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+ <div class="slides">
+ <h1 class="title">Debian Pakete in Git entwickeln</h1>
+ <h2 class="author">Guido Günther <script type="text/javascript">
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+ <h3 class="date"></h3>
+<section id="warum" class="slide level1">
+<li>Mehrere Branches: experimental, sid, stable, backports</li>
+<li>Arbeit im Team</li>
+<section id="warum-ii" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Warum II</h1>
+<p>Erleichterung wiederkehrender Aufgaben</p>
+<li>Bestehendes Debian Paket importieren - um mal schnell was zu ändern</li>
+<li>ändern, bauen, testen, ändern, bauen, testen, ändern, ...</li>
+<li>Neue Upstream Version importieren</li>
+<li>debian/changelog schreiben</li>
+<li>Patches hinzufügen, aktualisieren, entfernen</li>
+<section id="die-werkzeuge" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Die Werkzeuge</h1>
+<li>cowdancer aka cowbuilder</li>
+<aside class="notes">
+gbp benutzt jede Menge andere Tools: dpkg-buildpackage, debuild, cowbuilder, ...
+<section id="gbp-supercommand" class="slide level1">
+<h1>gbp supercommand</h1>
+<li>buildpackage - Bauen von Paketen</li>
+<li>import-orig - Upstream Tarball importieren</li>
+<li>import-dsc - Debian Paket importieren</li>
+<li>config - gbp Konfiguration anzeigen</li>
+<aside class="notes">
+Die wichtigsten Tools
+<section id="gbp-supercommand-ii" class="slide level1">
+<h1>gbp supercommand II</h1>
+<li>dch - Changelog generieren</li>
+<li>pq - Patches managen</li>
+<li>import-dscs - mehrere Versionen importieren</li>
+<aside class="notes">
+Sollte man kennen, erleichtern das Leben
+<section id="gbp-supercommand-iii" class="slide level1">
+<h1>gbp supercommand III</h1>
+<li>clone - Git Repository clonen</li>
+<li>pull - Git Repository aktualsieren</li>
+<li><p>create-remote-repo - Remote repository erzeugen</p></li>
+<aside class="notes">
+<li>Eher selten</li>
+<li>RPM support</li>
+<section id="layout" class="slide level1">
+<img src="branches.png" alt="Gbp Branches" /><figcaption>Gbp Branches</figcaption>
+<aside class="notes">
+<li>Packaging Branch, Uptream Branch, Tags</li>
+<section id="layout-1" class="slide level1">
+<li>Packaging Branch - pro Debian Release</li>
+<li>Upstream Branch</li>
+<li>pristine-tar Branch - ein mal pro Repository</li>
+<img src="pristine_tar.png" alt="pristine-tar" /><figcaption>pristine-tar</figcaption>
+<section id="vorbereitungen" class="slide level1">
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="konfiguration">Konfiguration</h2>
+<pre><code>cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt; ~/.gbp.conf
+sign-tags = True
+keyid = 0xB999CDB58C8DDBD2
+pristine-tar = True
+postbuild = lintian $GBP_CHANGES_FILE
+cleaner = /bin/true
+pbuilder = True
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="konfiguration-ii">Konfiguration II</h2>
+<li>Im Repsitory
+<li><p>Anzeigen mit</p>
+<pre><code>gbp config &lt;command&gt;</code></pre></li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="chroots-erstellen">Chroots erstellen</h2>
+<pre><code>git-pbuilder create
+DIST=wheezy git-pbuilder create
+DIST=wheezy-backports git-pbuilder create</code></pre>
+<section id="wie-anfangen" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Wie anfangen?</h1>
+<h2 id="mit-bestehendem-paket">Mit bestehendem Paket</h2>
+<pre><code>gbp import-dsc python-dateutil_1.4.3-2.dsc
+gbp import-dsc --download http://.../python-dateutil_1.4.3-2.dsc
+gbp import-dsc --download python-dateutil</code></pre>
+<section id="debian-paket-bauen" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Debian Paket bauen</h1>
+<pre><code>gbp buildpackge [--git-ignore-new]</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="der-ablauf">Der Ablauf</h2>
+<li>Repository aufräumen</li>
+<li>Orig Tarball erstellen (von Tag)</li>
+<li>Builder aufrufen</li>
+<li>Hooks aufrufen</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<img src="gbp-buildpackage.png" alt="gbp buildpackage" /><figcaption>gbp buildpackage</figcaption>
+<section id="neue-upstream-version-importieren" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Neue Upstream Version importieren</h1>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="aus-tarball">Aus Tarball</h2>
+<pre><code>gbp import-orig python-dateutil_1.4.3.orig.tar.gz
+gbp import-orig --uscan</code></pre>
+<section id="upstream-benutzt-git" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Upstream benutzt Git</h1>
+<li><p>Debian Branch erstellen</p>
+<pre><code>gbp checkout -b debian/sid</code></pre></li>
+<li><p>Konfiguration anpassen</p>
+debian-branch = debian/sid
+upstream-tag = v%(version)s
+upstream-branch = master</code></pre></li>
+<li><code>gbp import-orig</code> entfällt</li>
+<li><p>sonst alles beim alten</p></li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="neue-upstream-version-paketieren">Neue Upstream Version paketieren</h2>
+<pre><code> gbp checkout debian/sid
+ git merge v1.0.0
+ gbp dch --snapshot --auto
+ gbp buildpackage --git-pristinte-tar-commit</code></pre>
+<section id="changelogs" class="slide level1">
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="commit-message">Commit Message</h2>
+<pre><code>commit a629df279795cd703b1815f3363541256ddbab6a
+Author: Guido Günther &lt;;
+Date: Sat May 10 10:48:41 2014 +0200
+ Set safer env vars
+ We can&#39;t expect to have a $HOME and we don&#39;t want to default to anything
+ than the test driver.
