REGRESSIONS: - Port ActiveSync backend to non-recursive Automake. IMPROVEMENTS: - Add a check for qt-mobility for QtContacts backend. - Probably client test should be built only when unit tests or integration tests are enabled. - Review CLEANFILES, DISTCLEANFILES, MAINTAINERCLEANFILES and MOSTLYCLEANFILES. That is - check which files should be assigned to which of CLEAN variables. - Check why distcheck outputs: ================== All 0 tests passed ================== There should have been at least one test being run. The same behavior exists in old build system. This is because neither unit tests nor integration tests are enabled by default. If we would want to enable them then we should add --enable-unit-tests and --enable-integration-tests into DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS in toplevel - Check why there are so many failed tests when running `make check' explicitly. The same number of failures exists in old build system: Run: 583 Failure total: 528 Failures: 206 Errors: 322 - Tidy up and some .am files. - Maybe write scripts generating, and QUESTIONS: - None. PERSISTENT: - Hunt for common variables clobbering. - Silence more verbose output if found. NITPICKS: - Check if SyncEvolutionXML.c should always be recreated, patches always checked and test-client always relinked. - Maybe do not create /share/man/man1 directory if we do not put there anything. - If backends are static libraries then do not create /lib/syncevolution, because nothing is put here. - Change $(foo) to @foo@ for all variables substituted by configure script. This might be useful when looking for actual value of variable appearing out of nowhere in .am file. Maybe make also all configure variables UPPER_CASE and all local Automake variables lower_case. - Lower autoreconf's warnings level later. Namely - don't warn about some portability issues. The warnings about obsolete stuff should rather remain. For now only some glib macros are using obsolete features. - Should stamp files be marked as intermediate or rather as secondary files? - Check why 'copying selected object files to avoid basename conflicts...' is displayed between linking src/dbus/server/ and compiling src/gdbus/src_gdbus_libgdbussyncevo_la-debug.lo. This is probably harmless. TRACKING: - Handle nobase prefixes. Link to track: - Explanation why make -jX used to fail: It failed because usually Automake generates dependencies of a library/program by looking at its _LIBADD/_LDADD variable. But this generation doesn't work correctly when _LIBADD/_LDADD variable has AC_SUBSTed variable - automake then just discards them and resulting _DEPENDENCIES variable does not contain them. As a workaround _DEPENDENCIES variable have to be written explicitly. Link to track: