#include "gdbus-cxx-bridge.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SyncEvo::GMainLoopCXX loop; // closes child connection boost::scoped_ptr guard; class Test { GDBusCXX::DBusObjectHelper m_server; // GDBusCXX::DBusRemoteObject m_dbusAPI; // GDBusCXX::SignalWatch0 m_disconnected; public: Test(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn) : // will close connection m_server(conn, "/test", "org.example.Test", GDBusCXX::DBusObjectHelper::Callback_t(), true) // m_dbusAPI(conn, DBUS_PATH_LOCAL, DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL, "" /* sender? */), // m_disconnected(m_dbusAPI, "Disconnected") { m_server.add(this, &Test::hello, "Hello"); m_server.add(this, &Test::getstrings, "GetStrings"); m_server.add(this, &Test::getmixed, "GetMixed"); m_server.add(this, &Test::kill, "Kill"); } void activate() { m_server.activate(); // fails with an unspecific error inside libdbus, don't rely on "Disconnected" // m_disconnected.activate(boost::bind(&Test::disconnected, this)); // not implemented either // b_dbus_set_disconnect_function(m_server.getConnection(), // staticDisconnected, // NULL, // NULL); } std::string hello(const std::string &in) { std::cout << "hello() called with " << in << std::endl; return "world"; } void getstrings(std::string &first, std::string &second) { first = "hello"; second = "world"; } void getmixed(std::string &first, int &second, std::string &third) { first = "hello"; second = 1; third = "world"; } void kill() { std::cout << "killing myself as requested" << std::endl; abort(); } void disconnected() { std::cout << "connection disconnected"; } // static void staticDisconnected(DBusConnection*conn, void *data) // { // std::cout << "connection disconnected"; // } }; static void newClientConnection(GDBusCXX::DBusServerCXX &server, GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn, boost::scoped_ptr &testptr) { std::cout << "new connection" << std::endl; testptr.reset(new Test(conn.get())); testptr->activate(); } static void onChildConnect(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn, boost::scoped_ptr &testptr) { std::cout << "child is ready" << std::endl; testptr.reset(new Test(conn.get())); testptr->activate(); } static void onQuit(int status) { std::cout << "child has quit, status " << status << std::endl; // always quit the process, not just on failure g_main_loop_quit(loop.get()); } static void onFailure(const std::string &error) { std::cout << "failure, quitting now: " << error << std::endl; g_main_loop_quit(loop.get()); } class TestProxy : public GDBusCXX::DBusRemoteObject { public: TestProxy(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn) : GDBusCXX::DBusRemoteObject(conn.get(), "/test", "org.example.Test", "direct.peer"), m_hello(*this, "Hello"), m_kill(*this, "Kill") { } GDBusCXX::DBusClientCall1 m_hello; GDBusCXX::DBusClientCall0 m_kill; }; static void onChildConnectKill(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn, boost::scoped_ptr &testptr) { std::cout << "child is ready, kill it" << std::endl; testptr.reset(new Test(conn.get())); testptr->activate(); // process messages already before returning from this onConnect callback dbus_bus_connection_undelay(conn); TestProxy proxy(conn); try { proxy.m_kill(); } catch (const std::runtime_error &ex) { std::cout << "caught exception, as expected: " << ex.what() << std::endl; std::cout << "aborting..." << std::endl; abort(); } std::cout << "did not get the expected exception" << std::endl; abort(); } static void helloCB(GMainLoop *loop, const std::string &res, const std::string &error) { if (!error.empty()) { std::cout << "call failed: " << error << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "hello('hello') = " << res << std::endl; } g_main_loop_quit(loop); } static void callServer(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn) { TestProxy proxy(conn); Test test(conn.get()); test.activate(); // process messages already before returning from this onConnect callback dbus_bus_connection_undelay(conn); std::cout << "blocking call to server without callback" << std::endl; std::cout << proxy.m_hello(std::string("blocking world, II")) << std::endl; try { GDBusCXX::DBusClientCall1 nosuchcall(proxy, "nosuchcall"); std::cout << nosuchcall(std::string("ignoreme")) << std::endl; } catch (const std::runtime_error &ex) { std::cout << "caught exception, as expected: " << ex.what() << std::endl; } GDBusCXX::DBusClientCall2 getstrings(proxy, "GetStrings"); std::pair r = getstrings(); std::cout << "Got pair: (" << r.first << ", " << r.second << ")" << std::endl; GDBusCXX::DBusClientCall3 getmixed(proxy, "GetMixed"); std::cout << "Got tuple: " << getmixed() << std::endl; std::cout << "calling server" << std::endl; proxy.m_hello.start(std::string("world"), boost::bind(helloCB, loop.get(), _1, _2)); // keep