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authorArun Mani J <j.arunmani@proton.me>2024-04-06 14:34:03 +0530
committerGuido Günther <agx@sigxcpu.org>2024-04-10 08:39:38 +0200
commitcc3afeceaa6c39240b621d7e00ad45519315b861 (patch)
parent6799c0a64ca00335ef4bbd5e38ef52e0878a01f4 (diff)
posts: Custom plugins development
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+authors = ["Arun Mani J"]
+title = "Build Your Own Quick-Setting or Lock-Screen Widget"
+date = "2024-04-10T08:39:22+02:00"
+tags = [ "development", "lock-screen", "phosh", "plugins", "quick-settings" ]
+images = ["posts/custom-plugins-dev/custom-plugins.png"]
+{{< image name="custom-plugins.png" title="Custom plugins in Phosh" >}}
+Phosh has support for plugins which can be used to customize and extend certain
+aspects as per your liking without touching the internal source code.
+Currently Phosh supports plugins for lock-screen and quick-settings. Lock-screen
+plugins appear when your phone is in locked state. Plugins here can be used to
+show information that doesn't need one to unlock the screen. Examples include
+emergency information, upcoming events etc.
+Quick-setting plugins are found in the quick-settings box (the one where Wi-Fi,
+Bluetooth etc. can be toggled) when you drag the top-panel. Plugins here can be
+used to toggle an action like activate caffeine mode.
+Read on to learn how to create a plugin and use it.
+## Plugins, Extensions - What is What?
+People usually confuse between these two words. For our usecase, an extension is
+a user interface element that extends the functionality of something. A plugin
+is a collection of extensions, like a package.
+As an example, suppose we have a plugin to monitor heart-beats, then it can
+provide two extensions - a quick-setting to enable and disable the tracker and a
+lock-screen extension to show the analytics collected so far.
+## Prerequisites
+Phosh plugins are usually written in C[^1] and are similar to typical
+[Gtk](https://gtk.org) widgets. It means you should be familiar with C, Gtk and
+[GLib](https://docs.gtk.org/glib/) based libraries.
+You can read our [Development Guide - Getting
+for more information. Especially the [Running
+section as it is highly useful to test your plugins.
+## Getting Started
+With the requirements set, let us see how to develop a plugin.
+{{< notice note >}}
+In this guide we will walk you through how to develop an _in-tree_ plugin. That
+is, a plugin that is shipped alongside Phosh. You can also use `phosh-plugin.h`
+(can be located via `pkg-config --cflags --libs phosh-plugins`) to develop plugins
+without cloning Phosh repository.
+{{< /notice >}}
+First you should clone the [Phosh](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh)
+repository and get it
+Phosh comes with a sample quick-setting plugin to give an overview of what your
+plugin should contain. Head over to
+directory and copy it to a new name under the `plugins/` directory.
+{{< notice note >}}
+If you want to create a plugin for lock-screen or both, the steps are more or
+less the same.
+{{< /notice >}}
+For example, if you are creating a new quick-setting plugin named `heart-beat-monitor`,
+then you should have copied `plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting` to
+Next, you should rename all occurrences of `simple-custom-quick-setting` (and
+variations) with your plugin's name in the files inside `plugins/heart-beat-monitor`.
+## Plugin Files
+Let's have a short look at what each file in your plugin does.
+1. [`meson.build`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting/meson.build?ref_type=heads)
+ - It is a [Meson](https://mesonbuild.com) build file.
+ - If your plugin has an external dependency apart from what Phosh uses, then
+ you should set it here.
+2. [`simple-custom-quick-setting.desktop.in.in`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting/simple-custom-quick-setting.desktop.in.in?ref_type=heads)
+ - This file provides the metadata of your plugin.
+ - You should replace `Name` and `Comment` keys with your plugin details.
+ - The `Types` key describes what extensions the plugin supports. Example
+ values are `lock-screen;`, `quick-setting;`, `lock-screen;quick-setting;`.
+3. [`qs.ui`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting/qs.ui?ref_type=heads)
+ - It is a
+ [UI](https://docs.gtk.org/gtk3/class.Builder.html#gtkbuilder-ui-definitions-builder-ui)
+ file.
+ - For a lock-screen extension, it can be any valid Gtk widget.
+ - However, quick-settings should stick to the structure and modify only the
+ properties available.
+4. [`phosh-plugin-simple-custom-quick-setting.gresources.xml`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting/phosh-plugin-simple-custom-quick-setting.gresources.xml?ref_type=heads)
+ - This file lists the
+ [resources](https://docs.gtk.org/gio/struct.Resource.html) used by your
+ plugin.
+ - One obvious resource is the UI file described above.
+ - If your plugin needs other resources like icons, CSS files etc. then it
+ should be described here.
+5. [`phosh-plugin-simple-custom-quick-setting.c`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting/phosh-plugin-simple-custom-quick-setting.c?ref_type=heads)
+ - This is the entry file used to describe the plugin to the loading mechanisms.
+ - You should include your plugin headers.
+ - Change the extension point to match what extensions your plugin provides.
+6. [`simple-custom-quick-setting.h`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting/simple-custom-quick-setting.h?ref_type=heads)
+7. [`simple-custom-quick-setting.c`](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/blob/main/plugins/simple-custom-quick-setting/simple-custom-quick-setting.c?ref_type=heads)
+ - The above two files form the core of your plugin.
