# HEPL2 * When: *2017-12-09* * Number of patricipants: 4 * Bowls of Chilli Con Soja cooked: *1* * Bowls of Chilli Con Soja eaten: *1* * Number of Debian Bugs fixed: *?* * Number of package uploads: 2 * Files transferred via XMPP: 5 * Number of new XMPP accounts: 1 ## Participants * Carsten Schönert * [[Guido Günther|agx]] * Johannes Hubertz * Sascha Girrulat ## Infra * apt-cacher: deb http://apt:9999/debian/ main contrib non-free ## Done Things * Uploaded Thunderbird 52.5 to Wheezy * New packages for [selenium](https://anonscm.debian.org/git/users/sagiru-guest/python-selenium.git) prepared * New packages for [iptables-converter](https://github.com/sl0/conv) prepared * Got [Weston](https://github.com/wayland-project/weston) on the Boundary Devices i.MX6 Quad board to run (and partially [Maynard](https://github.com/raspberrypi/maynard/wiki) as well)