connection open until child quits guard.reset(new GDBusCXX::DBusObject(conn, "foo", "bar", true)); } static void killServer(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn) { TestProxy proxy(conn); // process messages already before returning from this onConnect callback dbus_bus_connection_undelay(conn); try { proxy.m_kill(); } catch (const std::runtime_error &ex) { std::cout << "caught exception, as expected: " << ex.what() << std::endl; std::cout << "aborting..." << std::endl; abort(); } std::cout << "did not get the expected exception" << std::endl; abort(); } static void calledByServer(const GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr &conn) { // run until Test::kill() is invoked by server Test test(conn.get()); test.activate(); dbus_bus_connection_undelay(conn); g_main_loop_run(loop.get()); } void signalHandler (int sig) { if (loop) { g_main_loop_quit(loop.get()); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; signal (SIGABRT, &signalHandler); signal (SIGTERM, &signalHandler); signal (SIGINT, &signalHandler); try { gboolean opt_server; gboolean opt_fork_exec; gboolean opt_fork_exec_failure; gchar *opt_address; gchar *opt_kill; GOptionContext *opt_context; // gboolean opt_allow_anonymous; SyncEvo::GErrorCXX gerror; GDBusCXX::DBusErrorCXX dbusError; GOptionEntry opt_entries[] = { { "server", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_server, "Start a server instead of a client", NULL }, { "forkexec", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_fork_exec, "Use fork+exec to start the client (implies --server)", NULL }, { "forkfailure", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_fork_exec_failure, "Fork /bin/false to simulate a failure in the child (implies )", NULL }, { "forkkill", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_kill, "'child/parent' call peer which kills itself before replying (implies --forkexec)", NULL }, { "address", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_address, "D-Bus address to use", NULL }, // { "allow-anonymous", 'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_allow_anonymous, "Allow anonymous authentication", NULL }, { NULL} }; g_type_init(); opt_address = NULL; opt_kill = NULL; opt_server = FALSE; opt_fork_exec = FALSE; opt_fork_exec_failure = FALSE; // opt_allow_anonymous = FALSE; opt_context = g_option_context_new("peer-to-peer example"); g_option_context_add_main_entries(opt_context, opt_entries, NULL); bool success = g_option_context_parse(opt_context, &argc, &argv, gerror); g_option_context_free(opt_context); if (!success) { gerror.throwError("parsing command line options"); } // if (!opt_server && opt_allow_anonymous) { // throw stdruntime_error("The --allow-anonymous option only makes sense when used with --server."); // } loop = SyncEvo::GMainLoopStealCXX(g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE)); if (!loop) { throw std::runtime_error("could not allocate main loop"); } if (opt_fork_exec || opt_fork_exec_failure) { boost::scoped_ptr testptr; boost::shared_ptr forkexec = SyncEvo::ForkExecParent::create(opt_fork_exec_failure ? "/bin/false" : argv[0]); if (opt_kill) { forkexec->addEnvVar("DBUS_CLIENT_SERVER_KILL", opt_kill); } forkexec->m_onConnect.connect(g_strcmp0(opt_kill, "child") ? boost::bind(onChildConnect, _1, boost::ref(testptr)) : boost::bind(onChildConnectKill, _1, boost::ref(testptr))); forkexec->m_onQuit.connect(onQuit); forkexec->m_onFailure.connect(boost::bind(onFailure, _2)); forkexec->start(); g_main_loop_run(loop.get()); } else if (opt_server) { boost::shared_ptr server = GDBusCXX::DBusServerCXX::listen(opt_address ? opt_address : "", &dbusError); if (!server) { dbusError.throwFailure("starting server"); } std::cout << "Server is listening at: " << server->getAddress() << std::endl; boost::scoped_ptr testptr; server->setNewConnectionCallback(boost::bind(newClientConnection, _1, _2, boost::ref(testptr))); g_main_loop_run(loop.get()); } else if (SyncEvo::ForkExecChild::wasForked()) { boost::shared_ptr forkexec = SyncEvo::ForkExecChild::create(); forkexec->m_onConnect.connect(!g_strcmp0(getenv("DBUS_CLIENT_SERVER_KILL"), "child") ? calledByServer : !g_strcmp0(getenv("DBUS_CLIENT_SERVER_KILL"), "server") ? killServer : callServer); forkexec->m_onFailure.connect(boost::bind(onFailure, _2)); forkexec->connect(); g_main_loop_run(loop.get()); } else { if (!opt_address) { throw std::runtime_error("need server address"); } GDBusCXX::DBusConnectionPtr conn = dbus_get_bus_connection(opt_address, &dbusError); if (!conn) { dbusError.throwFailure("connecting to server"); } // closes connection callServer(conn); g_main_loop_run(loop.get()); } loop.reset(); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; ret = 1; loop.reset(); } std::cout << "server done" << std::endl; return ret; }