# HEPL1 * When: *2015-10-31* * Number of patricipants: *5* * Bowls of Chilli Con Soja: *1* * Mates drank: *0* * Number of Debian Bugs fixed: *2* * Files transferred via XMPP: *2* Some things that happened: * Uploaded a new version of [iptables-converter][] 0.9.8 * Fixed icedove's RC bug [#802281][] * Uploaded [libvirt][] 1.2.21-rc1 to experimental * Finally uploaded a first version of [zarafa][] to experimental * Worked on improved apache suppot for [zarafa-webapp][] (not yet in the archive) * Updates to python-selenium & selenium-firefoxdriver (not yet uploaded) * Work on making iptables-converter reproducible (not finished yet) * Work on making gbp import-orig more smart on errors (not finished yet) [iptables-converter]: https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/iptables-converter [#802281]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=802281 [libvirt]: https://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/libvirt [zarafa]: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/zarafa_7.2.1~RC51272+dfsg1-1.html [zarafa-webapp]: https://github.com/tijuca/zarafa-webapp