# A Realm smart proxy for Foreman A simple smart proxy that creates LDAP entries on host creation and removes them on destroy. It uses Foreman's realm smart proxy API. ## Configuration in Foreman Add the smart proxy via the GUI. Foreman will detect the *realm* feature. ## Configuration of ldapsp *ldapsp.config* has the ldap connection parameters while *policy.erl* determines how the ldap entries will look like. The default policy creates entries of the form: dn: cn=, dc=example, dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames cn: uniqueMember: cn=, dc=example, dc=com You can replace the module with whatever erlang module you like as long as implements add_host/3 and del_host/2. ## Running To run in development mode use make shell To build releases, etc. check the [rebar3][] documentation. [rebar3]: https://www.rebar3.org/v3.0/docs