This is a bunch of scripts to ease the development of Debian packages with git:

 - git-import-dsc: import an existing Debian source package into a git repository
      Usage: git-import-dsc dsc-file
   This will import the upstream source onto the upstream branch and add the Debian
   paches on the master branch

 - git-import-orig: import a new upstream version into the repository

 - git-debuild: build a package out of a git repository, check for local
   modifications and tag appropriately
      Usage: git-debuild [--git-ignore-new] [-git-tag]
         --git-ignore-new: ignore uncommited changes
	 --git-tag: tag after building (version number is fetched from the changelog)

To import new upstream sources  a pached tla-load-dirs is required. A prebuild
version can be found here:
    deb http://honk.sigxcpu.org/linux-ppc/debian/ git-buildpackage/
It has this patch applied: