[[sapgui-package]] allows you to build a [Debian](http://debian.org) package for the [SAP GUI for Java](ftp://ftp.sap.com/pub/sapgui/java) from the available .JAR for Linux. [[!toc ]] ## Usage * Build the package: make-sgpkg PlatinGUI-Linux-710r7.jar * Install the resulting deb: dpkg -i sapgui_7.10rev7_i386.deb ## Source Code The source code is available via: git clone http://honk.sigxcpu.org/git/sapgui-package.git/ ## Debian Package Debian packages are available from [[!debpkg sapgui-package desc=debian.org]]. ## Todo * add desktop icons for sapguilogon ## Tested Versions * PlatinGui-Linux-710r8.jar: i386 (openjdk-6-re) * PlatinGUI-Linux-710r7.jar: i386 (openjdk-6-re), amd64 * PlatinGUI-Linux-710r6.jar: i386 (openjdk-6-re)