[[!meta title="Network Manager Iodine VPN Plugin"]] [[!meta description="GNOME, Network Manager, Iodine, DNS, Tunnel"]] NetworkManager-iodine is a [network manager][0] VPN plugin that allows you to tunnel your connection through a DNS tunnel. This can be useful if internet access is firewalled but DNS traffic is still allowed. [[!toc ]] [[!template id=flattr thing="494948" name="network-manager-iodine"]] ### Source Code The [source code][code] is available via: git clone git://git.gnome.org/network-manager-iodine ### Releases Tarball releases and packages are available from [here](http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/network-manager-iodine/tarballs). [Debian][] package are available via the official [archive][]. ### Building Fetch the source code from git then do a: ./autogen.sh make make install ### Debugging To debug network-manager-iodine start NetworkManger as root and turn on detailed debugging for VPN messages: sudo systemctl stop NetworkManger.service sudo NetworkManager --log-level=DEBUG --log-domains=VPN --no-daemon This will make sure you see NMs and the plugins output in one log. ### Dependencies You need [network-manager][0] 0.9.2 and [iodine][iodine] 0.6.0-rc1. ### Authors network-manager-iodine was written by Guido Günther <>. ### License network-manager-iodine is free software and licensed under the GPL Version 2. [0]: http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/ [Debian]: http://debian.org [iodine]: http://code.kryo.se/iodine/ [code]: http://git.gnome.org/browse/network-manager-iodine [archive]: http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=network-manager-iodine