/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #include "ForkExec.h" #include #include #if defined(HAVE_GLIB) #include #include #include "test.h" SE_BEGIN_CXX static const std::string ForkExecEnvVar("SYNCEVOLUTION_FORK_EXEC="); static const std::string ForkExecInstanceEnvVar("SYNCEVOLUTION_FORK_EXEC_INSTANCE="); #ifndef GDBUS_CXX_HAVE_DISCONNECT // internal D-Bus API: only used to monitor parent by having one method call pending static const std::string FORKEXEC_PARENT_PATH("/org/syncevolution/forkexec/parent"); static const std::string FORKEXEC_PARENT_IFACE("org.syncevolution.forkexec.parent"); static const std::string FORKEXEC_PARENT_DESTINATION = "direct.peer"; // doesn't matter, routing is off /** * The only purpose is to accept method calls and never reply. * When the parent destructs or gets killed, the caller (= child) * will notice because the method call fails, which ForkExecChild * translates into a "parent died" signal. */ class ForkExecParentDBusAPI : public GDBusCXX::DBusObjectHelper { public: /** * @param instance a unique string to distinguish multiple different ForkExecParent * instances; necessary because otherwise GIO GDBus may route messages from * one connection to older instances on other connections */ ForkExecParentDBusAPI(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn, const std::string &instance) : GDBusCXX::DBusObjectHelper(conn, FORKEXEC_PARENT_PATH + "/" + instance, FORKEXEC_PARENT_IFACE) { add(this, &ForkExecParentDBusAPI::watch, "Watch"); activate(); } ~ForkExecParentDBusAPI() { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParentDBusAPI %s: destroying with %ld active watches", getPath(), (long)m_watches.size()); } bool hasWatches() const { return !m_watches.empty(); } private: void watch(const boost::shared_ptr< GDBusCXX::Result0> &result) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParentDBusAPI %s: received 'Watch' method call from child", getPath()); m_watches.push_back(result); } std::list< boost::shared_ptr< GDBusCXX::Result0> > m_watches; }; #endif // GDBUS_CXX_HAVE_DISCONNECT ForkExec::ForkExec() { } static Mutex ForkExecMutex; static unsigned int ForkExecCount; ForkExecParent::ForkExecParent(const std::string &helper) : m_helper(helper), m_childPid(0), m_hasConnected(false), m_hasQuit(false), m_status(0), m_sigIntSent(false), m_sigTermSent(false), m_mergedStdoutStderr(false), m_out(NULL), m_err(NULL), m_outID(0), m_errID(0), m_watchChild(NULL) { Mutex::Guard guard = ForkExecMutex.lock(); ForkExecCount++; m_instance = StringPrintf("forkexec%u", ForkExecCount); } boost::shared_ptr ForkExecParent::create(const std::string &helper) { boost::shared_ptr forkexec(new ForkExecParent(helper)); return forkexec; } ForkExecParent::~ForkExecParent() { if (m_outID) { g_source_remove(m_outID); } if (m_errID) { g_source_remove(m_errID); } if (m_out) { g_io_channel_unref(m_out); } if (m_err) { g_io_channel_unref(m_err); } if (m_watchChild) { // stop watching g_source_destroy(m_watchChild); g_source_unref(m_watchChild); } if (m_childPid) { g_spawn_close_pid(m_childPid); } #ifndef GDBUS_CXX_HAVE_DISCONNECT if (m_api) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: shutting down, telling %s %ld that it lost the connection, it %s", m_helper.c_str(), (long)m_childPid, m_api->hasWatches() ? "is watching" : "is not watching"); m_api.reset(); } #endif } /** * Redirect stdout to stderr. * * Child setup function, called insided forked process before exec(). * only async-signal-safe functions allowed according to http://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.30/glib-Spawning-Processes.html#GSpawnChildSetupFunc */ void ForkExecParent::forked(gpointer data) throw() { ForkExecParent *me = static_cast(data); // When debugging, undo the LogRedirect output redirection that // we inherited from the parent process. That ensures that // any output is printed directly, instead of going through // the parent's output processing in LogRedirect. if (getenv("SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG")) { LogRedirect::removeRedirect(); } if (me->m_mergedStdoutStderr) { dup2(STDERR_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO); } } void ForkExecParent::start() { if (m_watchChild) { SE_THROW("child already started"); } // boost::shared_ptr me = ...; GDBusCXX::DBusErrorCXX dbusError; SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: preparing for child process %s", m_helper.c_str()); m_server = GDBusCXX::DBusServerCXX::listen("", &dbusError); if (!m_server) { dbusError.throwFailure("starting server"); } m_server->setNewConnectionCallback(boost::bind(&ForkExecParent::newClientConnection, this, _2)); // look for helper binary std::string helper; GSpawnFlags flags = G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD; if (m_helper.find('/') == m_helper.npos) { helper = getEnv("SYNCEVOLUTION_LIBEXEC_DIR", ""); if (helper.empty()) { // env