path: root/gbp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* add --git-overlay optionأحمد المحمودي2009-07-29
* make tar_toplevel saferأحمد المحمودي2009-07-29
* + is a valid character in version numbersGuido Günther2009-07-03
* fix one digit version numbersGuido Günther2009-06-13
* add filter-pristine-tarMehdi Dogguy2009-06-13
* allow for uppercase characters in the version patternGuido Günther2009-06-11
* add get_author_emailGuido Günther2009-05-02
* add commit argument for GitTagGuido Günther2009-05-02
* pass --pretty=medium to git showGuido Günther2009-05-02
* restore default signal handlers before subprocess.callGuido Günther2009-04-24
* fix missing argument in error messageGuido Günther2009-04-24
* add postbuild hookGuido Günther2009-04-04
* add get_archGuido Günther2009-04-04
* store version without epochGuido Günther2009-04-04
* Skip all comments before looking for clean_msgGuido Günther2009-03-05
* be less strict on the spelling of boolen config file optionsGuido Günther2009-02-27
* add --git-no-ignore-newGuido Günther2009-02-26
* make --[no-]full a config file optionGuido Günther2009-02-26
* simplify boolean option handlingGuido Günther2009-02-26
* make --export a config file optionGuido Günther2009-02-26
* Pass "-d" to debuild when run as cleaner.Guido Günther2009-02-26
* add GitRepository.rev_parseGuido Günther2009-02-19
* handle dpkg-parsechangelog errorsGuido Günther2009-01-23
* add --no-git-authorGuido Günther2008-12-29
* Use name and email from gitRobie Basak2008-12-29
* add --no-sign-tagsGuido Günther2008-12-28
* add support for --foo and --no-foo optionsGuido Günther2008-12-28
* add GitRepository.is_empty and create_repo helpersGuido Günther2008-11-22
* rename GitInitDB to GitInitGuido Günther2008-11-22
* move common help messages into config.pyGuido Günther2008-11-15
* add GbpNothingImported exceptionGuido Günther2008-10-31
* add set_branch() to switch branchesGuido Günther2008-10-31
* allow for another config file $REPO/debian/gbp.confGuido Günther2008-10-22
* silence parse_dsc and move sanity checks into DscFileGuido Guenther2008-10-02
* remove superflous printoutGuido Guenther2008-10-02
* adjust is_clean for git 1.6Guido Guenther2008-09-26
* make indentation more consistentGuido Guenther2008-09-26
* add find_tag(branch)Guido Guenther2008-09-22
* move replace_source_tree into GitRepositoryGuido Guenther2008-09-22
* Don't honor .gitignore during replace_source_treeGuido Guenther2008-09-22
* fix commit order of GitRepository.commits()Guido Guenther2008-08-30
* allow setting the bug-closing meta tag to look forGuido Guenther2008-08-15
* detect flat tar archives in git-import-dsc tooGuido Guenther2008-08-12
* add epoch parsing to DscFileGuido Guenther2008-08-01
* split git-log options into a listGuido Guenther2008-07-21
* always symlink orig.tar.gz from tarball dirGuido Guenther2008-07-21
* add GbpOptionGroupGuido Guenther2008-07-17
* add GbpOptionParser.get_defaults()Guido Guenther2008-07-17
* command_wrappers.py: add a GitMerge wrapper class.Adeodato Simó2008-06-24
* make no-dch configurable via gbp.confGuido Guenther2008-06-20