['filter', 'component'] @classmethod def get_config_files(cls, no_local=False): """ Get list of config files from the I{GBP_CONF_FILES} environment variable. @param no_local: don't return the per-repo configuration files @type no_local: C{bool} @return: list of config files we need to parse @rtype: C{list} >>> import re >>> conf_backup = os.getenv('GBP_CONF_FILES') >>> if conf_backup is not None: del os.environ['GBP_CONF_FILES'] >>> homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") >>> files = GbpOptionParser.get_config_files() >>> files_mangled = [re.sub("^%s" % homedir, 'HOME', file) for file in files] >>> sorted(files_mangled) ['%(git_dir)s/gbp.conf', '%(top_dir)s/.gbp.conf', '%(top_dir)s/debian/gbp.conf', '/etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf', 'HOME/.gbp.conf'] >>> files = GbpOptionParser.get_config_files(no_local=True) >>> files_mangled = [re.sub("^%s" % homedir, 'HOME', file) for file in files] >>> sorted(files_mangled) ['/etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf', 'HOME/.gbp.conf'] >>> os.environ['GBP_CONF_FILES'] = 'test1:test2' >>> GbpOptionParser.get_config_files() ['test1', 'test2'] >>> del os.environ['GBP_CONF_FILES'] >>> if conf_backup is not None: os.environ['GBP_CONF_FILES'] = conf_backup """ envvar = os.environ.get('GBP_CONF_FILES') files = envvar.split(':') if envvar else [f for (f, _) in cls.def_config_files] files = [os.path.expanduser(fname) for fname in files] if no_local: files = [fname for fname in files if fname.startswith('/')] return files def _read_config_file(self, repo, filename): """Read config file""" str_fields = {} if repo: str_fields['git_dir'] = repo.git_dir if not repo.bare: str_fields['top_dir'] = repo.path try: filename = filename % str_fields except KeyError: # Skip if filename wasn't expanded, i.e. we're not in git repo return if (repo and filename == os.path.join(repo.path, '.gbp.conf') and os.path.exists(filename)): self._warn_old_gbp_conf(filename) self.config_parser.read(filename) def _warn_old_config_section(self, oldcmd, cmd): if not os.getenv("GBP_DISABLE_SECTION_DEPRECTATION"): gbp.log.warn("Old style config section [%s] found " "please rename to [%s]" % (oldcmd, cmd)) def _warn_old_gbp_conf(self, gbp_conf): if (not os.getenv("GBP_DISABLE_GBP_CONF_DEPRECTATION") and not self._warned_old_gbp_conf): gbp.log.warn("Deprecated configuration file found at %s, " "check gbp.conf(5) for alternatives" % gbp_conf) self._warned_old_gbp_conf = True @property def config_file_sections(self): """List of all found config file sections""" return self.config_parser.sections() @staticmethod def _listify(value): """ >>> GbpOptionParser._listify(None) [] >>> GbpOptionParser._listify('string') ['string'] >>> GbpOptionParser._listify('["q", "e", "d"] ') ['q', 'e', 'd'] >>> GbpOptionParser._listify('[') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Error: [ is not a proper list """ # filter can be either a list or a string, always build a list: if value: if value.startswith('['): try: return eval(value) except SyntaxError: raise configparser.Error("%s is not a proper list" % value) else: return [value] else: return [] def parse_lists(self): """ Parse options that can be given as lists Since they take multiple arguments they can also be given in plural form e.g. components instead of component. """ for opt in self.list_opts: try: plural_opt = opt + 's' valp = self._listify(self.config.get(plural_opt, None)) vals = self._listify(self.config[opt]) if valp and vals: raise configparser.Error("Found %s and %s - use only one" % (valp, vals)) self.config[opt] = valp or vals except ValueError: raise configparser.Error("Failed to parse %s: %s" % (opt, self.config[opt])) def parse_config_files(self): """ Parse the possible config files and set appropriate values default values """ parser = self.config_parser # Fill in the built in values self.config = dict(self.__class__.defaults) config_files = self.get_config_files() try: repo = GitRepository(".") except GitRepositoryError: repo = None # Read all config files for filename in config_files: self._read_config_file(repo, filename) # Update with the values from the defaults section. This is needed # in case the config file doesn't have a [] section at all self.config.update(dict(parser.defaults())) # Make sure we read any legacy sections prior to the real subcommands # section i.e. read [gbp-pull] prior to [pull] if (self.command.startswith('gbp-') or self.command.startswith('git-')): cmd = self.command[4:] oldcmd = self.command if parser.has_section(oldcmd): self.config.update(dict(parser.items(oldcmd, raw=True))) self._warn_old_config_section(oldcmd, cmd) else: cmd = self.command for prefix in ['gbp', 'git']: oldcmd = '%s-%s' % (prefix, self.command) if