diff options
authorGuido Günther <>2016-05-10 17:19:15 +0200
committerGuido Günther <>2016-05-10 17:19:15 +0200
commit54ba43b15f6875e1d65ebed772c5dd678bb4752c (patch)
Initial commit
-rw-r--r--erlang.pdfbin0 -> 157712 bytes
5 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
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index 0000000..fb3ba84
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+IMAGES=$(wildcard *.png)
+ERL_FILES=$(wildcard *.erl)
+${REVEALJS}: $(SOURCE) $(IMAGES) Makefile reveal.js
+ pandoc -V transition=fade -t revealjs -s ${SOURCE} -o ${REVEALJS}
+${PDF}: $(SOURCE) Makefile
+ pandoc -t beamer -s ${SOURCE} -o ${PDF}
+%.beam : %.erl
+ erlc $<
+ git submodule add $@
+ cd $@ && git checkout ${REVEALJS_VERSION}
+ git commit -m"Add reveal.js ${REVEALJS_VERSION}" reveal.js
+ rm -f *.pdf *.html *.beam
diff --git a/erlang.mdwn b/erlang.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2915815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erlang.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+title: "Wissenswertes über Erlang"
+author: Guido Günther
+date: 2016-05-09
+Who am I
+* Free Software Hacker (Freelancing Software Developer)
+* Debian Developer since 2000
+* Contributed to libvirt-*, X11, Linux Kernel, GNOME, Calypso, …
+* FSFE Fellow and GNOME Foundation member
+* Rather new to Erlang
+* Developed at Ericsson in 1986
+* Open sourced 1998
+* Ericsson Language or Agner Krarup Erlang?
+* For telephone systems
+* Functional, concurrent programming language
+* Garbage collected runtime system
+* Erlang/OTP
+Erlang, Features
+* Fault tolerant
+* Hot code replacements
+* Distributed
+* highly available - 12 years of uptime - nine 9s (30 ms / a)
+* ejabberd, Riak, CouchDB, RabbitMQ
+* WhatsApp, GitHub, Facebook, …
+You lack style - no, state!
+## Functional language ##
+f(x) = y
+i = i + 3
+~~i = i + 3~~
+for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) do_something(i);
+~~for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) do_something(i);~~
+ 1> A=3.
+ 3
+ 2> A=4.
+ ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4
+## No means No ##
+* No imperative programming
+* No global variables and state
+* No pointers
+* No variable reassignments
+* Yes, Higher Order Functions
+* Yes, Pattern Matching
+* Yes, Code Reloads
+* Yes, Lots of independent Processes
+## Recursion to the Rescue ##
+ loop(X) -> loop(X, 0).
+ loop(X=0, Sum) -> Sum;
+ loop(X, Sum) -> loop(X-1, Sum+X).
+## Recursion in Detail ##
+ loop(3) -> loop(3, 0)
+ loop(3,0) -> loop(3-1, 0+3)
+ loop(2,3) -> loop(2-1, 3+2)
+ loop(1,5) -> loop(1-1, 5+1)
+ loop(0,6) -> 6
+ 3 + 2 + 1 = 6
+## Head to ~~Wall~~ Tail ##
+ A = [this, is, a, list].
+ [H|T] = A.
+ rev(L) -> rev(L, []).
+ rev([], N) -> N;
+ rev([H|T], N) -> rev(T, [H] ++ N).
+ rev([a,b,c,d]) -> rev([a,b,c,d], [])
+ rev([a|[b,c,d]], []) -> rev([b,c,d], [a] ++ [])
+ rev([b|[c,d]], [a]) -> rev([c,d], [b] ++ [a])
+ rev([c|[d]], [b,a]) -> rev([d], [c] ++ [b,a])
+ rev([d|[], [c,b,a]) -> rev([], [d] ++ [c,b,a])
+ rev([], [d,c,b,a]) -> [d,c,b,a]
+## More pattern matching ##
+ A = {this, is, a, tuple}.
+ {_, _, _, B} = A.
+ > B.
+ tuple
+ > _.
+ * 1: variable '_' is unbound
+### Fun with Funs ##
+ F = fun (X) -> X*X end.
+ > F(3).
+ > F(ok).
+ > F(3).
+ 9
+ > F(ok).
+ ** exception error: an error occurred when evaluating an arithmetic expression
+ in operator */2
+ called as ok * ok
+## Success, Typing! ##
+ -spec foobar(atom()) -> [atom()].
+ foobar(App) -> …
+Processes, which Processes
+## Spawning a process ##
+ F = fun(X) -> io:format("~p~n", [X]) end.
+ times(X, Args, C) -> ...
+ spawn(l, times, [F, "I'm a process", 3]).
+ spawn(l, times, [F, "I'm a process", 3]),
+ spawn(l, times, [F, "I'm a process too", 3]).
+## Concurrency for free! ##
+ "I'm a process"
+ "I'm a process too"
+ "I'm a process"
+ "I'm a process too"
+ <0.53.0>
+ "I'm a process"
+ "I'm a process too"
+## Share(d) nothing ##
+ start_pong(Pid) -> …
+ pong(Pid) -> …
+ > P = l:start_pong(self()).
