* Current Merkur Board based 6lopan devices | Device | eui64 (should) | eui64 (actual) | LL Address | Firmware | Type | State | |-------------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------+------------------------+------------------------| | OSDomotics gelb/weiße Antenne | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:34:7c | - | fe80::221:2eff:ff00:347c | f87c6fd158a964b969341eadfa974377d349b51d | arduino-plantobserving | ok | | OSDomotics weiße Ante | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:33:04 | - | | f87c6fd158a964b969341eadfa974377d349b51d | rpl-border-router | ok | | OSDomotics Carsten | | | fe80::221:2eff:ff00:33df | ? | ? | ? | | Eigenbau 1 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:66:59 | | | ? | ? | ? | | Eigenbau 2 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:64:2f | 0-50-56-ff-ff-3-4-5 | | 7281120a685f12fb4b6c3c248e5f4c81c63397ab | arduino-plantobserving | ok | | Eigenbau 3 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:67:1e | | | | | 2nd stage flash worked | | Eigenbau 4 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:65:35 | | | | | 2nd stage flash worked | | Eigenbau 5 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:66:48 | | | | | 2nd stage flash worked | | Eigenbau 6 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:64:c4 | | | | | 2nd stage flash worked | | Eigenbau 7 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:66:76 | | | | | 2nd stage flash worked | | Eigenbau 8 | 00:21:2e:ff:ff:00:67:01 | | | | | defekt | * <2016-11-12 Sa> - Solder Merkur Boards as of https://github.com/tijuca/lowpan-pcb-designs in Fr * <2016-12-04 So> - Flashed [bonsai bootloader](https://github.com/osdomotics/osd-hardware/tree/master/bootloaders/atmega-bonsai) Several boards won't accept a second stage bootloader afterwards, reason yet unknown * <2016-12-11 Sun> - Eigenbau 2 pingable ** We're using the deRFmega128-22M10 with a Atmega128rfa1 so the default *TARGET=osd-merkur-128* is ok for us ** flash new Contiki sine f87c6f crashes early, likely due to us using the [bonsai bootloader](https://github.com/osdomotics/osd-hardware/tree/master/bootloaders/atmega-bonsai) now ** set the channel back to 26 as in f87c6f, defaults to 25 otherwise ** slip6 see https://honk.sigxcpu.org/piki/hw/merkur-board/ ** ping $ ping6 -c 1 -I tun0 2001:db8:c001:f00d:250:56ff:ff03:0405 PING 2001:db8:c001:f00d:250:56ff:ff03:0405(2001:db8:c001:f00d:250:56ff:ff03:405) from 2001:db8:c001:f00d::1 tun0: 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2001:db8:c001:f00d:250:56ff:ff03:405: icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=526 ms --- 2001:db8:c001:f00d:250:56ff:ff03:0405 ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 526.776/526.776/526.776/0.000 ms * TODO ** flash bootloader again with correct MAC, so far we flashed the default in the bonsai code