parser.has_section(oldcmd): self.config.update(dict(parser.items(oldcmd, raw=True))) self._warn_old_config_section(oldcmd, cmd) # Update with command specific settings if parser.has_section(cmd): # Don't use items() until we got rid of the compat sections # since this pulls in the defaults again self.config.update(dict(parser._sections[cmd].items())) for section in self.sections: if parser.has_section(section): self.config.update(dict(parser._sections[section].items())) else: raise configparser.NoSectionError( "Mandatory section [%s] does not exist." % section) self.parse_lists() def __init__(self, command, prefix='', usage=None, sections=[]): """ @param command: the command to build the config parser for @type command: C{str} @param prefix: A prefix to add to all command line options @type prefix: C{str} @param usage: a usage description @type usage: C{str} @param sections: additional (non optional) config file sections to parse @type sections: C{list} of C{str} """ self.command = command self.sections = sections self.prefix = prefix self.config = {} self.valid_options = [] self.config_parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser() self._warned_old_gbp_conf = False try: self.parse_config_files() except configparser.ParsingError as err: raise GbpError(str(err) + "\nSee 'man gbp.conf' for the format.") OptionParser.__init__(self, option_class=GbpOption, prog="gbp %s" % self.command, usage=usage, version='%s %s' % (self.command, gbp_version)) def _is_boolean(self, dummy, *unused, **kwargs): """is option_name a boolean option""" ret = False try: if kwargs['action'] in ['store_true', 'store_false']: ret = True except KeyError: ret = False return ret def _get_bool_default(self, option_name): """ get default for boolean options this way we can handle no-foo=True and foo=False """ if option_name.startswith('no-'): pos = option_name[3:] neg = option_name else: pos = option_name neg = "no-%s" % option_name try: default = self.config[pos] except KeyError: default = self.config[neg] if default.lower() in ["true", "1"]: val = 'True' elif default.lower() in ["false", "0"]: val = 'False' else: raise ValueError("Boolean options must be True or False") return eval(val) def get_default(self, option_name, **kwargs): """get the default value""" if self._is_boolean(self, option_name, **kwargs): default = self._get_bool_default(option_name) else: default = self.config[option_name] return default def get_opt_names(self, option_name): names = ["--%s%s" % (self.prefix, option_name)] if option_name in self.short_opts: if self.prefix: raise ValueError("Options with prefix cannot have a short option") names.insert(0, self.short_opts[option_name]) return names @save_option def add_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest, help=None, **kwargs): """ set a option for the command line parser, the default is read from the config file param option_name: name of the option type option_name: string param dest: where to store this option type dest: string param help: help text type help: string """ if not help: help = self.help[option_name] opt_names = self.get_opt_names(option_name) OptionParser.add_option(self, *opt_names, dest=dest, default=self.get_default(option_name, **kwargs), help=help % self.config, **kwargs) def add_boolean_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest): self.add_config_file_option(option_name=option_name, dest=dest, action="store_true") neg_help = "negates '--%s%s'" % (self.prefix, option_name) self.add_config_file_option(option_name="no-%s" % option_name, dest=dest, help=neg_help, action="store_false") def get_config_file_value(self, option_name): """ Query a single interpolated config file value. @param option_name: the config file option to look up @type option_name: string @returns: The config file option value or C{None} if it doesn't exist @rtype: C{str} or C{None} """ return self.config.get(option_name) def print_help(self, file=None): """ Print an extended help message, listing all options and any help text provided with them, to 'file' (default stdout). """ if file is None: file = sys.stdout encoding = self._get_encoding(file) try: file.write(self.format_help().encode(encoding, "replace")) except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.EPIPE: raise @classmethod def _name_to_filename(cls, name): """ Translate a name like 'system' to a config file name >>> GbpOptionParser._name_to_filename('foo') >>> GbpOptionParser._name_to_filename('system') '/etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf' >>> GbpOptionParser._name_to_filename('global') '~/.gbp.conf' >>> GbpOptionParser._name_to_filename('debian') '%(top_dir)s/debian/gbp.conf' """ for k, v in cls.def_config_files: if name == v: return k else: return None @classmethod def _set_config_file_value(cls, section, option, value, name=None, filename=None): """ Write a config value to a file creating it if needed On errors a ConfigParserError is raised """ if not name and not filename: raise configparser.Error("Either 'name' or 'filename' must be given") if not filename: filename = os.path.expanduser(cls._name_to_filename(name)) # Create e new config parser since we only operate on a single file cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser() cfg.read(filename) if not cfg.has_section(section): cfg.add_section(section) cfg.set(section, option, value) with open(filename, 'w') as fp: cfg.write(fp) class GbpOptionGroup(OptionGroup): @save_option def add_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest, help=None, **kwargs): """ set a option for the command line parser, the default is read from the config file param option_name: name of the option type option_name: string param dest: where to store this option type dest: string param help: help text type help: string """ if not help: help = self.parser.help[option_name] opt_names = self.parser.get_opt_names(option_name) OptionGroup.add_option(self, *opt_names, dest=dest, default=self.parser.get_default(option_name, **kwargs), help=help % self.parser.config, **kwargs) def add_boolean_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest): self.add_config_file_option(option_name=option_name, dest=dest, action="store_true") neg_help = "negates '--%s%s'" % (self.parser.prefix, option_name) self.add_config_file_option(option_name="no-%s" % option_name, dest=dest, help=neg_help, action="store_false") class GbpOptionParserDebian(GbpOptionParser): """ Handles commandline options and parsing of config files for Debian tools """ defaults = dict(GbpOptionParser.defaults) defaults.update({ 'builder': 'debuild -i -I', }) def _warn_old_gbp_conf(self, gbp_conf): if os.path.exists("debian/control"): GbpOptionParser._warn_old_gbp_conf(self, gbp_conf) class GbpOptionParserRpm(GbpOptionParser): """ Handles commandline options and parsing of config files for rpm tools """ defaults = dict(GbpOptionParser.defaults) defaults.update({ 'tmp-dir': '/var/tmp/gbp/', 'vendor': 'Downstream', 'packaging-branch': 'master', 'packaging-dir': '', 'packaging-tag-msg': '%(pkg)s (vendor)s release %(version)s', 'packaging-tag': 'packaging/%(version)s', 'export-sourcedir': 'SOURCES', 'export-specdir': 'SPECS', 'export-dir': '../rpmbuild', 'builder': 'rpmbuild', 'spec-file': '', 'mock': 'False', 'dist': '', 'arch': '', 'mock-root': '', 'mock-options': '', 'native': 'auto', 'changelog-file': 'auto', 'changelog-revision': '', 'spawn-editor': 'always', 'editor-cmd': 'vim', }) help = dict(GbpOptionParser.help) help.update( { 'tmp-dir': "Base directory under which temporary directories are " "created, default is '%(tmp-dir)s'", 'vendor': "Distribution vendor name, default is '%(vendor)s'", 'packaging-branch': "Branch the packaging is being maintained on, rpm counterpart " "of the 'debian-branch' option, default is " "'%(packaging-branch)s'", 'packaging-dir': "Subdir for RPM packaging files, default is " "'%(packaging-dir)s'", 'packaging-tag': "Format string for packaging tags, RPM counterpart of the " "'debian-tag' option, default is '%(packaging-tag)s'", 'packaging-tag-msg': "Format string for packaging tag messages, " "default is '%(packaging-tag-msg)s'", 'spec-file': "Spec file to use, causes the packaging-dir option to be " "ignored, default is '%(spec-file)s'", 'export-sourcedir': "Subdir (under EXPORT_DIR) where packaging sources (other than " "the spec file) are exported, default is " "'%(export-sourcedir)s'", 'export-specdir': "Subdir (under EXPORT_DIR) where package spec file is " "exported default is '%(export-specdir)s'", 'mock': "Invoke mock for building using gbp-builder-mock, " "default is '%(mock)s'", 'dist': "Build for this distribution when using mock. E.g.: epel-6, " "default is '%(dist)s'", 'arch': "Build for this architecture when using mock, " "default is '%(arch)s'", 'mock-root': "The mock root (-r) name for building with mock: -, " "default is '%(mock-root)s'", 'mock-options': "Options to pass to mock, " "default is '%(mock-options)s'", 'native': "Treat this package as native, default is '%(native)s'", 'changelog-file': "Changelog file to be used, default is '%(changelog-file)s'", 'changelog-revision': "Format string for the revision field in the changelog header. " "If empty or not defined the default from packaging policy is " "used.", 'editor-cmd': "Editor command to use", 'git-author': "Use name and email from git-config for the changelog header, " "default is '%(git-author)s'", }) def _warn_old_gbp_conf(self, gbp_conf): # The rpm based tools use $repo/.gbp.conf a lot, don't # warn there yet pass # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·: