import os import subprocess VERSION_PY_PATH = 'gbp/' def _parse_changelog(): """Get version from debian changelog and write it to gbp/""" popen = subprocess.Popen('dpkg-parsechangelog', stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, ret = popen.communicate() for line in out.decode('utf-8').split('\n'): if line.startswith('Version:'): version = line.split(' ')[1].strip() return version raise ValueError('Could not parse version from debian/changelog') def _save_version_py(version): with open(VERSION_PY_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write('"The current gbp version number"\n') f.write('gbp_version = "%s"\n' % version) def _load_version(): with open(VERSION_PY_PATH, 'r') as f: version_py = version_py_globals = {} exec(version_py, version_py_globals) return version_py_globals['gbp_version'] def parse_and_fetch_version(): if os.path.exists('debian/changelog'): version = _parse_changelog() _save_version_py(version) # we could return with the version here, but instead we check that # the file has been properly written and it can be loaded back version = _load_version() return version