/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details: * * Copyright (C) 2012 Google, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _LIBMM_INSIDE_MM #include #include "mm-iface-modem.h" #include "mm-bearer-qmi.h" #include "mm-modem-helpers-qmi.h" #include "mm-serial-enums-types.h" #include "mm-log.h" G_DEFINE_TYPE (MMBearerQmi, mm_bearer_qmi, MM_TYPE_BEARER); #define GLOBAL_PACKET_DATA_HANDLE 0xFFFFFFFF struct _MMBearerQmiPrivate { /* State kept while connected */ QmiClientWds *client_ipv4; QmiClientWds *client_ipv6; MMPort *data; guint32 packet_data_handle_ipv4; guint32 packet_data_handle_ipv6; }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Connect */ typedef enum { CONNECT_STEP_FIRST, CONNECT_STEP_OPEN_QMI_PORT, CONNECT_STEP_IPV4, CONNECT_STEP_WDS_CLIENT_IPV4, CONNECT_STEP_IP_FAMILY_IPV4, CONNECT_STEP_START_NETWORK_IPV4, CONNECT_STEP_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_IPV4, CONNECT_STEP_IPV6, CONNECT_STEP_WDS_CLIENT_IPV6, CONNECT_STEP_IP_FAMILY_IPV6, CONNECT_STEP_START_NETWORK_IPV6, CONNECT_STEP_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_IPV6, CONNECT_STEP_LAST } ConnectStep; typedef struct { MMBearerQmi *self; GSimpleAsyncResult *result; GCancellable *cancellable; ConnectStep step; MMPort *data; MMQmiPort *qmi; gchar *user; gchar *password; gchar *apn; QmiWdsAuthentication auth; gboolean no_ip_family_preference; gboolean default_ip_family_set; gboolean ipv4; gboolean running_ipv4; QmiClientWds *client_ipv4; guint32 packet_data_handle_ipv4; GError *error_ipv4; gboolean ipv6; gboolean running_ipv6; QmiClientWds *client_ipv6; guint32 packet_data_handle_ipv6; GError *error_ipv6; } ConnectContext; static void connect_context_complete_and_free (ConnectContext *ctx) { g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (ctx->result); g_object_unref (ctx->result); g_free (ctx->apn); g_free (ctx->user); g_free (ctx->password); if (ctx->error_ipv4) g_error_free (ctx->error_ipv4); if (ctx->error_ipv6) g_error_free (ctx->error_ipv6); if (ctx->client_ipv4) g_object_unref (ctx->client_ipv4); if (ctx->client_ipv6) g_object_unref (ctx->client_ipv6); g_object_unref (ctx->data); g_object_unref (ctx->qmi); g_object_unref (ctx->cancellable); g_object_unref (ctx->self); g_slice_free (ConnectContext, ctx); } static MMBearerConnectResult * connect_finish (MMBearer *self, GAsyncResult *res, GError **error) { if (g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (res), error)) return NULL; return mm_bearer_connect_result_ref (g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gpointer (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (res))); } static void connect_context_step (ConnectContext *ctx); static void start_network_ready (QmiClientWds *client, GAsyncResult *res, ConnectContext *ctx) { GError *error = NULL; QmiMessageWdsStartNetworkOutput *output; g_assert (ctx->running_ipv4 || ctx->running_ipv6); g_assert (!(ctx->running_ipv4 && ctx->running_ipv6)); output = qmi_client_wds_start_network_finish (client, res, &error); if (output && !qmi_message_wds_start_network_output_get_result (output, &error)) { /* No-effect errors should be ignored. The modem will keep the * connection active as long as there is a WDS client which requested * to start the network. If ModemManager crashed while a connection was * active, we would be leaving an unreleased WDS client around and the * modem would just keep connected. */ if (g_error_matches (error, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_EFFECT)) { g_error_free (error); error = NULL; if (ctx->running_ipv4) ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4 = GLOBAL_PACKET_DATA_HANDLE; else ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6 = GLOBAL_PACKET_DATA_HANDLE; /* Fall down to a successful connection */ } else { mm_info ("error: couldn't start network: %s", error->message); if (g_error_matches (error, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CALL_FAILED)) { QmiWdsCallEndReason cer; QmiWdsVerboseCallEndReasonType verbose_cer_type; gint16 verbose_cer_reason; if (qmi_message_wds_start_network_output_get_call_end_reason ( output, &cer, NULL)) mm_info ("call end reason (%u): '%s'", cer, qmi_wds_call_end_reason_get_string (cer)); if (qmi_message_wds_start_network_output_get_verbose_call_end_reason ( output, &verbose_cer_type, &verbose_cer_reason, NULL)) mm_info ("verbose call end reason (%u,%d): [%s] %s", verbose_cer_type, verbose_cer_reason, qmi_wds_verbose_call_end_reason_type_get_string (verbose_cer_type), qmi_wds_verbose_call_end_reason_get_string (verbose_cer_type, verbose_cer_reason)); } } } if (error) { if (ctx->running_ipv4) ctx->error_ipv4 = error; else ctx->error_ipv6 = error; } else { if (ctx->running_ipv4) qmi_message_wds_start_network_output_get_packet_data_handle (output, &ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4, NULL); else qmi_message_wds_start_network_output_get_packet_data_handle (output, &ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6, NULL); } if (output) qmi_message_wds_start_network_output_unref (output); /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (ctx); } static QmiMessageWdsStartNetworkInput * build_start_network_input (ConnectContext *ctx) { QmiMessageWdsStartNetworkInput *input; g_assert (ctx->running_ipv4 || ctx->running_ipv6); g_assert (!(ctx->running_ipv4 && ctx->running_ipv6)); input = qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_new (); if (ctx->apn) qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_set_apn (input, ctx->apn, NULL); if (ctx->auth != QMI_WDS_AUTHENTICATION_NONE) { qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_set_authentication_preference (input, ctx->auth, NULL); if (ctx->user) qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_set_username (input, ctx->user, NULL); if (ctx->password) qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_set_password (input, ctx->password, NULL); } /* Only add the IP family preference TLV if explicitly requested a given * family. This TLV may be newer than the Start Network command itself, so * we'll just allow the case where none is specified. Also, don't add this * TLV if we already set a default IP family preference with "WDS Set IP * Family" */ if (!ctx->no_ip_family_preference && !ctx->default_ip_family_set) { qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_set_ip_family_preference ( input, (ctx->running_ipv6 ? QMI_WDS_IP_FAMILY_IPV6 : QMI_WDS_IP_FAMILY_IPV4), NULL); } return input; } static void print_address4 (gboolean success, const char *tag, guint32 address, GError *error) { struct in_addr a = { .s_addr = GUINT32_TO_BE (address) }; char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN + 1]; if (success) { memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); if (inet_ntop (AF_INET, &a, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) mm_dbg (" %s: %s", tag, buf); else mm_dbg (" %s: failed (address conversion error)", tag); return; } mm_dbg (" %s: failed (%s)", tag, error ? error->message : "unknown"); } static void print_address6 (gboolean success, const char *tag, GArray *array, guint32 prefix, GError *error) { struct in6_addr a; char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1]; guint32 i; if (success) { g_assert (array); g_assert (array->len == 8); memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); for (i = 0; i < array->len; i++) a.s6_addr16[i] = GUINT16_TO_BE (g_array_index (array, guint16, i)); if (inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &a, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) mm_dbg (" %s: %s/%d", tag, buf, prefix); else mm_dbg (" %s: failed (address conversion error)", tag); g_array_free (array, TRUE); return; } mm_dbg (" %s: failed (%s)", tag, error ? error->message : "unknown"); } static void get_current_settings_ready (QmiClientWds *client, GAsyncResult *res, ConnectContext *ctx) { GError *error = NULL; QmiMessageWdsGetCurrentSettingsOutput *output; g_assert (ctx->running_ipv4 || ctx->running_ipv6); output = qmi_client_wds_get_current_settings_finish (client, res, &error); if (!output || !qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_result (output, &error)) { /* Never treat this as a hard connection error; not all devices support * "WDS Get Current Settings" */ mm_info ("error: couldn't get current settings: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } else { gboolean success; guint32 addr, mtu, i; GArray *array; guint8 