[[!meta title="LibPlanFahr"]] [[!meta description="Public Transport, Train, GObjet, GLib, GNOME"]] LibPlanFahr is a [GObject][1] based library to query information for public transport like available locations and trip schedules (including platform information and stops). [[!toc ]] LibPlanFahr is currently alpha quality software. ### Features * It can query different provides like de-db, de-bvg and ch-sbb * It's [introspectable][2] so it's easily usable from different languages * It's asynchronous [[!template id=flattr thing="48460" name="Colors-of-Noise"]] [[!template id=honk_git repo="libplanfahr"]] ### Documentation See the [API documentation][4]. Don't consider the API to be stable yet. ### Building Fetch the source code from git then do a: ./autogen.sh make make install ### Running To run out of the source directory use *./run*, e.g. ./run python examples/trip-query.py Hamburg Berlin otherwise just use [pkg-config][3] to build against it. ### Authors libplanfahr was written by Guido Günther <>. ### License LibPlanfahr is free software and licensed under the LGPL Version 2 or later. [1]: http://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/ [2]: https://wiki.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection [3]: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/ [4]: http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/libplanfahr/html/