nss-dontstalkme is a nsswitch module that maps host lookups of well known web trackers to localhost so they become uneffective. While other solutions such as browser plugins only target specific applications this affects the whole system. [[!toc ]] ## Installation See the README file in the source. [[!template id=honk_git repo="nss-dontstalkme"]] ### Pre-built packages Debian Packages for Jessie can be found [here][]. ## Usage If using the Debian package now further setup is required. You need to change /etc/nsswitch.conf otherwise (see the README again). Check if it's working via: getent ahostsv4 foo.google-analytics.com This should return only addresses of localhost. ## TODO * Move blocked domains to config file? [[!template id=honk_ml project="nss-dontstalkme"]] ## Author nss-dontstalkme was written by [[Guido Günther|/agx]]. ## License nss-dontstalkme is free software and licensed under the LGPL Version 2.1. [here]: /projects/nss-dontstalkme/releases/