+ - Just like the UI file, if you are making a lock-screen extension, then it
+ can be any Gtk widget.
+ - For quick-settings, it should stick to the available properties.
+The above description can be confusing or vague. Worry not, have a look at the
+source code of other plugins. It should give you an idea of what to replace,
+what to modify etc. If you still have doubts, feel free to reach us using
+If you have followed the above steps, then a quick-settings plugin for heart-beat monitoring
+would have its `on_clicked` method like the below code.
+static void
+on_clicked (PhoshHeartBeatMonitor *self)
+ gboolean active = phosh_quick_setting_get_active (PHOSH_QUICK_SETTING (self));
+ if (active) {
+ phosh_status_icon_set_icon_name (self->info, "action-unavailable-symbolic");
+ phosh_status_icon_set_info (self->info, _("Heart Beat Monitor Inactive"));
+ /* Inform the sensor to pause monitoring… */
+ } else {
+ phosh_status_icon_set_icon_name (self->info, "emblem-favorite-symbolic");
+ phosh_status_icon_set_info (self->info, _("Heart Beat Monitor Active"));
+ /* Inform the sensor to start monitoring… */
+ }
+ phosh_quick_setting_set_active (PHOSH_QUICK_SETTING (self), !active);
+## Testing
+### Standalone Testing
+In a standalone testing, you only load the set of extensions. It is useful for a
+quick testing if your plugin doesn't need Phosh to be running.
+1. Enable tools support.
+$ meson configure _build -Dtools=true
+2. Compile Phosh and plugins.
+$ meson compile -C _build
+3. Load the extensions.
+# For lock-screen extensions
+$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="phosh-plugin-heart-beat-monitor" _build/tools/run_tool _build/tools/widget-box
+# For quick-settings extensions
+$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="phosh-plugin-heart-beat-monitor" _build/tools/run_tool _build/tools/custom-quick-settings
+Now a window should pop-up where you can test your plugin.
+{{< image name="heart-beat-monitor-in-standalone.png" title="Heart Beat Monitor plugin loaded for standalone testing" >}}
+`G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=phosh-plugin-heart-beat-monitor` shows you the debug messages
+logged by your plugin named `heart-beat-monitor`.
+### Testing with Phosh
+You should be able to test your plugin _locally_ without having to mess up your
+system configuration. In the following, we locally install Phosh, set the
+plugins and then run Phosh.
+1. Change the [installation
+ prefix](https://mesonbuild.com/Builtin-options.html).
+$ meson configure _build -Dprefix="/home/user/phosh/install/"
+This asks Meson to use `/home/user/phosh/install/` as the directory to install
+Phosh. Feel free to replace it with any absolute path you like.
+2. Compile and install Phosh and the plugins.
+$ meson compile -C _build
+$ meson install -C _build
+3. Set the plugin as enabled.
+$ GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=_build/data \
+ gsettings set sm.puri.phosh.plugins quick-settings "['heart-beat-monitor']"
+We ask GSettings to enable the quick-settings plugin named `heart-beat-monitor`.
+Actually, we are setting `heart-beat-monitor` as the only enabled
+quick-settings. It should simplify the testing by loading only your plugin.
+For lock-screen extensions use the `lock-screen` key.
+`GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=_build/data` asks GSettings to load the schema from
+`_build/data` directory.
+`GSETTINGS_BACKEND=keyfile` saves the value to
+`$HOME/.config/glib-2.0/settings/keyfile` instead of messing up system settings.
+4. Run Phosh.
+$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=phosh-plugin-heart-beat-monitor \
+ GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=_build/data \
+ phoc -C /usr/share/phosh/phoc.ini \
+ -E "PREFIXDIR/libexec/phosh -U"
+You might have to replace `phoc -C /usr/share/phosh/phoc.ini` with your local
+Phoc executable and configuration.
+`G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=phosh-plugin-heart-beat-monitor` shows you the debug messages logged by
+your plugin named `heart-beat-monitor`.
+Change `PREFIXDIR` to the prefix you set in step 1.
+Now Phosh should be launched where you can test your plugin.
+{{< image name="heart-beat-monitor-in-phosh.png" title="Heart Beat Monitor plugin loaded in Phosh" >}}
+## Preferences
+Plugins can have preferences which show up in [Phosh Mobile
+Settings](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh-mobile-settings). This has
+two benefits. As a plugin developer, you need not worry about making preferences
+UI part of any extension (like where to place the settings button, should
+preferences be a pop-up or separate application etc.). For a user, they have a
+unified, standard portal to browse and configure all their plugins.
+To keep the article concise, we have decided to explain more about preferences
+in a future article. But for the curious, have a look at
+to get an idea of how to create preferences for your plugin.
+Similar to how we test plugins, you can test plugins using `plugin-prefs`.
+$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="phosh-plugin-prefs-ticket-box" _build/tools/run_tool _build/tools/plugin-prefs
+This should launch a standalone that can be used to test Ticket Box plugin.
+{{< image name="plugin-prefs.png" title="Phosh plugin preferences" >}}
+## Wrapping Up
+Once your plugin is ready, you can package it and distribute it. If the plugin
+is for general users, then you can open up a [merge
+request](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/merge_requests) to make it
+part of Phosh itself.
+## Footnotes
+ Technically speaking, you can write it in any language as long as you can
+ compile to a form loadable by [GModule](https://docs.gtk.org/gmodule/).
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