+ Closes: #734975, #738383</code></pre>
+<h2 id="debianchangelog">debian/changelog</h2>
+<pre><code>* [a629df2] Set safer env vars. We can&#39;t expect to have a $HOME and we don&#39;t
+ want to default to anything than the test driver.
+ (Closes: #734975, #738383)</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="konfiguration-1">Konfiguration</h2>
+<pre><code>cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt;&gt; ~/.gbp.conf
+meta = True
+id-length = 7
+full = True
+git-author = True
+multimaint-merge = True
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="changlogs-erstellen">Changlogs erstellen</h2>
+<pre><code>gbp dch --snapshot --auto
+gbp dch --release --auto</code></pre>
+<section id="patches" class="slide level1">
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="das-konzept">Das Konzept</h2>
+<li>Debian Source Format 3.0 (quilt)
+<li>hat Patches in debian/patches</li>
+<li><p>werden während des Builds angewendet</p>
+<pre><code>cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt;&gt; debian/source/local-options
+<li>&quot;<code>gbp pq import</code>&quot; importiert diese in Git Branch</li>
+<li>&quot;<code>gbp pq export</code>&quot; exportiert diese wieder</li>
+<aside class="notes">
+<li>Am Beispiel von libvirt vorführen</li>
+<li>gbp pq apply --topic=foo <patch></li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h3 id="vorteile">Vorteile</h3>
+<li>orientiert sich stark an der Arbeit mit Quilt</li>
+<li>patches leicht an Upstream mailbar</li>
+<li>Upstream Sourcen immer unmodifiziert</li>
+<li>Patches leicht kategorisierbar (Gbp-Pq: Topic topic)</li>
+<h3 id="nachteile">Nachteile</h3>
+<li>Upstream kann nicht einfach cherry-picken</li>
+<li>Bei Merges muss man PQ selber pflegen</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="konfiguration-2">Konfiguration</h2>
+<pre><code>cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt;&gt; ~/.gbp.conf
+patch-numbers = False
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="alternativen">Alternativen</h2>
+<li><p>Gepatchter Packaging Branch</p>
+<pre><code>cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt;&gt; debian/source/local-options
+cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt;&gt; debian/.gitignore
+<li>dpkg-source packt alle Änderungen zum Upsteam-Tarball in <code>debian/patches/debian-changes</code></li>
+<li><p>Alternative Tools: git-dpm, TopGit, TNT</p></li>
+<section id="bestehende-historie-importieren" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Bestehende Historie importieren</h1>
+<pre><code>gbp import-dscs --debsnap python-libvirt
+gbp import-dscs path/to/*.dsc</code></pre>
+<section id="debugging" class="slide level1">
+<li>alle Log-Meldungen von gbp beginnen mit 'gbp:'</li>
+<li>gbp config im Repository ausführen</li>
+<li>gbp <command> --help</li>
+<section id="weitere-tools" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Weitere Tools</h1>
+<img src="popcon-vc-build-tools.png" alt="Popcon VC build tools" /><figcaption>Popcon VC build tools</figcaption>
+<section id="fragen-kommentare" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Fragen? Kommentare?</h1>
+<li>Website: <a href=""></a></li>
+<li>Manual: <a href=""></a></li>
+<li>Mailing Liste: <a href=""></a></li>
+<li><a href=""></a></li>
+<li><a href=""></a></li>
+<li><a href=""></a></li>
+ </div>
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