REBAR3_URL= # If there is a rebar in the current directory, use it ifeq ($(wildcard rebar3),rebar3) REBAR3 = $(CURDIR)/rebar3 endif # Fallback to rebar on PATH REBAR3 ?= $(shell test -e `which rebar3` 2>/dev/null && which rebar3 || echo "./rebar3") # And finally, prep to download rebar if all else fails ifeq ($(REBAR3),) REBAR3 = $(CURDIR)/rebar3 endif all: $(REBAR3) @$(REBAR3) do clean, compile, eunit, dialyzer rel: all @$(REBAR3) release shell: @$(REBAR3) as dev do compile, shell $(REBAR3): curl -Lo rebar3 $(REBAR3_URL) || wget $(REBAR3_URL) chmod a+x rebar3