Source: sapgui-package Section: contrib/misc Priority: extra Maintainer: Guido Günther Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), python, python-support Standards-Version: 3.8.1 VCS-Git: VCS-Browser: Homepage: Package: sapgui-package Architecture: all Depends: cdbs, fakeroot, openjdk-6-jre | java5-runtime, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, python, libxext6, libxpm4, libxt6, libxp6, libgnomevfs2-0 [i386], libbonobo2-0 [i386], kdelibs4c2a [i386], ia32-libs [amd64] Description: utility to build SAP GUI related Debian packages This package provides the capability to create a Debian package for the Platinum Java SAP GUI from the provided JAR by just running 'make-sgpkg '.