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authorGuido Günther <>2016-05-10 17:20:10 +0200
committerGuido Günther <>2016-05-10 17:20:10 +0200
commit7910e2910daa33af41cef729dcf2408a106473de (patch)
parent54ba43b15f6875e1d65ebed772c5dd678bb4752c (diff)
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+ <h1 class="title">Wissenswertes über Erlang</h1>
+ <h2 class="author">Guido Günther</h2>
+ <h3 class="date">2016-05-09</h3>
+<section id="who-am-i" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Who am I</h1>
+<li>Free Software Hacker (Freelancing Software Developer)</li>
+<li>Debian Developer since 2000</li>
+<li>Contributed to libvirt-*, X11, Linux Kernel, GNOME, Calypso, …</li>
+<li>FSFE Fellow and GNOME Foundation member</li>
+<li>Rather new to Erlang</li>
+<section id="erl-what" class="slide level1">
+<li>Developed at Ericsson in 1986</li>
+<li>Open sourced 1998</li>
+<li>Ericsson Language or Agner Krarup Erlang?</li>
+<li><p>For telephone systems</p></li>
+<li>Functional, concurrent programming language</li>
+<li>Garbage collected runtime system</li>
+<section id="erlang-features" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Erlang, Features</h1>
+<li>Fault tolerant</li>
+<li>Hot code replacements</li>
+<li>highly available - 12 years of uptime - nine 9s (30 ms / a)</li>
+<section id="projects" class="slide level1">
+<li>ejabberd, Riak, CouchDB, RabbitMQ</li>
+<li>WhatsApp, GitHub, Facebook, …</li>
+<section id="you-lack-style---no-state" class="slide level1">
+<h1>You lack style - no, state!</h1>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="functional-language">Functional language</h2>
+<p>f(x) = y</p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>i = i + 3</p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p><del>i = i + 3</del></p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>for (int i=0; i &lt; 3; i++) do_something(i);</p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p><del>for (int i=0; i &lt; 3; i++) do_something(i);</del></p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>1&gt; A=3.
+2&gt; A=4.
+** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="no-means-no">No means No</h2>
+<li>No imperative programming</li>
+<li>No global variables and state</li>
+<li>No pointers</li>
+<li>No variable reassignments</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<li>Yes, Higher Order Functions</li>
+<li>Yes, Pattern Matching</li>
+<li>Yes, Code Reloads</li>
+<li>Yes, Lots of independent Processes</li>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="recursion-to-the-rescue">Recursion to the Rescue</h2>
+<pre><code>loop(X) -&gt; loop(X, 0).
+loop(X=0, Sum) -&gt; Sum;
+loop(X, Sum) -&gt; loop(X-1, Sum+X).</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="recursion-in-detail">Recursion in Detail</h2>
+<pre><code>loop(3) -&gt; loop(3, 0)
+loop(3,0) -&gt; loop(3-1, 0+3)
+loop(2,3) -&gt; loop(2-1, 3+2)
+loop(1,5) -&gt; loop(1-1, 5+1)
+loop(0,6) -&gt; 6
+3 + 2 + 1 = 6</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="head-to-wall-tail">Head to <del>Wall</del> Tail</h2>
+<pre><code>A = [this, is, a, list].
+[H|T] = A.</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>rev(L) -&gt; rev(L, []).
+rev([], N) -&gt; N;
+rev([H|T], N) -&gt; rev(T, [H] ++ N).</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>rev([a,b,c,d]) -&gt; rev([a,b,c,d], [])
+rev([a|[b,c,d]], []) -&gt; rev([b,c,d], [a] ++ [])
+rev([b|[c,d]], [a]) -&gt; rev([c,d], [b] ++ [a])
+rev([c|[d]], [b,a]) -&gt; rev([d], [c] ++ [b,a])
+rev([d|[], [c,b,a]) -&gt; rev([], [d] ++ [c,b,a])
+rev([], [d,c,b,a]) -&gt; [d,c,b,a]</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="more-pattern-matching">More pattern matching</h2>
+<pre><code>A = {this, is, a, tuple}.
+{_, _, _, B} = A.</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>&gt; B.
+&gt; _.
+* 1: variable &#39;_&#39; is unbound</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h3 id="fun-with-funs">Fun with Funs</h3>
+<pre><code>F = fun (X) -&gt; X*X end.
+&gt; F(3).
+&gt; F(ok).</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>&gt; F(3).
+&gt; F(ok).
+** exception error: an error occurred when evaluating an arithmetic expression
+ in operator */2
+ called as ok * ok</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="success-typing">Success, Typing!</h2>
+<pre><code>-spec foobar(atom()) -&gt; [atom()].
