# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2010 Guido Guenther # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import logging from lxml import etree from provider import Provider class ProviderDB(object): """Proxy to mobile broadband provider database""" provider_info = os.getenv('PPM_PROVIDER_DB', '/usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/' 'serviceproviders.xml') country_codes = '/usr/share/zoneinfo/iso3166.tab' def __init__(self): self.__tree = None self.__countries = {} @property def tree(self): if self.__tree: return self.__tree else: self.__tree = etree.parse(self.provider_info) return self.__tree @property def countries(self): if self.__countries: return self.__countries else: self._tree = self._load_countries() return self.__countries def _load_countries(self): try: for line in file(self.country_codes, 'r'): if line[0] != '#': (code, country) = line.split('\t',2) self.__countries[code.lower()] = country.strip() except IOError as msg: logging.warning("Loading country code database failed: %s" % msg) def _fill_provider_info(self, provider_elem): """Fill a provider object with data from the XML""" name = provider_elem.xpath("./name")[0].text country = provider_elem.getparent().attrib['code'] gsm_elem = provider_elem.xpath("./gsm") provider = Provider(country = country, name = name) if gsm_elem: self._fill_balance_check_cmd(gsm_elem[0], provider) self._fill_top_up_cmd(gsm_elem[0], provider) return provider def _fill_balance_check_cmd(self, xmlelemnt, provider): """Fetch balance check method from XML and add it to the provider""" for child in xmlelemnt.iter(tag='balance-check'): check_types = child.getchildren() for t in check_types: if t.tag == 'ussd': sequence = t.text provider.add_fetch_balance_cmd({'ussd': sequence}) if t.tag == 'sms': number = t.text text = t.attrib['text'] provider.add_fetch_balance_cmd({'sms': (number, text)}) def _fill_top_up_cmd(self, xmlelement, provider): for child in xmlelement.iter(tag='balance-top-up'): check_types = child.getchildren() for t in check_types: if t.tag == 'ussd': sequence = t.text replacement = t.attrib['replacement'] provider.add_top_up_cmd({'ussd': [sequence, replacement]}) if t.tag == 'sms': number = t.text text = t.attrib['text'] provicer.add_top_up_cmd({'sms': (number, text)}) def get_providers(self, mcc, mnc): """ Get possible providers for the current mcc and mnc from the database """ path = "//network-id[@mcc='%s' and @mnc='%s']" % (mcc, mnc) searcher = etree.ETXPath(path) providers = [] for r in searcher(self.tree): provider_elem = r.getparent().getparent() providers.append(self._fill_provider_info(provider_elem)) return providers def get_provider(self, country_code, name): path = "//country[@code='%s']/provider[name='%s']" % (country_code, name) searcher = etree.ETXPath(path) for r in searcher(self.tree): return self._fill_provider_info(r) return None def get_country_codes(self): path = "/serviceproviders/country" searcher = etree.ETXPath(path) for r in searcher(self.tree): yield r.attrib['code'] def get_countries(self): for code in self.get_country_codes(): try: yield (self.countries[code], code) except KeyError: yield (None, code) def get_providers_by_code(self, country_code): path = ("/serviceproviders/country[@code='%s']/provider/name" % country_code) searcher = etree.ETXPath(path) for r in searcher(self.tree): yield r.text