from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web import http from twisted.web.proxy import Proxy, ProxyRequest, ProxyClient, ProxyClientFactory from twisted.python import log import sys class ContentWrapper: def __init__(self, content, parent): self.content = content self.parent = parent def seek(self, a, b):,b) def read(self): s = if True: log.msg("interrupt before send") # This exception will abort contacting the server and appear as # "Unhandled Error" in the proxy log. The proxy client will get # an empty reply. raise EOFError() return s def close(self): self.content.close() class MyProxyClient(ProxyClient): def __init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father): ProxyClient.__init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father) def connectionMade(self): ProxyClient.connectionMade(self) log.msg("message sent") # interrupt now before server can reply? if self.father.mode == MyProxyRequest.INTERRUPT_AFTER_SEND: log.msg("interrupt after sending") # finish writing, but never read self.transport.loseConnection() # Be nice and report a real error back to the proxy client. self.father.setResponseCode(501, "Gateway error") self.father.responseHeaders.addRawHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") self.father.write("connection intentionally interrupted after sending and before receiving") class MyProxyClientFactory(ProxyClientFactory): protocol = MyProxyClient def __init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father): ProxyClientFactory.__init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father) class MyProxyRequest(ProxyRequest): protocols = {"http": MyProxyClientFactory} INTERRUPT_BEFORE_SEND = 1 INTERRUPT_AFTER_SEND = 2 INTERRUPT_AFTER_RECEIVE = 3 baseport = 10000 def __init__(self, channel, queued, reactor=reactor): ProxyRequest.__init__(self, channel, queued, reactor) self.mode = channel.transport.server.port - self.baseport def process(self): log.msg("mode is", self.mode) # override read() method so that we can influence the original # process() without having to copy it; just replacing # the read method inside the existing content instance # would be easier, but turned out to be impossible (read-only # attribute) if self.mode == self.INTERRUPT_BEFORE_SEND: # ContentWrapper will raise exception instead of delivering data self.content = ContentWrapper(self.content, self) ProxyRequest.process(self) def write(self, content): log.msg("reply:", content) if self.mode == self.INTERRUPT_AFTER_RECEIVE: # TODO: suppress original headers # Original headers already sent to proxy client, but we # can still suppress the actual data and close the # connection to simulate a failure. log.msg("interrupt after receive") ProxyRequest.write(self, "") self.transport.loseConnection() else: ProxyRequest.write(self, content) class MyProxy(Proxy): requestFactory = MyProxyRequest if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) f = http.HTTPFactory() f.protocol = MyProxy reactor.listenTCP(MyProxyRequest.baseport + 0, f) reactor.listenTCP(MyProxyRequest.baseport + MyProxyRequest.INTERRUPT_BEFORE_SEND, f) reactor.listenTCP(MyProxyRequest.baseport + MyProxyRequest.INTERRUPT_AFTER_SEND, f) reactor.listenTCP(MyProxyRequest.baseport + MyProxyRequest.INTERRUPT_AFTER_RECEIVE, f)