prefix; /* If the message has an IPv4 address, print IPv4 settings */ if (qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_ipv4_address (output, &addr, &error)) { mm_dbg ("QMI IPv4 Settings:"); /* IPv4 address */ print_address4 (TRUE, "Address", addr, error); g_clear_error (&error); /* IPv4 gateway address */ success = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_ipv4_gateway_address (output, &addr, &error); print_address4 (success, "Gateway", addr, error); g_clear_error (&error); /* IPv4 subnet mask */ success = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_ipv4_gateway_subnet_mask (output, &addr, &error); print_address4 (success, "Netmask", addr, error); g_clear_error (&error); /* IPv4 DNS #1 */ success = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_primary_ipv4_dns_address (output, &addr, &error); print_address4 (success, " DNS #1", addr, error); g_clear_error (&error); /* IPv4 DNS #2 */ success = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_secondary_ipv4_dns_address (output, &addr, &error); print_address4 (success, " DNS #2", addr, error); g_clear_error (&error); } /* If the message has an IPv6 address, print IPv6 settings */ if (qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_ipv6_address (output, &array, &prefix, &error)) { mm_dbg ("QMI IPv6 Settings:"); /* IPv6 address */ print_address6 (TRUE, "Address", array, prefix, error); g_clear_error (&error); /* IPv6 gateway address */ success = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_ipv6_gateway_address (output, &array, &prefix, &error); print_address6 (success, "Gateway", array, prefix, error); g_clear_error (&error); /* IPv6 DNS #1 */ success = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_ipv6_primary_dns_address (output, &array, &error); print_address6 (success, " DNS #1", array, 0, error); g_clear_error (&error); /* IPv6 DNS #2 */ success = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_ipv6_secondary_dns_address (output, &array, &error); print_address6 (success, " DNS #2", array, 0, error); g_clear_error (&error); } /* Domain names */ if (qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_domain_name_list (output, &array, &error)) { GString *s = g_string_sized_new (array ? (array->len * 20) : 1); for (i = 0; array && (i < array->len); i++) { if (s->len) g_string_append (s, ", "); g_string_append (s, g_array_index (array, const char *, i)); } mm_dbg (" Domains: %s", s->str); g_string_free (s, TRUE); } else { mm_dbg (" Domains: failed (%s)", error ? error->message : "unknown"); g_clear_error (&error); } if (qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_get_mtu (output, &mtu, &error)) mm_dbg (" MTU: %d", mtu); else { mm_dbg (" MTU: failed (%s)", error ? error->message : "unknown"); g_clear_error (&error); } } if (output) qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_output_unref (output); /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (ctx); } static void get_current_settings (ConnectContext *ctx, QmiClientWds *client) { QmiMessageWdsGetCurrentSettingsInput *input; QmiWdsGetCurrentSettingsRequestedSettings requested; g_assert (ctx->running_ipv4 || ctx->running_ipv6); requested = QMI_WDS_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_REQUESTED_SETTINGS_DNS_ADDRESS | QMI_WDS_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_REQUESTED_SETTINGS_GRANTED_QOS | QMI_WDS_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_REQUESTED_SETTINGS_IP_ADDRESS | QMI_WDS_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_REQUESTED_SETTINGS_GATEWAY_INFO | QMI_WDS_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_REQUESTED_SETTINGS_MTU | QMI_WDS_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_REQUESTED_SETTINGS_DOMAIN_NAME_LIST | QMI_WDS_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_REQUESTED_SETTINGS_IP_FAMILY; input = qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_input_new (); qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_input_set_requested_settings (input, requested, NULL); qmi_client_wds_get_current_settings (client, input, 10, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)get_current_settings_ready, ctx); qmi_message_wds_get_current_settings_input_unref (input); } static void set_ip_family_ready (QmiClientWds *client, GAsyncResult *res, ConnectContext *ctx) { GError *error = NULL; QmiMessageWdsSetIpFamilyOutput *output; g_assert (ctx->running_ipv4 || ctx->running_ipv6); g_assert (!