+foobar(App) -&gt; …</code></pre>
+<section id="processes-which-processes" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Processes, which Processes</h1>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="spawning-a-process">Spawning a process</h2>
+<pre><code>F = fun(X) -&gt; io:format(&quot;~p~n&quot;, [X]) end.
+times(X, Args, C) -&gt; ...
+spawn(l, times, [F, &quot;I&#39;m a process&quot;, 3]).</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>spawn(l, times, [F, &quot;I&#39;m a process&quot;, 3]),
+spawn(l, times, [F, &quot;I&#39;m a process too&quot;, 3]).</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="concurrency-for-free">Concurrency for free!</h2>
+<pre><code>&quot;I&#39;m a process&quot;
+&quot;I&#39;m a process too&quot;
+&quot;I&#39;m a process&quot;
+&quot;I&#39;m a process too&quot;
+&quot;I&#39;m a process&quot;
+&quot;I&#39;m a process too&quot;</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="shared-nothing">Share(d) nothing</h2>
+<pre><code>start_pong(Pid) -&gt; …
+pong(Pid) -&gt; …
+&gt; P = l:start_pong(self()).
+&gt; P ! { ping, &quot;foo&quot; }.
+&gt; P ! giveup.</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>&gt; R = fun () -&gt; receive M -&gt; M end end.</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>&gt; R().
+&gt; R().
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="let-it-crash">Let it crash</h2>
+<pre><code>2&gt; P ! {ping, 3}.
+=ERROR REPORT==== 8-May-2016::15:13:30 ===
+Error in process &lt;0.34.0&gt; with exit value:
+{badarg,[{io,format,[&lt;0.25.0&gt;,&quot;pong: Received ping &#39;~s&#39;~n&quot;,[3]],[]},
+ {l,pong,1,[{file,&quot;l.erl&quot;},{line,57}]}]}</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<pre><code>2&gt; P ! whatever
+Unknwown message asfasdf, giving up</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="linking-processes">Linking processes</h2>
+<pre><code>&gt; process_flag(trap_exit, true).
+&gt; P = l:start_pong2(self()).
+3&gt; P ! sadfsadf.
+Unknwown message sadfsadf, giving upsadfsadf
+4&gt; receive X -&gt; X end.
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="distributed-nodes">Distributed nodes</h2>
+<pre><code>$ erl -sname ping
+$ erl -sname pong
+<section class="slide level1">
+<p>On pong</p>
+<pre><code>&gt; P = l:start_pong3().</code></pre>
+<p>On ping</p>
+<pre><code>&gt; {pong, pong@bogon} ! {ping, &quot;hello&quot;, self()}.
+&gt; {pong, pong@bogon} ! {ping, &quot;hello&quot;, self()}.
+&gt; receive X -&gt; X end.
+<section class="slide level1">
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="hot-code-replacements">Hot code replacements</h2>
+<pre><code>version() -&gt; …
+<section id="otp" class="slide level1">
+<p>Open Telecommunication Platform</p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="batteries-inclued">Batteries inclued</h2>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="behaviours">Behaviours</h2>
+<section id="debugging" class="slide level1">
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="tracing-processes-messges">Tracing Processes, Messges, …</h2>
+<pre><code>erl -sname observer -hidden -run observer</code></pre>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="tracing-functions">Tracing functions</h2>
+% trace messages (m)
+dbg:p(pong, m). </code></pre>
+<section id="the-greater-erlang-universe" class="slide level1">
+<h1>The greater Erlang Universe</h1>
+<li>REST: <a href="">Webmachine</a></li>
+<li>JSON: <a href="">jiffy</a></li>
+<li>YAML: <a href="">p1_yaml</a></li>
+<li>Build, run, test: <a href="">Rebar3</a></li>
+<li>… your favorite erlang app goes here …</li>
+<section id="extending-erlang" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Extending Erlang</h1>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="nifs---gesundheit">NIFs - Gesundheit!</h2>
+<p>Native Implemented Functions</p>
+<section class="slide level1">
+<h2 id="c-nodes">C-Nodes</h2>
+<section id="see-also" class="slide level1">
+<h1>See also</h1>
+<li><a href="">Elixir</a></li>
+<li><a href="">LFE(Lisp flavored Erlang)</a></li>
+<li><a href="">Erlang on Xen</a></li>
+<section id="further-reading" class="slide level1">
+<h1>Further Reading</h1>
+<li><a href="">Learn you some erlang</a> - buy the book!</li>
+<li>On Debian <a href="">/usr/share/doc/erlang-doc</a></li>
+<li>Everywhere else:</li>
+<section id="questions" class="slide level1">
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