+ > P ! { ping, "foo" }.
+ > P ! giveup.
+ > R = fun () -> receive M -> M end end.
+ > R().
+ {pong,"hallo1"}
+ > R().
+ {pong,"hallo2"}
+## Let it crash ##
+ 2> P ! {ping, 3}.
+ {ping,3}
+ 3>
+ =ERROR REPORT==== 8-May-2016::15:13:30 ===
+ Error in process <0.34.0> with exit value:
+ {badarg,[{io,format,[<0.25.0>,"pong: Received ping '~s'~n",[3]],[]},
+ {l,pong,1,[{file,"l.erl"},{line,57}]}]}
+ 2> P ! whatever
+ Unknwown message asfasdf, giving up
+## Linking processes ##
+ > process_flag(trap_exit, true).
+ > P = l:start_pong2(self()).
+ 3> P ! sadfsadf.
+ Unknwown message sadfsadf, giving upsadfsadf
+ 4> receive X -> X end.
+ {'EXIT',<0.35.0>,reason}
+## Distributed nodes ##
+ $ erl -sname ping
+ $ erl -sname pong
+ register(spawn(...))
+On pong
+ > P = l:start_pong3().
+On ping
+ > {pong, pong@bogon} ! {ping, "hello", self()}.
+ > {pong, pong@bogon} ! {ping, "hello", self()}.
+ > receive X -> X end.
+ {pong,"hello"}
+ erlang:node().
+ erlang:nodes().
+## Hot code replacements
+ version() -> …
+ c(l).
+Open Telecommunication Platform
+## Batteries inclued ##
+* EUnit
+* Mnesia
+* …
+## Behaviours ##
+* gen_{server,fsm,event}
+* supervisor
+* application
+## Tracing Processes, Messges, … ##
+ erl -sname observer -hidden -run observer
+## Tracing functions ##
+ dbg:start().
+ dbg:tracer().
+ % trace messages (m)
+ dbg:p(pong, m).
+The greater Erlang Universe
+* REST: [Webmachine](
+* JSON: [jiffy](
+* YAML: [p1_yaml](
+* Build, run, test: [Rebar3](
+* … your favorite erlang app goes here …
+Extending Erlang
+## NIFs - Gesundheit! ##
+Native Implemented Functions
+## C-Nodes
+See also
+* [Elixir](
+* [LFE(Lisp flavored Erlang)](
+* [Erlang on Xen](
+Further Reading
+* [Learn you some erlang]( - buy the book!
+* On Debian [/usr/share/doc/erlang-doc]()
+* Everywhere else:
diff --git a/erlang.pdf b/erlang.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db181c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erlang.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/l.erl b/l.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b33c650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ rev/1,
+ length/1,
+ times/3,
+ start_pong/1,
+ pong/1,
+ r/0,
+ start_pong2/1,
+ start_pong3/0,
+ pong/0,
+ version/0
+ ]).
+%%%%%%%%% Sum it up %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+loop(X) -> loop(X, 0).
+loop(_X=0, Sum) -> Sum;
+loop(X, Sum) -> loop(X-1, Sum+X).
+%%%%%%%%% Reverse a list %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+rev(L) -> rev(L, []).
+rev([], N) -> N;
+rev([H|T], N) -> rev(T, [H] ++ N).
+%%%%%%%%%% Length of a list %%%%%%%%%%%
+length(L) -> length(L, 0).
+length([], N) -> N;
+length([_H|T], N) -> length(T, N+1).
+%%%%%%%%%% Run Fun X tmes %%%%%%%%%%%%
+times(_F, _Args, 0) -> ok;
+times(F, Args, X) ->
+ F(Args),
+ times(F, Args, X-1).
+%%%%%%%%%% Echo message sent %%%%%%%%%
+start_pong(Pid) ->
+ spawn(l, pong, [Pid]).
+pong(Pid) ->
+ receive
+ giveup ->
+ io:format("Pong finished~n", []);
+ {ping, Msg} ->
+ io:format("pong: Received ping '~s'~n", [Msg]),
+ Pid ! {pong, Msg},
+ pong(Pid);
+ Msg ->
+ io:format("Unknwown message ~p, giving up", [Msg]),
+ exit(reason)
+ end.
+r() ->
+ receive X -> X end.
+%%%%%%%%% Linked ping %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+start_pong2(Pid) ->
+ P = spawn(l, pong, [Pid]),
+ link(P),
+ P.
+%%%%%%%%% Distributed ping %%%%%%%%%%
+start_pong3() ->
+ P = spawn(l, pong, []),
+ register(pong, P),
+ P.
+pong() ->
+ receive
+ giveup ->
+ io:format("Pong finished~n", []);
+ {ping, Msg, Pid} ->
+ io:format("ping: Received ping '~s' from '~p~n", [Msg, Pid]),
+ Pid ! {pong, Msg},
+ pong();
+ Msg ->
+ io:format("Unknwown message ~p, giving up", [Msg]),
+ exit(reason)
+ end.
+%%%%%%%%% Code replacement %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+version() ->
+ io:format("This is version 1").