This document is used to show interoperability test information with Memotoo server. * The Memotoo Server's device information Mod=SyncML SwV=2.14 HwV=- FwV=- OEM=- DevID=memotoo DevTyp=server VerDTD=1.2 UTC=- SupportLargeObjs=- SupportNumberOfChanges=- * Test Environment Variables Settings CLIENT_TEST_SERVER=memotoo CLIENT_TEST_EVOLUTION_PREFIX=file:///tmp/test/ \ CLIENT_TEST_NUM_ITEMS=10 \ CLIENT_TEST_NOCHECK_SYNCMODE=1 \ CLIENT_TEST_SKIP=Client::Sync::vcard21::testRefreshFromClientSync, \ Client::Sync::vcard21::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, \ Client::Sync::vcard21::testRefreshStatus, \ Client::Sync::vcard21::testOneWayFromServer, \ Client::Sync::vcard21::Retry,Client::Sync::vcard21::Suspend, \ Client::Sync::vcard21::Resend, \ Client::Sync::ical20::testRefreshFromClientSync, \ Client::Sync::ical20::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, \ Client::Sync::ical20::testRefreshStatus, \ Client::Sync::ical20::testOneWayFromServer, \ Client::Sync::ical20::Retry,Client::Sync::ical20::Suspend, \ Client::Sync::ical20::Resend, \ Client::Sync::itodo20::testRefreshFromClientSync, \ Client::Sync::itodo20::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, \ Client::Sync::itodo20::testRefreshStatus, \ Client::Sync::itodo20::testOneWayFromServer, \ Client::Sync::itodo20::Retry,Client::Sync::itodo20::Suspend, \ Client::Sync::itodo20::Resend, \ Client::Sync::text::testRefreshFromClientSync, \ Client::Sync::text::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, \ Client::Sync::text::testRefreshStatus, \ Client::Sync::text::testOneWayFromServer, \ Client::Sync::text::Retry,Client::Sync::text::Suspend, \ Client::Sync::text::Resend * Test Profiles Settings N/A * Data formats we need to test: Client::Sync::vcard21 Client::Sync::ical20 Client::Sync::itodo20 Client::Sync::text * Known Limitations or issues in memotoo server: All -- If no data in memotoo server, it always initiates a slow sync. This causes failures of testRefreshFromClientSync,testRefreshFromClientSemantic, testRefreshStatus, testOneWayFromServer. vCard21 -- Below properties are not supported: CALURI, FBURL, ROLE, X-MOZILLA-HTML, X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS,X-EVOLUTION-BLOG-URL, X-EVOLUTION-VIDEO-URL, X-ICQ, X-YAHOO -- Some extension properties are supported: X-AIM, X-ANNIVERSARY, X-ASSISTANT, X-MANAGER, X-SPOUSE -- The parameter 'X-EVOLUTION-URI-SLOT'of properties like 'TEL' and 'EMAIL' is lost -- 'PHOTO' is compressed by server but still be correct -- 'FN' is not reserved and is replaced by the composition of 'N' -- If 'ADR' has type information, then the last field value is lost -- All properties value has parser's bugs for escaped char "\;". This string is lost -- 'N' property lost "\;" if containing it -- ‘ORG’ only reserves its first and second fields ‘org name’ and 'department' -- 'URL' will be added 'TYPE=HOME' if no type information -- 'TEL' will be lost if it has only 'TYPE=PREF' information -- 'EMAIL' will be added 'TYPE=HOME' if no any type information -- For emails without type information, memotoo only preserves one of them -- If 'X-GROUPWISE' is present, CATEGORIES will be set as the value of 'X-GROUPWISE' instead -- For the string "=3D0D=3D0A", which is encoded for "=0D=0A", it could not be treated as "\n". ical20 -- Support iCalendar2.0 -- Below properties are not supported by server: UID, SEQUENCE, TRANSP, X-EVOLUTION-ALARM-UID, RECURRENCE-ID, ORGANIZER -- Timezone related information isn't kept on the server and relative date-time is converted into UTC time correctly, such as DTSTART, DTEND -- The 'UNTIL' component of the 'RRULE' property is converted to UTC time if it is floating time -- String "\\n" is interpreted as "\n" -- String "\\r" is interpreted as "" -- 'DESCRIPTION' in the 'VALARM' component is lost itodo20 -- Support iCalendar2.0 -- Below properties are not supported by server: UID, SEQUENCE, URL -- 'PERCENT-COMPLETE' is set as '0' by default if absent -- 'CLASS' value is always changed to 'private' by server -- 'PRIORITY': Server only accepts 5 values, '1', '3', '5', '7' and '9'. Others will be converted into these values. Default value is '5' text -- '<' and '>' in the plain text are converted to "<" and ">" separately * Known test failures: Client::Sync::vcard21 Client::Sync::vcard21::testRefreshFromClientSync, Client::Sync::vcard21::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, Client::Sync::vcard21::testRefreshStatus, Client::Sync::vcard21::testOneWayFromServer, Client::Sync::vcard21::Retry,Client::Sync::vcard21::Suspend, Client::Sync::vcard21::Resend, Client::Sync::ical20 Client::Sync::ical20::testRefreshFromClientSync, Client::Sync::ical20::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, Client::Sync::ical20::testRefreshStatus, Client::Sync::ical20::testOneWayFromServer, Client::Sync::ical20::Retry,Client::Sync::ical20::Suspend, Client::Sync::ical20::Resend, Client::Sync::itodo20 Client::Sync::itodo20::testRefreshFromClientSync, Client::Sync::itodo20::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, Client::Sync::itodo20::testRefreshStatus, Client::Sync::itodo20::testOneWayFromServer, Client::Sync::itodo20::Retry,Client::Sync::itodo20::Suspend, Client::Sync::itodo20::Resend, Client::Sync::text Client::Sync::text::testRefreshFromClientSync, Client::Sync::text::testRefreshFromClientSemantic, Client::Sync::text::testRefreshStatus, Client::Sync::text::testOneWayFromServer, Client::Sync::text::Retry,Client::Sync::text::Suspend, Client::Sync::text::Resend