(ctx->running_ipv4 && ctx->running_ipv6)); output = qmi_client_wds_set_ip_family_finish (client, res, &error); if (output) { qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_output_get_result (output, &error); qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_output_unref (output); } if (error) { /* Ensure we add the IP family preference TLV */ mm_dbg ("Couldn't set IP family preference: '%s'", error->message); g_error_free (error); ctx->default_ip_family_set = FALSE; } else { /* No need to add IP family preference */ ctx->default_ip_family_set = TRUE; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (ctx); } static void qmi_port_allocate_client_ready (MMQmiPort *qmi, GAsyncResult *res, ConnectContext *ctx) { GError *error = NULL; g_assert (ctx->running_ipv4 || ctx->running_ipv6); g_assert (!(ctx->running_ipv4 && ctx->running_ipv6)); if (!mm_qmi_port_allocate_client_finish (qmi, res, &error)) { g_simple_async_result_take_error (ctx->result, error); connect_context_complete_and_free (ctx); return; } if (ctx->running_ipv4) ctx->client_ipv4 = QMI_CLIENT_WDS (mm_qmi_port_get_client (qmi, QMI_SERVICE_WDS, MM_QMI_PORT_FLAG_WDS_IPV4)); else ctx->client_ipv6 = QMI_CLIENT_WDS (mm_qmi_port_get_client (qmi, QMI_SERVICE_WDS, MM_QMI_PORT_FLAG_WDS_IPV6)); /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (ctx); } static void qmi_port_open_ready (MMQmiPort *qmi, GAsyncResult *res, ConnectContext *ctx) { GError *error = NULL; if (!mm_qmi_port_open_finish (qmi, res, &error)) { g_simple_async_result_take_error (ctx->result, error); connect_context_complete_and_free (ctx); return; } /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; connect_context_step (ctx); } static void connect_context_step (ConnectContext *ctx) { /* If cancelled, complete */ if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (ctx->cancellable)) { g_simple_async_result_set_error (ctx->result, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_CANCELLED, "Connection setup operation has been cancelled"); connect_context_complete_and_free (ctx); return; } switch (ctx->step) { case CONNECT_STEP_FIRST: g_assert (ctx->ipv4 || ctx->ipv6); /* Fall down */ ctx->step++; case CONNECT_STEP_OPEN_QMI_PORT: if (!mm_qmi_port_is_open (ctx->qmi)) { mm_qmi_port_open (ctx->qmi, TRUE, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)qmi_port_open_ready, ctx); return; } /* If already open, just fall down */ ctx->step++; case CONNECT_STEP_IPV4: /* If no IPv4 setup needed, jump to IPv6 */ if (!ctx->ipv4) { ctx->step = CONNECT_STEP_IPV6; connect_context_step (ctx); return; } /* Start IPv4 setup */ mm_dbg ("Running IPv4 connection setup"); ctx->running_ipv4 = TRUE; ctx->running_ipv6 = FALSE; /* Just fall down */ ctx->step++; case CONNECT_STEP_WDS_CLIENT_IPV4: { QmiClient *client; client = mm_qmi_port_get_client (ctx->qmi, QMI_SERVICE_WDS, MM_QMI_PORT_FLAG_WDS_IPV4); if (!client) { mm_dbg ("Allocating IPv4-specific WDS client"); mm_qmi_port_allocate_client (ctx->qmi, QMI_SERVICE_WDS, MM_QMI_PORT_FLAG_WDS_IPV4, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)qmi_port_allocate_client_ready, ctx); return; } ctx->client_ipv4 = QMI_CLIENT_WDS (client); /* Just fall down */ ctx->step++; } case CONNECT_STEP_IP_FAMILY_IPV4: /* If client is new enough, select IP family */ if (!ctx->no_ip_family_preference && qmi_client_check_version (QMI_CLIENT (ctx->client_ipv4), 1, 9)) { QmiMessageWdsSetIpFamilyInput *input; mm_dbg ("Setting default IP family to: IPv4"); input = qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_input_new (); qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_input_set_preference (input, QMI_WDS_IP_FAMILY_IPV4, NULL); qmi_client_wds_set_ip_family (ctx->client_ipv4, input, 10, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)set_ip_family_ready, ctx); qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_input_unref (input); return; } ctx->default_ip_family_set = FALSE; /* Just fall down */ ctx->step++; case CONNECT_STEP_START_NETWORK_IPV4: { QmiMessageWdsStartNetworkInput *input; mm_dbg ("Starting IPv4 connection..."); input = build_start_network_input (ctx); qmi_client_wds_start_network (ctx->client_ipv4, input, 45, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)start_network_ready, ctx); qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_unref (input); return; } case CONNECT_STEP_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_IPV4: { /* Retrieve and print IP configuration */ if (ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4) { mm_dbg ("Getting IPv4 configuration..."); get_current_settings (ctx, ctx->client_ipv4); return; } /* Fall through */ ctx->step++; } case CONNECT_STEP_IPV6: /* If no IPv6 setup needed, jump to last */ if (!ctx->ipv6) { ctx->step = CONNECT_STEP_LAST; connect_context_step (ctx); return; } /* Start IPv6 setup */ mm_dbg ("Running IPv6 connection setup"); ctx->running_ipv4 = FALSE; ctx->running_ipv6 = TRUE; /* Just fall down */ ctx->step++; case CONNECT_STEP_WDS_CLIENT_IPV6: { QmiClient *client; client = mm_qmi_port_get_client (ctx->qmi, QMI_SERVICE_WDS, MM_QMI_PORT_FLAG_WDS_IPV6); if (!client) { mm_dbg ("Allocating IPv6-specific WDS client"); mm_qmi_port_allocate_client (ctx->qmi, QMI_SERVICE_WDS, MM_QMI_PORT_FLAG_WDS_IPV6, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)qmi_port_allocate_client_ready, ctx); return; } ctx->client_ipv6 = QMI_CLIENT_WDS (client); /* Just fall down */ ctx->step++; } case CONNECT_STEP_IP_FAMILY_IPV6: g_assert (ctx->no_ip_family_preference == FALSE); /* If client is new enough, select IP family */ if (qmi_client_check_version (QMI_CLIENT (ctx->client_ipv6), 1, 9)) { QmiMessageWdsSetIpFamilyInput *input; mm_dbg ("Setting default IP family to: IPv6"); input = qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_input_new (); qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_input_set_preference (input, QMI_WDS_IP_FAMILY_IPV6, NULL); qmi_client_wds_set_ip_family (ctx->client_ipv6, input, 10, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)set_ip_family_ready, ctx); qmi_message_wds_set_ip_family_input_unref (input); return; } ctx->default_ip_family_set = FALSE; /* Just fall down */ ctx->step++; case CONNECT_STEP_START_NETWORK_IPV6: { QmiMessageWdsStartNetworkInput *input; mm_dbg ("Starting IPv6 connection..."); input = build_start_network_input (ctx); qmi_client_wds_start_network (ctx->client_ipv6, input, 45, ctx->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)start_network_ready, ctx); qmi_message_wds_start_network_input_unref (input); return; } case CONNECT_STEP_GET_CURRENT_SETTINGS_IPV6: { /* Retrieve and print IP configuration */ if (ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6) { mm_dbg ("Getting IPv6 configuration..."); get_current_settings (ctx, ctx->client_ipv6); return; } /* Fall through */ ctx->step++; } case CONNECT_STEP_LAST: /* If one of IPv4 or IPv6 succeeds, we're connected */ if (ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4 || ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6) { MMBearerIpConfig *config; /* Port is connected; update the state */ mm_port_set_connected (MM_PORT (ctx->data), TRUE); /* Keep connection related data */ g_assert (ctx->self->priv->data == NULL); ctx->self->priv->data = g_object_ref (ctx->data); g_assert (ctx->self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv4 == 0); g_assert (ctx->self->priv->client_ipv4 == NULL); if (ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4) { ctx->self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv4 = ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4; ctx->self->priv->client_ipv4 = g_object_ref (ctx->client_ipv4); } g_assert (ctx->self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv6 == 0); g_assert (ctx->self->priv->client_ipv6 == NULL); if (ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6) { ctx->self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv6 = ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6; ctx->self->priv->client_ipv6 = g_object_ref (ctx->client_ipv6); } /* Build IP config; always DHCP based */ config = mm_bearer_ip_config_new (); mm_bearer_ip_config_set_method (config, MM_BEARER_IP_METHOD_DHCP); /* Set operation result */ g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer ( ctx->result, mm_bearer_connect_result_new ( ctx->data, ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4 ? config : NULL, ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6 ? config : NULL), (GDestroyNotify)mm_bearer_connect_result_unref); g_object_unref (config); } else { GError *error; /* No connection, set error. If both set, IPv4 error preferred */ if (ctx->error_ipv4) { error = ctx->error_ipv4; ctx->error_ipv4 = NULL; } else { error = ctx->error_ipv6; ctx->error_ipv6 = NULL; } g_simple_async_result_take_error (ctx->result, error); } connect_context_complete_and_free (ctx); return; } } static void _connect (MMBearer *self, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { MMBearerProperties *properties = NULL; ConnectContext *ctx; MMBaseModem *modem = NULL; MMPort *data; MMQmiPort *qmi; GError *error = NULL; const gchar *apn; g_object_get (self, MM_BEARER_MODEM, &modem, NULL); g_assert (modem); /* Grab a data port */ data = mm_base_modem_get_best_data_port (modem, MM_PORT_TYPE_NET); if (!data) { g_simple_async_report_error_in_idle ( G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "No valid data port found to launch connection"); g_object_unref (modem); return; } /* Each data port has a single QMI port associated */ qmi = mm_base_modem_get_port_qmi_for_data (modem, data, &error); if (!qmi) { g_simple_async_report_take_gerror_in_idle ( G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data, error); g_object_unref (data); g_object_unref (modem); return; } /* Check whether we have an APN */ apn = mm_bearer_properties_get_apn (mm_bearer_peek_config (MM_BEARER (self))); /* Is this a 3GPP only modem and no APN was given? If so, error */ if (mm_iface_modem_is_3gpp_only (MM_IFACE_MODEM (modem)) && !apn) { g_simple_async_report_error_in_idle ( G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "3GPP connection logic requires APN setting"); g_object_unref (modem); return; } /* Is this a 3GPP2 only modem and APN was given? If so, error */ if (mm_iface_modem_is_cdma_only (MM_IFACE_MODEM (modem)) && apn) { g_simple_async_report_error_in_idle ( G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "3GPP2 doesn't support APN setting"); g_object_unref (modem); return; } g_object_unref (modem); mm_dbg ("Launching connection with QMI port (%s/%s) and data port (%s/%s)", mm_port_subsys_get_string (mm_port_get_subsys (MM_PORT (qmi))), mm_port_get_device (MM_PORT (qmi)), mm_port_subsys_get_string (mm_port_get_subsys (data)), mm_port_get_device (data)); ctx = g_slice_new0 (ConnectContext); ctx->self = g_object_ref (self); ctx->qmi = qmi; ctx->data = data; ctx->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); ctx->step = CONNECT_STEP_FIRST; ctx->result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data, connect); g_object_get (self, MM_BEARER_CONFIG, &properties, NULL); if (properties) { MMBearerAllowedAuth auth; MMBearerIpFamily ip_family; ctx->apn = g_strdup (mm_bearer_properties_get_apn (properties)); ctx->user = g_strdup (mm_bearer_properties_get_user (properties)); ctx->password = g_strdup (mm_bearer_properties_get_password (properties)); ip_family = mm_bearer_properties_get_ip_type (properties); if (ip_family == MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_NONE || ip_family == MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_ANY) { gchar *ip_family_str; ip_family = mm_bearer_get_default_ip_family (self); ip_family_str = mm_bearer_ip_family_build_string_from_mask (ip_family); mm_dbg ("No specific IP family requested, defaulting to %s", ip_family_str); ctx->no_ip_family_preference = TRUE; g_free (ip_family_str); } if (ip_family & MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_IPV4) ctx->ipv4 = TRUE; if (ip_family & MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_IPV6) ctx->ipv6 = TRUE; if (ip_family & MM_BEARER_IP_FAMILY_IPV4V6) { ctx->ipv4 = TRUE; ctx->ipv6 = TRUE; } if (!ctx->ipv4 && !ctx->ipv6) { gchar *str; str = mm_bearer_ip_family_build_string_from_mask (ip_family); g_simple_async_result_set_error ( ctx->result, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported IP type requested: '%s'", str); g_free (str); connect_context_complete_and_free (ctx); return; } auth = mm_bearer_properties_get_allowed_auth (properties); g_object_unref (properties); if (auth == MM_BEARER_ALLOWED_AUTH_UNKNOWN) { mm_dbg ("Using default (PAP) authentication method"); ctx->auth = QMI_WDS_AUTHENTICATION_PAP; } else if (auth & (MM_BEARER_ALLOWED_AUTH_PAP | MM_BEARER_ALLOWED_AUTH_CHAP | MM_BEARER_ALLOWED_AUTH_NONE)) { /* Only PAP and/or CHAP or NONE are supported */ ctx->auth = mm_bearer_allowed_auth_to_qmi_authentication (auth); } else { gchar *str; str = mm_bearer_allowed_auth_build_string_from_mask (auth); g_simple_async_result_set_error ( ctx->result, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "Cannot use any of the specified authentication methods (%s)", str); g_free (str); connect_context_complete_and_free (ctx); return; } } /* Run! */ connect_context_step (ctx); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Disconnect */ typedef enum { DISCONNECT_STEP_FIRST, DISCONNECT_STEP_STOP_NETWORK_IPV4, DISCONNECT_STEP_STOP_NETWORK_IPV6, DISCONNECT_STEP_LAST } DisconnectStep; typedef struct { MMBearerQmi *self; GSimpleAsyncResult *result; MMPort *data; DisconnectStep step; gboolean running_ipv4; QmiClientWds *client_ipv4; guint32 packet_data_handle_ipv4; GError *error_ipv4; gboolean running_ipv6; QmiClientWds *client_ipv6; guint32 packet_data_handle_ipv6; GError *error_ipv6; } DisconnectContext; static void disconnect_context_complete_and_free (DisconnectContext *ctx) { g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (ctx->result); g_object_unref (ctx->result); if (ctx->error_ipv4) g_error_free (ctx->error_ipv4); if (ctx->error_ipv6) g_error_free (ctx->error_ipv6); if (ctx->client_ipv4) g_object_unref (ctx->client_ipv4); if (ctx->client_ipv6) g_object_unref (ctx->client_ipv6); g_object_unref (ctx->data); g_object_unref (ctx->self); g_slice_free (DisconnectContext, ctx); } static gboolean disconnect_finish (MMBearer *self, GAsyncResult *res, GError **error) { return !g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (G_SIMPLE_ASYNC_RESULT (res), error); } static void reset_bearer_connection (MMBearerQmi *self, gboolean reset_ipv4, gboolean reset_ipv6) { if (reset_ipv4) { self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv4 = 0; g_clear_object (&self->priv->client_ipv4); } if (reset_ipv6) { self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv6 = 0; g_clear_object (&self->priv->client_ipv6); } if (!self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv4 && !self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv6) { if (self->priv->data) { /* Port is disconnected; update the state */ mm_port_set_connected (self->priv->data, FALSE); g_clear_object (&self->priv->data); } } } static void disconnect_context_step (DisconnectContext *ctx); static void stop_network_ready (QmiClientWds *client, GAsyncResult *res, DisconnectContext *ctx) { GError *error = NULL; QmiMessageWdsStopNetworkOutput *output; output = qmi_client_wds_stop_network_finish (client, res, &error); if (output && !qmi_message_wds_stop_network_output_get_result (output, &error)) { /* No effect error, we're already disconnected */ if (g_error_matches (error, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR, QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_EFFECT)) { g_error_free (error); error = NULL; } } if (error) { if (ctx->running_ipv4) ctx->error_ipv4 = error; else ctx->error_ipv6 = error; } else { /* Clear internal status */ reset_bearer_connection (ctx->self, ctx->running_ipv4, ctx->running_ipv6); } if (output) qmi_message_wds_stop_network_output_unref (output); /* Keep on */ ctx->step++; disconnect_context_step (ctx); } static void disconnect_context_step (DisconnectContext *ctx) { switch (ctx->step) { case DISCONNECT_STEP_FIRST: /* Fall down */ ctx->step++; case DISCONNECT_STEP_STOP_NETWORK_IPV4: if (ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4) { QmiMessageWdsStopNetworkInput *input; input = qmi_message_wds_stop_network_input_new (); qmi_message_wds_stop_network_input_set_packet_data_handle (input, ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4, NULL); ctx->running_ipv4 = TRUE; ctx->running_ipv6 = FALSE; qmi_client_wds_stop_network (ctx->client_ipv4, input, 30, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)stop_network_ready, ctx); return; } /* Fall down */ ctx->step++; case DISCONNECT_STEP_STOP_NETWORK_IPV6: if (ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6) { QmiMessageWdsStopNetworkInput *input; input = qmi_message_wds_stop_network_input_new (); qmi_message_wds_stop_network_input_set_packet_data_handle (input, ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6, NULL); ctx->running_ipv4 = FALSE; ctx->running_ipv6 = TRUE; qmi_client_wds_stop_network (ctx->client_ipv6, input, 30, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)stop_network_ready, ctx); return; } /* Fall down */ ctx->step++; case DISCONNECT_STEP_LAST: if (!ctx->error_ipv4 && !ctx->error_ipv6) g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (ctx->result, TRUE); else { GError *error; /* If both set, IPv4 error preferred */ if (ctx->error_ipv4) { error = ctx->error_ipv4; ctx->error_ipv4 = NULL; } else { error = ctx->error_ipv6; ctx->error_ipv6 = NULL; } g_simple_async_result_take_error (ctx->result, error); } disconnect_context_complete_and_free (ctx); return; } } static void disconnect (MMBearer *_self, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { MMBearerQmi *self = MM_BEARER_QMI (_self); DisconnectContext *ctx; if ((!self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv4 && !self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv6) || (!self->priv->client_ipv4 && !self->priv->client_ipv6) || !self->priv->data) { g_simple_async_report_error_in_idle ( G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data, MM_CORE_ERROR, MM_CORE_ERROR_FAILED, "Couldn't disconnect QMI bearer: this bearer is not connected"); return; } ctx = g_slice_new0 (DisconnectContext); ctx->self = g_object_ref (self); ctx->data = g_object_ref (self->priv->data); ctx->client_ipv4 = self->priv->client_ipv4 ? g_object_ref (self->priv->client_ipv4) : NULL; ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv4 = self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv4; ctx->client_ipv6 = self->priv->client_ipv6 ? g_object_ref (self->priv->client_ipv6) : NULL; ctx->packet_data_handle_ipv6 = self->priv->packet_data_handle_ipv6; ctx->result = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (self), callback, user_data, disconnect); ctx->step = DISCONNECT_STEP_FIRST; /* Run! */ disconnect_context_step (ctx); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void report_disconnection (MMBearer *self) { /* Cleanup all connection related data */ reset_bearer_connection (MM_BEARER_QMI (self), TRUE, TRUE); /* Chain up parent's report_disconection() */ MM_BEARER_CLASS (mm_bearer_qmi_parent_class)->report_disconnection (self); } /*****************************************************************************/ MMBearer * mm_bearer_qmi_new (MMBroadbandModemQmi *modem, MMBearerProperties *config) { MMBearer *bearer; /* The Qmi bearer inherits from MMBearer (so it's not a MMBroadbandBearer) * and that means that the object is not async-initable, so we just use * g_object_new() here */ bearer = g_object_new (MM_TYPE_BEARER_QMI, MM_BEARER_MODEM, modem, MM_BEARER_CONFIG, config, NULL); /* Only export valid bearers */ mm_bearer_export (bearer); return bearer; } static void mm_bearer_qmi_init (MMBearerQmi *self) { /* Initialize private data */ self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((self), MM_TYPE_BEARER_QMI, MMBearerQmiPrivate); } static void dispose (GObject *object) { MMBearerQmi *self = MM_BEARER_QMI (object); g_clear_object (&self->priv->data); g_clear_object (&self->priv->client_ipv4); g_clear_object (&self->priv->client_ipv6); G_OBJECT_CLASS (mm_bearer_qmi_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void mm_bearer_qmi_class_init (MMBearerQmiClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); MMBearerClass *bearer_class = MM_BEARER_CLASS (klass); g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (MMBearerQmiPrivate)); /* Virtual methods */ object_class->dispose = dispose; bearer_class->connect = _connect; bearer_class->connect_finish = connect_finish; bearer_class->disconnect = disconnect; bearer_class->disconnect_finish = disconnect_finish; bearer_class->report_disconnection = report_disconnection; }