variable not set, look in libexec dir helper = SYNCEVO_LIBEXEC; helper += "/"; helper += m_helper; if (access(helper.c_str(), R_OK)) { // some error, try PATH flags = (GSpawnFlags)(flags | G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH); helper = m_helper; } } else { // use env variable without further checks, must work helper += "/"; helper += m_helper; } } else { // absolute path, use it helper = m_helper; } m_argvStrings.push_back(helper); m_argv.reset(AllocStringArray(m_argvStrings)); for (char **env = environ; *env; env++) { if (!boost::starts_with(*env, ForkExecEnvVar) && !boost::starts_with(*env, ForkExecInstanceEnvVar)) { m_envStrings.push_back(*env); } } // pass D-Bus address via env variable m_envStrings.push_back(ForkExecEnvVar + m_server->getAddress()); m_envStrings.push_back(ForkExecInstanceEnvVar + getInstance()); m_env.reset(AllocStringArray(m_envStrings)); SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: running %s with D-Bus address %s", helper.c_str(), m_server->getAddress().c_str()); // Check which kind of output redirection is wanted. m_mergedStdoutStderr = !m_onOutput.empty(); if (!m_onOutput.empty()) { m_mergedStdoutStderr = true; } GErrorCXX gerror; int err = -1, out = -1; if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes(NULL, // working directory static_cast(m_argv.get()), static_cast(m_env.get()), flags, // child setup function: redirect stdout to stderr, undo LogRedirect forked, this, &m_childPid, NULL, // set stdin to /dev/null (m_mergedStdoutStderr || m_onStdout.empty()) ? NULL : &out, (m_mergedStdoutStderr || !m_onStderr.empty()) ? &err : NULL, gerror)) { m_childPid = 0; gerror.throwError("spawning child"); } // set up output redirection, ignoring failures setupPipe(m_err, m_errID, err); setupPipe(m_out, m_outID, out); SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: child process for %s has pid %ld", helper.c_str(), (long)m_childPid); // TODO: introduce C++ wrapper around GSource m_watchChild = g_child_watch_source_new(m_childPid); g_source_set_callback(m_watchChild, (GSourceFunc)watchChildCallback, this, NULL); g_source_attach(m_watchChild, NULL); } void ForkExecParent::setupPipe(GIOChannel *&channel, guint &sourceID, int fd) { if (fd == -1) { // nop return; } channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd); if (!channel) { // failure SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "g_io_channel_unix_new() returned NULL"); close(fd); return; } // Close fd when freeing the channel (done by caller). g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(channel, true); // Don't block in outputReady(). GErrorCXX error; g_io_channel_set_flags(channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, error); // We assume that the helper is writing data in the same encoding // and thus avoid any kind of conversion. Necessary to avoid // buffering. error.clear(); g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, NULL, error); g_io_channel_set_buffered(channel, true); sourceID = g_io_add_watch(channel, (GIOCondition)(G_IO_IN|G_IO_ERR|G_IO_HUP), outputReady, this); } gboolean ForkExecParent::outputReady(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) throw () { bool cont = true; try { ForkExecParent *me = static_cast(data); gchar *buffer = NULL; gsize length = 0; GErrorCXX error; // Try reading, even if the condition wasn't G_IO_IN. GIOStatus status = g_io_channel_read_to_end(source, &buffer, &length, error); if (buffer && length) { if (source == me->m_out) { me->m_onStdout(buffer, length); } else if (me->m_mergedStdoutStderr) { me->m_onOutput(buffer, length); } else { me->m_onStderr(buffer, length); } } if (status == G_IO_STATUS_EOF || (condition & (G_IO_HUP|G_IO_ERR)) || error) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "reading helper %s %ld done: %s", source == me->m_out ? "stdout" : me->m_mergedStdoutStderr ? "combined stdout/stderr" : "stderr", (long)me->m_childPid, (const char *)error); // Will remove event source from main loop. cont = false; // Free channel. if (source == me->m_out) { me->m_out = NULL; } else { me->m_err = NULL; } g_io_channel_unref(source); // Send delayed OnQuit signal now? me->checkCompletion(); } // If an exception skips this, we are going to die, in // which case we don't care about the leak. g_free(buffer); } catch (...) { Exception::handle(HANDLE_EXCEPTION_FATAL); } return cont; } void ForkExecParent::watchChildCallback(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data) throw() { ForkExecParent *me = static_cast(data); me->m_hasQuit = true; me->m_status = status; me->checkCompletion(); } void ForkExecParent::checkCompletion() throw () { if (m_hasQuit && !m_out && !m_err) { try { m_onQuit(m_status); if (!m_hasConnected || m_status != 0) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: child %ld was signaled %s, signal %d (SIGINT=%d, SIGTERM=%d), int sent %s, term sent %s", (long)m_childPid, WIFSIGNALED(m_status) ? "yes" : "no", WTERMSIG(m_status), SIGINT, SIGTERM, m_sigIntSent ? "yes" : "no", m_sigTermSent ? "yes" : "no"); if (WIFSIGNALED(m_status) && ((WTERMSIG(m_status) == SIGINT && m_sigIntSent) || (WTERMSIG(m_status) == SIGTERM && m_sigTermSent))) { // not an error when the child dies because we killed it return; } std::string error = "child process quit"; if (!m_hasConnected) { error += " unexpectedly"; } if (WIFEXITED(m_status)) { error += StringPrintf(" with return code %d", WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(m_status)) { error += StringPrintf(" because of signal %d", WTERMSIG(m_status)); } else { error += " for unknown reasons"; } SE_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "%s", error.c_str()); m_onFailure(STATUS_FATAL, error); } } catch (...) { std::string explanation; SyncMLStatus status = Exception::handle(explanation); try { m_onFailure(status, explanation); } catch (...) { Exception::handle(); } } } } void ForkExecParent::newClientConnection(GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn) throw() { try { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: child %s %ld has connected", m_helper.c_str(), (long)m_childPid); m_hasConnected = true; #ifndef GDBUS_CXX_HAVE_DISCONNECT m_api.reset(new ForkExecParentDBusAPI(conn, getInstance())); #endif m_onConnect(conn); } catch (...) { std::string explanation; SyncMLStatus status = Exception::handle(explanation); try { m_onFailure(status, explanation); } catch (...) { Exception::handle(); } } } void ForkExecParent::addEnvVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) { if(!name.empty()) { m_envStrings.push_back(name + "=" + value); } } void ForkExecParent::stop(int signal) { if (!m_childPid || m_hasQuit) { // not running, nop return; } SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: killing %s %ld with signal %d (%s %s)", m_helper.c_str(), (long)m_childPid, signal, (!signal || signal == SIGINT) ? "SIGINT" : "", (!signal || signal == SIGTERM) ? "SIGTERM" : ""); if (!signal || signal == SIGINT) { ::kill(m_childPid, SIGINT); m_sigIntSent = true; } if (!signal || signal == SIGTERM) { ::kill(m_childPid, SIGTERM); m_sigTermSent = true; } if (signal && signal != SIGINT && signal != SIGTERM) { ::kill(m_childPid, signal); } } void ForkExecParent::kill() { if (!m_childPid || m_hasQuit) { // not running, nop return; } SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: killing %s %ld with SIGKILL", m_helper.c_str(), (long)m_childPid); ::kill(m_childPid, SIGKILL); #ifndef GDBUS_CXX_HAVE_DISCONNECT // Cancel the pending method call from the child to us. This will // send an error reply to the child, which it'll treat as // "connection lost". if (m_api) { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecParent: telling %s %ld that it lost the connection, it %s", m_helper.c_str(), (long)m_childPid, m_api->hasWatches() ? "is watching" : "is not watching"); m_api.reset(); } #endif } ForkExecChild::ForkExecChild() : m_state(IDLE) { m_instance = getEnv(ForkExecInstanceEnvVar.substr(0, ForkExecInstanceEnvVar.size() - 1).c_str(), ""); } boost::shared_ptr ForkExecChild::create() { boost::shared_ptr forkexec(new ForkExecChild); return forkexec; } void ForkExecChild::connect() { // set error state, clear it later m_state = DISCONNECTED; const char *address = getParentDBusAddress(); if (!address) { SE_THROW("cannot connect to parent, was not forked"); } SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "ForkExecChild: connecting to parent with D-Bus address %s", address); GDBusCXX::DBusErrorCXX dbusError; GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr conn = dbus_get_bus_connection(address, &dbusError, true /* always delay message processing */); if (!conn) { dbusError.throwFailure("connecting to server"); } m_state = CONNECTED; // start watching connection #ifdef GDBUS_CXX_HAVE_DISCONNECT conn.setDisconnect(boost::bind(&ForkExecChild::connectionLost, this)); #else // emulate disconnect with a pending method call class Parent : public GDBusCXX::DBusRemoteObject { public: Parent(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn, const std::string &instance) : GDBusCXX::DBusRemoteObject(conn, FORKEXEC_PARENT_PATH + "/" + instance, FORKEXEC_PARENT_IFACE, FORKEXEC_PARENT_DESTINATION), m_watch(*this, "Watch") {} GDBusCXX::DBusClientCall0 m_watch; } parent(conn, getInstance()); parent.m_watch.start(boost::bind(&ForkExecChild::connectionLost, this)); #endif m_onConnect(conn); dbus_bus_connection_undelay(conn); } void ForkExecChild::connectionLost() { SE_LOG_DEBUG(NULL, "lost connection to parent"); m_state = DISCONNECTED; m_onQuit(); } bool ForkExecChild::wasForked() { return getParentDBusAddress() != NULL; } const char *ForkExecChild::getParentDBusAddress() { return getenv(ForkExecEnvVar.substr(0, ForkExecEnvVar.size() - 1).c_str()); } #ifdef ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS /** * Assumes that /bin/[false/true/echo] exist and that "env" is in the * path. Currently this does not cover actual D-Bus connection * handling and usage. */ class ForkExecTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: void setUp() { m_statusValid = false; m_status = 0; } private: CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(ForkExecTest); CPPUNIT_TEST(testTrue); CPPUNIT_TEST(testFalse); CPPUNIT_TEST(testPath); CPPUNIT_TEST(testNotFound); CPPUNIT_TEST(testEnv1); CPPUNIT_TEST(testEnv2); CPPUNIT_TEST(testOutErr); CPPUNIT_TEST(testMerged); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); bool m_statusValid; int m_status; void hasQuit(int status) { m_status = status; m_statusValid = true; } static void append(const char *buffer, size_t length, std::string &all) { all.append(buffer, length); } boost::shared_ptr create(const std::string &helper) { boost::shared_ptr parent(ForkExecParent::create(helper)); parent->m_onQuit.connect(boost::bind(&ForkExecTest::hasQuit, this, _1)); return parent; } void testTrue() { boost::shared_ptr parent(create("/bin/true")); parent->start(); while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); } void testFalse() { boost::shared_ptr parent(create("/bin/false")); parent->start(); while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); } void testPath() { boost::shared_ptr parent(create("true")); parent->start(); while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); } void testNotFound() { boost::shared_ptr parent(create("no-such-binary")); std::string out; std::string err; parent->m_onStdout.connect(boost::bind(append, _1, _2, boost::ref(out))); parent->m_onStderr.connect(boost::bind(append, _1, _2, boost::ref(err))); try { parent->start(); } catch (const SyncEvo::Exception &ex) { if (strstr(ex.what(), "spawning child: ")) { // glib itself detected that binary wasn't found. This // is what normally happens, but there's no guarantee, // thus the code below... return; } throw; } while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(""), out); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(err, err.find("no-such-binary") != err.npos); } void testEnv1() { boost::shared_ptr parent(create("env")); parent->addEnvVar("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV", "foobar"); std::string out; parent->m_onStdout.connect(boost::bind(append, _1, _2, boost::ref(out))); parent->start(); while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(out, out.find("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV=foobar\n") != out.npos); } void testEnv2() { boost::shared_ptr parent(create("env")); parent->addEnvVar("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV1", "foo"); parent->addEnvVar("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV2", "bar"); std::string out; parent->m_onStdout.connect(boost::bind(append, _1, _2, boost::ref(out))); parent->start(); while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(out, out.find("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV1=foo\n") != out.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(out, out.find("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV2=bar\n") != out.npos); } void testOutErr() { // This tests uses a trick to get output via stdout (normal // env output) and stderr (from ld.so). boost::shared_ptr parent(create("env")); parent->addEnvVar("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV", "foobar"); parent->addEnvVar("LD_DEBUG", "files"); std::string out; std::string err; parent->m_onStdout.connect(boost::bind(append, _1, _2, boost::ref(out))); parent->m_onStderr.connect(boost::bind(append, _1, _2, boost::ref(err))); parent->start(); while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(out, out.find("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV=foobar\n") != out.npos); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(err, err.find("transferring control: ") != err.npos); } void testMerged() { // This tests uses a trick to get output via stdout (normal // env output) and stderr (from ld.so). boost::shared_ptr parent(create("env")); parent->addEnvVar("FORK_EXEC_TEST_ENV", "foobar"); parent->addEnvVar("LD_DEBUG", "files"); std::string output; parent->m_onOutput.connect(boost::bind(append, _1, _2, boost::ref(output))); parent->start(); while (!m_statusValid) { g_main_context_iteration(NULL, true); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(WIFEXITED(m_status)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, WEXITSTATUS(m_status)); // output from ld.so directly followed by env output CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(output, pcrecpp::RE("transferring control:.*\\n(\\s+\\d+:.*\\n)*[A-Za-z0-9_]+=.*\\n").PartialMatch(output)); } }; SYNCEVOLUTION_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(ForkExecTest); #endif SE_END_CXX #endif // HAVE_GLIB